324 research outputs found

    Comparison of saline and fludrocortisone as fluid-loading countermeasures following exposure to simulated microgravity

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    Saline loading (SL) within hours of reentry is currently used as a countermeasure against postflight orthostatic hypotension in astronauts. However, its effects on blood volume expansion is not quantified and its effectiveness has proved marginal at best. The purposes of the present study were: (1) to quantify the effects of SL on plasma volume and orthostatic tolerance following exposure to simulated microgravity and (2) to compare these effects with the use of a pharacological fluid expander, fludrcortisone (F). Method: Eleven men (30-45 yr.) underwent a 15-minute stand test before and immediately after 7 days of head-down bedrest (BR). Five subjects ingested SL (8 g salt tablets with 1 liter of water) 2 hours before standing at the end of BR while the other 6 subjects received 0.2 mg oral doses of F at 0800 and 2200 hours the day before and 0800 hours the day the subjects got out of bed (i.e., 2 hours before standing). Plasma volume (PV) was measured before BR on day 7 of BR and after the final SL and F treatments just before the post-BR stand test. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured continuously during the stand tests. Results: BR decreased PV from 40.7 plus or minus 1.9 mml/kg to 35.9 plus or minus 1.1 ml/kg (minus 11.8 percent P less than 0.05). Following SL, PV remained at 36.4 plus or minus 1.5 ml/kg while F returned PV to 39.1 plus or minus 1.8 ml/kg. The post BR stand test was completed without syncopal symptoms by 5 of 6 F subjects but only 2 of 5 SL subjects. Conclusions: SL may be ineffective in restoring PV to preflight levels and may provide inadequate protection against postflight orthostatic hypotension. In contrast, F may provide a promising countermeasure since it restored PV and reduced the incidence of syncope following exposure to simulated microgravity in the present study

    Heat stress and a countermeasure in the Shuttle rescueman's suit

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    Rescue of the astronaut flight crew from a contingency landing may risk exposure of the rescue crew to toxic propellants spilling from potentially ruptured tanks in the crew module area. An Aquala dry diver's suit has been in service by the rescue team to preclude exposure, especially in the water rescue scenario. Heat stress has become a factor of concern in recent years when older and less physically-fit team members work in this suit. Methods: Field testing was initiated using fully instrumented rescue men in a simulated scenario to determine the extent of heat stress. Two tests were accomplished, one in the normal (N) configuration and one with a proposed cooling countermeasure, the Steele vest (S). Results: Heat stress was high as indicated by average rectal temperatures (Tre) of 38.28 degrees C(100.9 degrees F) after the 45 minute protocol. Slopes of the regression equations describing the increase in Tre with time were greater (P less than 0.05) with N (0.073 plus or minus .008) compared to S (0.060 plus or minus .007). Projection of time to the 38.89 degree C (102 degree F) limit was increased by 15.3 percent with the vest. Mean skin temperature (Tsk) was higher (P less than 0.05) in N (38.33 plus or minus .11 degrees C) compared to S (34.33 plus or minus .39 degrees C). Average heart rate was higher (P less than 0.05 in N than S. Sweat loss, as measured by weight loss, was more (P less than 0.05) for N (1.09 plus or minus .09 kg versus 0.77 plus or minus .06 kg). Air usage, while slightly less for S, was not statistically different. Conclusion: The use of the cool vest provided significant relief from thermal stress in spite of the addition of 3.4 kg (7.5 pounds) weight and some loss in mobility

    Increasing the active surface of titanium islands on graphene by nitrogen sputtering

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    Titanium-island formation on graphene as a function of defect density is investigated. When depositing titanium on pristine graphene, titanium atoms cluster and form islands with an average diameter of about 10nm and an average height of a few atomic layers. We show that if defects are introduced in the graphene by ion bombardment, the mobility of the deposited titanium atoms is reduced and the average diameter of the islands decreases to 5nm with monoatomic height. This results in an optimized coverage for hydrogen storage applications since the actual titanium surface available per unit graphene area is significantly increased

    Gender differences in endocrine responses to posture and 7 days of 6 deg head down bed rest

