354 research outputs found

    Influential Article Review - A Closer Look at Rocket Internet

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    This paper examines business management. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: While some firms build cars or smartphones , Rocket Internet builds companies . The incubator and investment firm has pioneered an extreme approach to new venture creation that is often referred to as a “startup factory:” it rapidly assembles and scales new companies, replicating business models that have been developed elsewhere . Separating the ideation of business models from their execution allows Rocket Internet to specialize on the latter, because it eliminates the need to create an environment that is conducive to both processes . Yet specialization may also be Rocket Internet’ s largest liability , because it makes the firm dependent on the availability of appropriate (co-specialized ) business models . In this edition of the Organization Zoo series , we asked several organizational scientists and scholars of entrepreneurship to share their thoughts on what we can learn from the case of Rocket Internet. For our overseas readers , we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Television and the Public Sphere: Relationships of Power and Resistance in Contemporary New Zealand Television

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    This thesis considers New Zealand television’s public sphere role, by analysing three television programmes in terms of how they enable the exercise of power or resistance. The programmes 7 Days, Campbell Live, and Shortland Street were used as case studies of typical public sphere spaces that are available to the New Zealand public. These programmes were analysed in terms of Foucault’s concepts of power and resistance as active exercises that are present in all interrelations. The research found that the programmes were sites of both the exercising of power and the possibility of resistance, as they each worked to circulate competing discourses that subjects could take up to reinforce existing power structures or to resist the exercise of power upon them. Despite this conflicted nature, each programme was found to circulate these competing discourses in a manner that accommodated critical positions and discourses, as well as reinscribing normative power relations

    Getting our terminology right: the power of language

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    For over 25 years, the term challenging behaviour (CB) has been used to describe agitation and other “distressed” behaviours associated with dementia (Stokes 2000). But such is the power of language and the importance of getting our terminology right, there has been much debate about whether we should continue to talk of “challenging behaviour”. We will discuss the results of a survey on what should replace the term, but first we will review the background to the debate

    An E.P.R. study of some transition metal impurities in silver chloride and silver bromide

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    The electron paramagnetic resonance (E.P.R.) and photosensitivity of silver chloride and silver bromide doped with a number of transition metal ions" has been investigated. The valent state, lattice position and site symmetry of the impurities are discussed in relation to the E.P.R. spectra and the chemical properties of the ions. The E.P.R. spectra of trivalent chromium in AgCl and AgBr are analysed. The principal spectrum at 95K in both halides has orthorhombic symmetry with axes in the directions. Subsidiary spectra are also observed with tetragonal and orthorhombic symmetries. The possible arrangements of the two charge compensating silver ion vacancies around the trivalent ion are discussed. The principal spectrum is shown to be consistent with a centre in which the Cr3+ ion is associated with a nearest and a next nearest cation vacancy. The lines joining the vacancies to the Cr3+ ion are at an angle of 1350 • Other centres are proposed to explain the subsidiary spectra. The Cr3+ resonances are studied at temperatures up to 500K. The broadening of the fine structure lines at high temperatures is used to . determine the activation energy for vacancy motion around the C~ ion in each of the centres observed. A set of lines which increase in intensity as the sample is warmed above room temperature is assigned to the Cr3+ ion associated with a single next nearest cation vacancy. The spin Hamiltonian parameters of the spectra of Cr3+ in the chloride and the bromide are compared. The substitutional incorporation of the Cr3+ ion is contrasted with the interstitial incorporation of the Fe 3 + ion which has a similar radius. A dewar and cavity for use at 4.2K are described. The E.P.R. spectra of ytterbium, erbium and dysprosium in AgCl are presented. The resonances are assigned to the trivalent state of these ions and the ground states are derived from the experimental g-values. The symmetries of the spectra are used to derive the probable arrangements of vacancies about the rare earth ions. Preliminary investigations of the E.P.R. and optical properties of the remaining rare earths and the 4d and 5d series ions in AgCI are presented. The rare earths other than europium are thought to be present only in the trivalent state in AgCI. The stable valent state is discussed in relation to the chemical properties of the rare earths. The E.P.R. and electrical measurements available to date on the lattice site and vacancy association of transition ions in AgCI and AgBr are summarised. The results are used to show that association with nearest neighbour vacancies is most likely for ions which are relatively large compared with the Ag+ ion. Small impurity ions are shown to be more likely to be associated with next nearest cation vacancies

    Reputation management in a digital world: The role of online information in the building, management, and evaluation of personal reputations

