2,444 research outputs found

    Late-onset bloodstream infection and perturbed maturation of the gastrointestinal microbiota in premature infants

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    Late-onset bloodstream infection (LO-BSI) is a common complication of prematurity, and lack of timely diagnosis and treatment can have life-threatening consequences. We sought to identify clinical characteristics and microbial signatures in the gastrointestinal microbiota preceding diagnosis of LO-BSI in premature infants.Daily faecal samples and clinical data were collected over two years from 369 premature neonates (<32 weeks gestation). We analysed samples from 22 neonates who developed LO-BSI and 44 matched control infants. Next-generation sequencing of 16S rRNA gene regions amplified by PCR from total faecal DNA was used to characterise the microbiota of faecal samples preceding diagnosis from infants with LO-BSI and controls. Culture of selected samples was undertaken, and bacterial isolates identified using MALDI-TOF. Antibiograms from bloodstream and faecal isolates were compared to explore strain similarity.From the week prior to diagnosis, infants with LO-BSI had higher proportions of faecal aerobes/facultative anaerobes compared to controls. Risk factors for LO-BSI were identified by multivariate analysis. Enterobacteriaceal sepsis was associated with antecedent multiple lines, low birth weight and a faecal microbiota with prominent Enterobacteriaceae. Staphylococcal sepsis was associated with Staphylococcus OTU faecal over-abundance, and the number of days prior to diagnosis of mechanical ventilation and of the presence of centrally-placed lines. In 12 cases, the antibiogram of the bloodstream isolate matched that of a component of the faecal microbiota in the sample collected closest to diagnosis.The gastrointestinal tract is an important reservoir for LO-BSI organisms, pathogens translocating across the epithelial barrier. LO-BSI is associated with an aberrant microbiota, with abundant staphylococci and Enterobacteriaceae and a failure to mature towards predominance of obligate anaerobes

    Directing LRRK2 to membranes of the endolysosomal pathway triggers RAB phosphorylation and JIP4 recruitment

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    Coding mutations in the Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene, which are associated with dominantly inherited Parkinson's disease (PD), lead to an increased activity of the encoded LRRK2 protein kinase. As such, kinase inhibitors are being considered as therapeutic agents for PD. It is therefore of interest to understand the mechanism(s) by which LRRK2 is activated during cellular signaling. Lysosomal membrane damage represents one way of activating LRRK2 and leads to phosphorylation of downstream RAB substrates and recruitment of the motor adaptor protein JIP4. However, it is unclear whether the activation of LRRK2 would be seen at other membranes of the endolysosomal system, where LRRK2 has also shown to be localized, or whether these signaling events can be induced without membrane damage. Here, we use a rapamycin-dependent oligomerization system to direct LRRK2 to various endomembranes including the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, the plasma membrane, recycling, early, and late endosomes. Irrespective of membrane location, the recruitment of LRRK2 to membranes results in local accumulation of phosphorylated RAB10, RAB12, and JIP4. We also show that endogenous RAB29, previously nominated as an activator of LRRK2 based on overexpression, is not required for activation of LRRK2 at the Golgi nor lysosome. We therefore conclude that LRRK2 signaling to RAB10, RAB12, and JIP4 can be activated once LRRK2 is accumulated at any cellular organelle along the endolysosomal pathway

    Influence of shear-thinning blood rheology on the laminar-turbulent transition over a backward facing step

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally and there is an unmet need for effective, safer blood-contacting devices, including valves, stents and artificial hearts. In these, recirculation regions promote thrombosis, triggering mechanical failure, neurological dysfunction and infarctions. Transitional flow over a backward facing step is an idealised model of these flow conditions; the aim was to understand the impact of non-Newtonian blood rheology on modelling this flow. Flow simulations of shear-thinning and Newtonian fluids were compared for Reynolds numbers ( R e ) covering the comprehensive range of laminar, transitional and turbulent flow for the first time. Both unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier&ndash;Stokes ( k &minus; &omega; SST) and Smagorinsky Large Eddy Simulations (LES) were assessed; only LES correctly predicted trends in the recirculation zone length for all R e . Turbulent-transition was assessed by several criteria, revealing a complex picture. Instantaneous turbulent parameters, such as velocity, indicated delayed transition: R e = 1600 versus R e = 2000, for Newtonian and shear-thinning transitions, respectively. Conversely, when using a Re defined on spatially averaged viscosity, the shear-thinning model transitioned below the Newtonian. However, recirculation zone length, a mean flow parameter, did not indicate any difference in the transitional Re between the two. This work shows a shear-thinning rheology can explain the delayed transition for whole blood seen in published experimental data, but this delay is not the full story. The results show that, to accurately model transitional blood flow, and so enable the design of advanced cardiovascular devices, it is essential to incorporate the shear-thinning rheology, and to explicitly model the turbulent eddies

    Hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases

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    Decades of research have identified genetic factors and biochemical pathways involved in neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs). We present evidence for the following eight hallmarks of NDD: pathological protein aggregation, synaptic and neuronal network dysfunction, aberrant proteostasis, cytoskeletal abnormalities, altered energy homeostasis, DNA and RNA defects, inflammation, and neuronal cell death. We describe the hallmarks, their biomarkers, and their interactions as a framework to study NDDs using a holistic approach. The framework can serve as a basis for defining pathogenic mechanisms, categorizing different NDDs based on their primary hallmarks, stratifying patients within a specific NDD, and designing multi-targeted, personalized therapies to effectively halt NDDs

