30,019 research outputs found

    Regge Poles in High-Energy Electron Scattering

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    The possibility that the photon is described by a Regge trajectory is considered, and the effect of this assumption on the analysis of electron-pion, electron-nucleon, and electron-helium scattering is examined in some detail. Partial-wave projections for the various amplitudes are made in the annihilation channel, and a multiparticle unitarity condition is formally imposed by use of the N/D matrix formulation. Since the photon does not have a fixed spin of one, the spin matrix structure is considerably more complicated than in the conventional theory. The amplitudes are written in terms of the Regge poles corresponding to the photon, ρ-ω meson, etc., and the resulting cross sections are given in the interesting high-energy limit. In contrast to the usual analysis, where form factors depend only on the momentum transfer, we find a larger number of independent functions which depend on the energy as well, however, in a characteristic manner. That is, the essential change due to the Regge behavior of the photon is an over-all nonintegral power of the energy occurring in the cross section. The effect of this factor can be experimentally tested and this possibility is discussed

    Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids

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    Astrophysical models for meteoroid formation and stellar and planetary evolutions are developed from simulation composition studies

    Image-orthicon spectra of Geminids in 1969

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    The spectra of 25 meteors, recorded with an image orthicon technique in December 1969, are studied in relation to similar records made in August of the same year. Of 19 Geminid meteors in the absolute visual magnitude range 0 to +2, only one showed any evidence of the forbidden line of oxygen at 5577 A, while all Perseid meteors recorded in August exhibited the oxygen line, a result of the large difference in geocentric velocity between the two showers. Atoms identified in faint Geminid meteors include neutral iron, magnesium, calcium and sodium. The molecular bands of nitrogen are also observed

    The spatial ecology of free-ranging domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) in western Kenya

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    Background In many parts of the developing world, pigs are kept under low-input systems where they roam freely to scavenge food. These systems allow poor farmers the opportunity to enter into livestock keeping without large capital investments. This, combined with a growing demand for pork, especially in urban areas, has led to an increase in the number of small-holder farmers keeping free range pigs as a commercial enterprise. Despite the benefits which pig production can bring to a household, keeping pigs under a free range system increases the risk of the pig acquiring diseases, either production-limiting or zoonotic in nature. This study used Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to track free range domestic pigs in rural western Kenya, in order to understand their movement patterns and interactions with elements of the peri-domestic environment. Results We found that these pigs travel an average of 4,340 m in a 12 hr period and had a mean home range of 10,343 m2 (range 2,937–32,759 m2) within which the core utilisation distribution was found to be 964 m2 (range 246–3,289 m2) with pigs spending on average 47% of their time outside their homestead of origin. Conclusion These are the first data available on the home range of domestic pigs kept under a free range system: the data show that pigs in these systems spend much of their time scavenging outside their homesteads, suggesting that these pigs may be exposed to infectious agents over a wide area. Control policies for diseases such as Taenia solium, Trypanosomiasis, Trichinellosis, Toxoplasmosis or African Swine Fever therefore require a community-wide focus and pig farmers require education on the inherent risks of keeping pigs under a free range system. The work presented here will enable future research to incorporate movement data into studies of disease transmission, for example for the understanding of transmission of African Swine Fever between individuals, or in relation to the life-cycle of parasites including Taenia solium

    Tunable negative refraction without absorption via electromagnetically induced chirality

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    We show that negative refraction with minimal absorption can be obtained by means of quantum interference effects similar to electromagnetically induced transparency. Coupling a magnetic dipole transition coherently with an electric dipole transition leads to electromagnetically induced chirality, which can provide negative refraction without requiring negative permeability, and also suppresses absorption. This technique allows negative refraction in the optical regime at densities where the magnetic susceptibility is still small and with refraction/absorption ratios that are orders of magnitude larger than those achievable previously. Furthermore, the value of the refractive index can be fine-tuned via external laser fields, which is essential for practical realization of sub-diffraction-limit imaging.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (shortened version, submitted to PRL

