28 research outputs found

    ntLink: a toolkit for de novo genome assembly scaffolding and mapping using long reads

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    With the increasing affordability and accessibility of genome sequencing data, de novo genome assembly is an important first step to a wide variety of downstream studies and analyses. Therefore, bioinformatics tools that enable the generation of high-quality genome assemblies in a computationally efficient manner are essential. Recent developments in long-read sequencing technologies have greatly benefited genome assembly work, including scaffolding, by providing long-range evidence that can aid in resolving the challenging repetitive regions of complex genomes. ntLink is a flexible and resource-efficient genome scaffolding tool that utilizes long-read sequencing data to improve upon draft genome assemblies built from any sequencing technologies, including the same long reads. Instead of using read alignments to identify candidate joins, ntLink utilizes minimizer-based mappings to infer how input sequences should be ordered and oriented into scaffolds. Recent improvements to ntLink have added important features such as overlap detection, gap-filling and in-code scaffolding iterations. Here, we present three basic protocols demonstrating how to use each of these new features to yield highly contiguous genome assemblies, while still maintaining ntLink's proven computational efficiency. Further, as we illustrate in the alternate protocols, the lightweight minimizer-based mappings that enable ntLink scaffolding can also be utilized for other downstream applications, such as misassembly detection. With its modularity and multiple modes of execution, ntLink has broad benefit to the genomics community, from genome scaffolding and beyond. ntLink is an open-source project and is freely available from https://github.com/bcgsc/ntLink.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    bcgsc/mtGrasp: mtGrasp v1.1.0

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    <ul> <li>Introduced the "-mp" option to enable non-conda users to specify the path to MITOS's main script "runmitos.py".</li> <li>Implemented a test case ("-test"), this allows users to test run mtGrasp and ensure all required dependencies are installed.</li> </ul&gt

    New perspectives on leadership in ELT

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    bcgsc/goldrush: 1.1.0

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    Utilize the deterministic version of GoldPolish to generate polished goldtigs Require v1.6.2 of btlli

    ARKS: chromosome-scale scaffolding of human genome drafts with linked read kmers

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    Abstract Background The long-range sequencing information captured by linked reads, such as those available from 10× Genomics (10xG), helps resolve genome sequence repeats, and yields accurate and contiguous draft genome assemblies. We introduce ARKS, an alignment-free linked read genome scaffolding methodology that uses linked reads to organize genome assemblies further into contiguous drafts. Our approach departs from other read alignment-dependent linked read scaffolders, including our own (ARCS), and uses a kmer-based mapping approach. The kmer mapping strategy has several advantages over read alignment methods, including better usability and faster processing, as it precludes the need for input sequence formatting and draft sequence assembly indexing. The reliance on kmers instead of read alignments for pairing sequences relaxes the workflow requirements, and drastically reduces the run time. Results Here, we show how linked reads, when used in conjunction with Hi-C data for scaffolding, improve a draft human genome assembly of PacBio long-read data five-fold (baseline vs. ARKS NG50 = 4.6 vs. 23.1 Mbp, respectively). We also demonstrate how the method provides further improvements of a megabase-scale Supernova human genome assembly (NG50 = 14.74 Mbp vs. 25.94 Mbp before and after ARKS), which itself exclusively uses linked read data for assembly, with an execution speed six to nine times faster than competitive linked read scaffolders (~ 10.5 h compared to 75.7 h, on average). Following ARKS scaffolding of a human genome 10xG Supernova assembly (of cell line NA12878), fewer than 9 scaffolds cover each chromosome, except the largest (chromosome 1, n = 13). Conclusions ARKS uses a kmer mapping strategy instead of linked read alignments to record and associate the barcode information needed to order and orient draft assembly sequences. The simplified workflow, when compared to that of our initial implementation, ARCS, markedly improves run time performances on experimental human genome datasets. Furthermore, the novel distance estimator in ARKS utilizes barcoding information from linked reads to estimate gap sizes. It accomplishes this by modeling the relationship between known distances of a region within contigs and calculating associated Jaccard indices. ARKS has the potential to provide correct, chromosome-scale genome assemblies, promptly. We expect ARKS to have broad utility in helping refine draft genomes