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    This work is concerned with the role of online information in the building, management, and evaluation of personal reputations. The main contributions of the research relate to: (1) the means by which people evaluate the personal reputations of others from the online evidence available to them, and (2) strategies for the building and management of personal reputations through the use of online information. The findings extend knowledge within the domain of Information Science, notably with respect to the established body of research on human information behaviour and use. They are set against a theoretical framework that is anchored to research in bibliometrics (for example on citation practice and citation analysis), and takes into account the multidisciplinary nature of the field of Information Science.A multi-step data collection process was implemented following the practice of extant studies in Information Science and human information behaviour and use. This focused on a sample of forty-five UK-based social media users. A qualitative analysis of data collected from participant diaries and interviews was undertaken using NVivo10.The main contribution of this work with respect to the evaluation of personal reputations on the basis on online evidence is that the information available is largely consumed and evaluated in a passive manner: social media users are more interested in the content of the information that is shared on social media platforms than they are in the signals that this information might convey about the sharer(s). Closer attention is paid in cases where the information shared is in stark contrast to the opinions and practices of those who consume it. In terms of the management of personal reputations through the use of online information, this work introduces and develops new concepts related to managing the “blur” that occurs at the intersection between private and professional lives, and online and offline environments

    Rapid behavioural diagnosis of domoic acid toxicosis in California sea lions

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    Domoic acid is a neurotoxic metabolite of widely occurring algal blooms that has caused multiple marine animal stranding events. Exposure to high doses of domoic acid, a glutamate agonist, may lead to persistent medial temporal seizures and damage to the hippocampus. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are among the most visible and frequent mammalian victims of domoic acid poisoning, but rapid, reliable diagnosis in a clinical setting has proved difficult owing to the fast clearance of the toxin from the blood stream. Here, we show that the behavioural orienting responses of stranded sea lions diagnosed with domoic acid toxicosis habituate more slowly to a series of non-aversive auditory stimuli than do those of sea lions with no apparent neurological deficits. A signal detection analysis based on these habituation measures was able to correctly identify 50 per cent of subjects with domoic acid toxicosis while correctly rejecting approximately 93 per cent of controls, suggesting potential diagnostic merit

    UK clinicians’ views on the use of formulations for the management of BPSD: a multidisciplinary survey

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    © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Background and objectives: The process of formulating in the area of dementia care is at an early stage of development. A review published in 2016, identified 14 different types of formulation-based approaches for the management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD). The present study examines professionals’ views about the use of systematic formulations for choosing first-line non-pharmacological interventions for BPSD. Methods: A 34-item online survey, with six items about formulation-based interventions for the management of BPSD, was circulated to multi-disciplinary UK dementia networks. Quantitative data were examined for the use of formulation-based frameworks in practice. Thematic analyses provided insight into the practicalities of using formulations. Results: The majority of the 355 participants responding to the questions stated they used formulation-led models to inform interventions, but 24% stated they did not. Thirty-two types of formulation frameworks were named, and there was a diverse spread across the UK. The Newcastle model was the most frequently used framework, with fifty percent of the participants who formulated reporting using this framework. Four themes regarding the use of formulation emerged, relating to function, process, reported outcomes and obstacles. Conclusion: Formulation-based approaches to targeting intervention are becoming popular in dementia care in the UK. More types of formulation frameworks are used in practice compared with the 2016 review. The use of formulations are seen as key to offering an alternative to pharmacological treatments. Understanding both the value of formulation-led approaches and the obstacles to their use are important to implementing NICE 2018 recommendations

    When and Why? The Chronology and Context of Flint Mining at Grime’s Graves, Norfolk, England

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    New radiocarbon dating and chronological modelling have refined understanding of the character and circumstances of flint mining at Grime’s Graves through time. The deepest, most complex galleried shafts were worked probably from the third quarter of the 27th century cal BC and are amongst the earliest on the site. Their use ended in the decades around 2400 cal BC, although the use of simple, shallow pits in the west of the site continued for perhaps another three centuries. The final use of galleried shafts coincides with the first evidence of Beaker pottery and copper metallurgy in Britain. After a gap of around half a millennium, flint mining at Grime’s Graves briefly resumed, probably from the middle of the 16th century cal BC to the middle of the 15th. These ‘primitive’ pits, as they were termed in the inter-war period, were worked using bone tools that can be paralleled in Early Bronze Age copper mines. Finally, the scale and intensity of Middle Bronze Age middening on the site is revealed, as it occurred over a period of probably no more than a few decades in the 14th century cal BC. The possibility of connections between metalworking at Grime’s Graves at this time and contemporary deposition of bronzes in the nearby Fens is discussed