    Whole lifespan microscopic observation of budding yeast aging through a microfluidic dissection platform

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    Important insights into aging have been generated with the genetically tractable and short-lived budding yeast. However, it is still impossible today to continuously track cells by high-resolution microscopic imaging (e.g., fluorescent imaging) throughout their entire lifespan. Instead, the field still needs to rely on a 50-y-old laborious and time-consuming method to assess the lifespan of yeast cells and to isolate differentially aged cells for microscopic snapshots via manual dissection of daughter cells from the larger mother cell. Here, we are unique in achieving continuous and high-resolution microscopic imaging of the entire replicative lifespan of single yeast cells. Our microfluidic dissection platform features an optically prealigned single focal plane and an integrated array of soft elastomer-based micropads, used together to allow for trapping of mother cells, removal of daughter cells, monitoring gradual changes in aging, and unprecedented microscopic imaging of the whole aging process. Using the platform, we found remarkable age-associated changes in phenotypes (e.g., that cells can show strikingly differential cell and vacuole morphologies at the moment of their deaths), indicating substantial heterogeneity in cell aging and death. We envision the microfluidic dissection platform to become a major tool in aging research.

    Lysosomal positioning regulates Rab10 phosphorylation at LRRK2+ lysosomes

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    Genetic variation at the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) locus contributes to an enhanced risk of familial and sporadic Parkinson’s disease. Previous data have demonstrated that recruitment to various membranes of the endolysosomal system results in LRRK2 activation. However, the mechanism(s) underlying LRRK2 activation at endolysosomal membranes and the cellular consequences of these events are still poorly understood. Here, we directed LRRK2 to lysosomes and early endosomes, triggering both LRRK2 autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the direct LRRK2 substrates Rab10 and Rab12. However, when directed to the lysosomal membrane, pRab10 was restricted to perinuclear lysosomes, whereas pRab12 was visualized on both peripheral and perinuclear LRRK2+ lysosomes, suggesting that lysosomal positioning provides additional regulation of LRRK2-dependent Rab phosphorylation. Anterograde transport of lysosomes to the cell periphery by increasing the expression of ARL8B and SKIP or by knockdown of JIP4 blocked the recruitment and phosphorylation of Rab10 by LRRK2. The absence of pRab10 from the lysosomal membrane prevented the formation of a lysosomal tubulation and sorting process we previously named LYTL. Conversely, overexpression of RILP resulted in lysosomal clustering within the perinuclear area and increased LRRK2-dependent Rab10 recruitment and phosphorylation. The regulation of Rab10 phosphorylation in the perinuclear area depends on counteracting phosphatases, as the knockdown of phosphatase PPM1H significantly increased pRab10 signal and lysosomal tubulation in the perinuclear region. Our findings suggest that LRRK2 can be activated at multiple cellular membranes, including lysosomes, and that lysosomal positioning further provides the regulation of some Rab substrates likely via differential phosphatase activity or effector protein presence in nearby cellular compartments

    Economic Values for Perennial Ryegrass Traits in New Zealand Dairy Farm Systems

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    Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is the main species used in dairy pastures throughout New Zealand. There are approximately 30 perennial ryegrass cultivars sold commercially in New Zealand, but currently there is no evaluation system which allows farmers to compare the potential impact of different cultivars on the profitability of their farm business. Such an economic evaluation system requires information on performance values (PV) for cultivars which quantifies their performance with respect to the major productivity traits (herbage accumulation (HA, kg DM/ha), nutritive value and persistence) relative to a genetic base, and economic values (EV, Doyle and Elliott 1983) which estimate the additional profit resulting from each unit change in the trait of interest (Equation 1). Economic value = Δ operating profit/Δ trait of interest (1) This paper describes a system modelling approach developed to estimate EV for seasonal HA of pasture in the major dairying regions of New Zealand. This information is used in the DairyNZ Forage Value Index system (www.dairynzfvi.co.nz) which is being developed to include information on all three productivity traits for commercially available ryegrass cultivars

    MRI-based strain measurements reflect morphological changes following myocardial infarction:A study on the UK Biobank cohort

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    In a porcine experimental model of myocardial infarction, a localised, layer-specific, circumferential left ventricular strain metric has been shown to indicate chronic changes in ventricular function post-infarction more strongly than ejection fraction. This novel strain metric might therefore provide useful prognostic information clinically. In this study, existing clinical volume indices, global strains, and the novel, layer-specific strain were calculated for a large human cohort to assess variations in ventricular function and morphology with age, sex, and health status. Imaging and health data from the UK Biobank were obtained, including healthy volunteers and those with a history of cardiovascular illness. In total, 710 individuals were analysed and stratified by age, sex and health. Significant differences in all strain metrics were found between healthy and unhealthy populations, as well as between males and females. Significant differences in basal circumferential strain and global circumferential strain were found between healthy males and females, with males having smaller absolute values for both (all (Formula presented.) 0.001). There were significant differences in the functional variables left ventricular ejection fraction, end-systolic volume, end-systolic volume index and mid-ventricular circumferential strain between healthy and unhealthy male cohorts aged 65–74 (all (Formula presented.) 0.001). These results suggest that whilst regional circumferential strains may be useful clinically for assessing cardiovascular health, care must be taken to ensure critical values are indexed correctly to age and sex, due to the differences in these values observed here.</p
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