    RResolver: efficient short-read repeat resolution within ABySS

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    Background De novo genome assembly is essential to modern genomics studies. As it is not biased by a reference, it is also a useful method for studying genomes with high variation, such as cancer genomes. De novo short-read assemblers commonly use de Bruijn graphs, where nodes are sequences of equal length k, also known as k-mers. Edges in this graph are established between nodes that overlap by k1k - 1 k - 1 bases, and nodes along unambiguous walks in the graph are subsequently merged. The selection of k is influenced by multiple factors, and optimizing this value results in a trade-off between graph connectivity and sequence contiguity. Ideally, multiple k sizes should be used, so lower values can provide good connectivity in lesser covered regions and higher values can increase contiguity in well-covered regions. However, current approaches that use multiple k values do not address the scalability issues inherent to the assembly of large genomes. Results Here we present RResolver, a scalable algorithm that takes a short-read de Bruijn graph assembly with a starting k as input and uses a k value closer to that of the read length to resolve repeats. RResolver builds a Bloom filter of sequencing reads which is used to evaluate the assembly graph path support at branching points and removes paths with insufficient support. RResolver runs efficiently, taking only 26 min on average for an ABySS human assembly with 48 threads and 60 GiB memory. Across all experiments, compared to a baseline assembly, RResolver improves scaffold contiguity (NGA50) by up to 15% and reduces misassemblies by up to 12%. Conclusions RResolver adds a missing component to scalable de Bruijn graph genome assembly. By improving the initial and fundamental graph traversal outcome, all downstream ABySS algorithms greatly benefit by working with a more accurate and less complex representation of the genome. The RResolver code is integrated into ABySS and is available at https://github.com/bcgsc/abyss/tree/master/RResolver .Medicine, Faculty ofOther UBCMedical Genetics, Department ofReviewedFacultyResearche

    Additional file 1: of ARKS: chromosome-scale scaffolding of human genome drafts with linked read kmers

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    Table S1. Genomic data sources. Table S2. Summary of 10× Genomics Chromium datasets used for assemblies and scaffolding. Table S3. Summary of draft assemblies used for scaffolding with linked reads. Table S4. Contiguity and Quast summary of scaffolding a C. elegans Supernova assembly. Table S5. Contiguity and accuracy of scaffolding a Supernova assembly of the NA12878 individual. Table S6. Reconstruction of the human chromosomes in a baseline and ARKS-scaffolded NA12878 Supernova assembly. Table S7. Baseline ABySS NA24143 contig assembly metrics. Table S8. Contiguity and benchmarking analysis of scaffolding ABySS NA24143 contigs with ARKS. Table S9. Wall clock time and peak memory usage for scaffolding the Supernova C. elegans base assembly with ARKS, ARCS, fragScaff and Architect. Table S10. Wall clock time and peak memory usage for scaffolding the Supernova NA12878 draft assembly with ARKS, ARCS, fragScaff and Architect. Table S11. Wall clock time and peak memory usage for scaffolding the NA24143 Falcon+HiRise draft assembly with ARKS. Table S12. Assembly contiguity and breakpoint analysis of ARKS scaffolding of a Pacbio Falcon assembly scaffolded with Hi-C/HiRise. Figure S1. Gap size estimation in ARKS. Figure S2. ARKS gap distance estimation analysis. (PDF 446 kb

    Tigmint: correcting assembly errors using linked reads from large molecules

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    Background: Genome sequencing yields the sequence of many short snippets of DNA (reads) from a genome. Genome assembly attempts to reconstruct the original genome from which these reads were derived. This task is difficult due to gaps and errors in the sequencing data, repetitive sequence in the underlying genome, and heterozygosity. As a result, assembly errors are common. In the absence of a reference genome, these misassemblies may be identified by comparing the sequencing data to the assembly and looking for discrepancies between the two. Once identified, these misassemblies may be corrected, improving the quality of the assembled sequence. Although tools exist to identify and correct misassemblies using Illumina paired-end and mate-pair sequencing, no such tool yet exists that makes use of the long distance information of the large molecules provided by linked reads, such as those offered by the 10x Genomics Chromium platform. We have developed the tool Tigmint to address this gap. Results: To demonstrate the effectiveness of Tigmint, we applied it to assemblies of a human genome using short reads assembled with ABySS 2.0 and other assemblers. Tigmint reduced the number of misassemblies identified by QUAST in the ABySS assembly by 216 (27%). While scaffolding with ARCS alone more than doubled the scaffold NGA50 of the assembly from 3 to 8 Mbp, the combination of Tigmint and ARCS improved the scaffold NGA50 of the assembly over five-fold to 16.4 Mbp. This notable improvement in contiguity highlights the utility of assembly correction in refining assemblies. We demonstrate the utility of Tigmint in correcting the assemblies of multiple tools, as well as in using Chromium reads to correct and scaffold assemblies of long single-molecule sequencing. Conclusions: Scaffolding an assembly that has been corrected with Tigmint yields a final assembly that is both more correct and substantially more contiguous than an assembly that has not been corrected. Using single-molecule sequencing in combination with linked reads enables a genome sequence assembly that achieves both a high sequence contiguity as well as high scaffold contiguity, a feat not currently achievable with either technology alone.Other UBCNon UBCReviewedFacult