424 research outputs found

    Was Sinn Féin dying? A quantitative post-mortem of the party's decline and the emergence of Fianna Fáil

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    This article calls for a reappraisal of the consensus surrounding the split within Sinn Féin in 1926 that led to the foundation of Fianna Fáil. It demonstrates that quantitative factors cited to demonstrate Sinn Féin’s “terminal” decline – finances, cumann numbers, and election results – and to explain de Valera’s decision to leave Sinn Féin and establish a rival republican organisation, Fianna Fáil, do not provide sufficient objective grounds to explain the republican leader’s actions. This article demonstrates that Sinn Féin’s election results during the period in question (1923-1926) were encouraging and the decline in finances and cumann numbers can be explained by the fact that the base year used to compare progress was 1923, an election year. Moreover, this article compares the performance of Sinn Féin to the first five years of Fianna Fáil (1926-1931) to show that what has been interpreted as terminal decline can also be attributed to normal inter-election lulls in party activity. Correspondingly, subjective factors – e.g. personal rivalries, differences in ideology, organisational style and levels of patience in terms of achieving political power – were most likely the determining factors rather than organisational decline

    Non-state space: The strategic ejection of dangerous and high maintenance urban space

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    Some commentators have characterised so-called ‘no-go’ areas as sites in which the exercise of authority is prevented. Here we suggest that many such spaces are produced by state, policing and citizen repertoires that aim to minimise the costs and risks of engaging, supporting and servicing such spaces and their populations. In this article we locate strategies of public spending, policing and political action that offer a governing logic in which neighbourhoods are essentially subtracted from the constitution of the city. During such designations the assurances of citizenship, vitality of civic institutions and presence of policing may be partially or wholly suspended. We present a framework for the identification of such strategies in which these forms of social, political and spatial exiting are described as being autotomic in nature – spaces that are ejected in order to avoid losses or further damage to the body politic of the city in ways akin to the response of certain animals that protect themselves from predation by shedding a limb or body part. This term adds force and depth to assessments of the ways in which both temporary and more sustained exits by policing, management and state servicing are designed in order to avoid responsibility over, or engagement with, spaces that are deemed a threat in order to maintain the integrity of the remaining, included city

    Accumulative Extremism: The Post-war Tradition of Anglo-American Neo-Nazi and Anti-Semitic Networks of Support

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    This essay explores the development of a transnational, Anglo-American neo-Nazi culture from the end of the Second World War to the present day. It stresses that it was the unique friendship between Colin Jordan and George Lincoln Rockwell that fuelled this tradition of cooperation, and plots how their World Union of National Socialists developed a mutual understanding between British and American activists in the 1960s. This survey of an emergent, post-war ‘tradition’ of Anglo-American interaction also highlights how Holocaust denial brought together British and American activists, and the from the 1980s onwards, we see a more complex series of interchanges emerge, including Blood & Honour and Combat 18. The chapter concludes by examining how this ‘tradition’ is now reproduced by a variety of websites

    Slab melting as a barrier to deep carbon subduction

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    Interactions between crustal and mantle reservoirs dominate the surface inventory of volatile elements over geological time, moderating atmospheric composition and maintaining a lifesupporting planet1. While volcanoes expel volatile components into surface reservoirs, subduction of oceanic crust is responsible for replenishment of mantle reservoirs2,3. Many natural, ‘superdeep’ diamonds originating in the deep upper mantle and transition zone host mineral inclusions, indicating an affinity to subducted oceanic crust4–7. Here we show that the majority of slab geotherms will intersect a deep depression along the melting curve of carbonated oceanic crust at depths of approximately 300 to 700 kilometres, creating a barrier to direct carbonate recycling into the deep mantle. Low-degree partial melts are alkaline carbonatites that are highly reactive with reduced ambient mantle, producing diamond. Many inclusions in superdeep diamonds are best explained by carbonate melt–peridotite reaction. A deep carbon barrier may dominate the recycling of carbon in the mantle and contribute to chemical and isotopic heterogeneity of the mantle reservoir