    Different populations of RNA polymerase II in living mammalian cells

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    RNA polymerase II is responsible for transcription of most eukaryotic genes, but, despite exhaustive analysis, little is known about how it transcribes natural templates in vivo. We studied polymerase dynamics in living Chinese hamster ovary cells using an established line that expresses the largest (catalytic) subunit of the polymerase (RPB1) tagged with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Genetic complementation has shown this tagged polymerase to be fully functional. Fluorescence loss in photobleaching (FLIP) reveals the existence of at least three kinetic populations of tagged polymerase: a large rapidly-exchanging population, a small fraction resistant to 5,6-dichloro-1-β-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB) but sensitive to a different inhibitor of transcription (i.e. heat shock), and a third fraction sensitive to both inhibitors. Quantitative immunoblotting shows the largest fraction to be the inactive hypophosphorylated form of the polymerase (i.e. IIA). Results are consistent with the second (DRB-insensitive but heat-shock-sensitive) fraction being bound but not engaged, while the third (sensitive to both DRB and heat shock) is the elongating hyperphosphorylated form (i.e. IIO)

    An unusual meteor spectrum

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    An extraordinary spectrum of a meteor at a velocity of about 18.5 + or - 1.0 km/s was observed with an image orthicon camera. The radiant of the meteor was at an altitude of about 49 deg. It was first seen showing a yellow red continuous spectrum alone at a height of 137 + or - 8 km which is ascribed to the first positive group of nitrogen bands. After the meteor had descended to 116 + or - 6 km above sea level it brightened rapidly from its previous threshold brightness into a uniform continuum, the D-line of neutral sodium appeared, and at height 105 + or - 5 km all the other lines of the spectrum also appeared. The continuum remained dominant to the end. Water of hydration and entrained carbon flakes of characteristic dimension about 0.2 micron or less are proposed as constituents of the meteoroid to explain these phenomena

    Innermost stable circular orbits around relativistic rotating stars

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    We investigate the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of a test particle moving on the equatorial plane around rotating relativistic stars such as neutron stars. First, we derive approximate analytic formulas for the angular velocity and circumferential radius at the ISCO making use of an approximate relativistic solution which is characterized by arbitrary mass, spin, mass quadrupole, current octapole and mass 242^4-pole moments. Then, we show that the analytic formulas are accurate enough by comparing them with numerical results, which are obtained by analyzing the vacuum exterior around numerically computed geometries for rotating stars of polytropic equation of state. We demonstrate that contribution of mass quadrupole moment for determining the angular velocity and, in particular, the circumferential radius at the ISCO around a rapidly rotating star is as important as that of spin.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Effect of Vitamin Deficiency on Blood Pressure in Rats

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    After devising a very delicate, modified recording mercury manometer, it was found possible to obtain direct blood pressure curves from the abdominal aorta of anaesthetised rats, previously fed upon specific normal and vitamin deficient diets and thus make comparisons. About 75 animals were used, one-half of this number being normals to check about equally against A and B deficient animals. The records from 22 normals, on growing rations, showed an average of 84 mm. Hg, with the exception of one extremely high and one extremely low figure. The majority were close to the general average. This figure is strikingly close to the figure cited by Uhlmann, where he found the normal pressure in rabbits to be about 90 mm. Hg

    Evaluation of surface water resources from machine-processing of ERTS multispectral data

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    The surface water resources of a large metropolitan area, Marion County (Indianapolis), Indiana, are studied in order to assess the potential value of ERTS spectral analysis to water resources problems. The results of the research indicate that all surface water bodies over 0.5 ha were identified accurately from ERTS multispectral analysis. Five distinct classes of water were identified and correlated with parameters which included: degree of water siltiness; depth of water; presence of macro and micro biotic forms in the water; and presence of various chemical concentrations in the water. The machine processing of ERTS spectral data used alone or in conjunction with conventional sources of hydrological information can lead to the monitoring of area of surface water bodies; estimated volume of selected surface water bodies; differences in degree of silt and clay suspended in water and degree of water eutrophication related to chemical concentrations