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    Endocrine regulation of fluids and electrolytes during seven days of 6 deg head down bed rest (HDBR) was compared in male (n = 8) and, for the first time, female (n = 8) volunteers. The subjects' responses to quiet standing for 2 hr before and after HDBR were also tested. In both sexes, diuresis and natriuresis were evident during the first 2-3 days of HDBR, resulting in a marked increase in the urinary Na/K ratio and significant Na retention on reambulation. After the first day of HDBR, plasma renin activity (PRA) was increased relative to aldosterone, plasma volume was decreased, and the renal response to aldosterone appeared to be appropriate. Circulating levels of arginine vasopressin (AVP), cortisol, and ACTH were unchanged during HDBR. Plasma testosterone decreased slightly on day 2 of HDBR in males. The ratio of AM ACTH to cortisol was lower in females than in males because ACTH was lower in females. Urinary cortisol increased and remained elevated throughout the HDBR in males only. There were no gender differences in the responses to 7 day HDBR, except those in the pituitary-adrenal system; those differences appeared unrelated to the postural change. The provocative cardiovascular test of quiet standing before and after bed rest revealed both sex differences and effects of HDBR. There were significant sex differences in cardiovascular responses to standing, before and after HDBR. Females had greater PRA and aldosterone responses to standing before bedrest and larger aldosterone responses to standing after HDBR than males. Cardiovascular responses to standing before and after bedrest differed markedly: arterial pressure and heart rates increased with standing before HDBR, by contrast, arterial pressure decreased, with greater increases in heart rates after HDBR. In both sexes, all hormonal responses to standing were greater after HDBR. The results show clearly that similar responses to standing as well as to HDBR occur in both sexes, but that females exhibit greater PRA and aldosterone responses than males

    Hemodynamic and ADH responses to central blood volume shifts in cardiac-denervated humans

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    Hemodynamic responses and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) were measured during body position changes designed to induce blood volume shifts in ten cardiac transplant recipients to assess the contribution of cardiac and vascular volume receptors in the control of ADH secretion. Each subject underwent 15 min of a control period in the seated posture, then assumed a lying posture for 30 min at 6 deg head down tilt (HDT) followed by 20 min of seated recovery. Venous blood samples and cardiac dimensions (echocardiography) were taken at 0 and 15 min before HDT, 5, 15, and 30 min of HDT, and 5, 15, and 30 min of seated recovery. Blood samples were analyzed for hematocrit, plasma osmolality, plasma renin activity (PRA), and ADH. Resting plasma volume (PV) was measured by Evans blue dye and percent changes in PV during posture changes were calculated from changes in hematocrit. Heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were recorded every 2 min. Results indicate that cardiac volume receptors are not the only mechanism for the control of ADH release during acute blood volume shifts in man

    Synthesis of Large-Scale Monolayer 1T′-MoTe2and Its Stabilization via Scalable hBN Encapsulation

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    Out of the different structural phases of molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2), the distorted octahedral 1T′ possesses great interest for fundamental physics and is a promising candidate for the implementation of innovative devices such as topological transistors. Indeed, 1T′-MoTe2 is a semimetal with superconductivity, which has been predicted to be a Weyl semimetal and a quantum spin Hall insulator in bulk and monolayer form, respectively. Large instability of monolayer 1T′-MoTe2 in environmental conditions, however, has made its investigation extremely challenging so far. In this work, we demonstrate homogeneous growth of large single-crystal (up to 500 μm) monolayer 1T′-MoTe2 via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and its stabilization in air with a scalable encapsulation approach. The encapsulant is obtained by electrochemically delaminating CVD hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) from copper foil, and it is applied on the freshly grown 1T′-MoTe2 via a top-down dry lamination step. The structural and electrical properties of encapsulated 1T′-MoTe2 have been monitored over several months to assess the degree of degradation of the material. We find that when encapsulated with hBN, the lifetime of monolayer 1T′-MoTe2 successfully increases from a few minutes to more than a month. Furthermore, the encapsulated monolayer can be subjected to transfer, device processing, and heating and cooling cycles without degradation of its properties. The potential of this scalable heterostack is confirmed by the observation of signatures of low-temperature phase transition in monolayer 1T′-MoTe2 by both Raman spectroscopy and electrical measurements. The growth and encapsulation methods reported in this work can be employed for further fundamental studies of this enticing material as well as facilitate the technological development of monolayer 1T′-MoTe2

    Physical and chemical mechanisms involved in adhesion of orthodontic bonding composites: in vitro evaluations

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    BackgroundBond strength of orthodontic composite is strongly influenced by molecular and structural mechanisms. Aim of this in vitro study was to compare bond strength of light-cure orthodontic composites by measuring debonding forces and evaluating locations of bond failure. Investigations on chemical compositions clarified adhesive behaviors and abilities, exploring effects of ageing processes in this junction materials.MethodsTwelve enamel discs, from human premolars, were randomly coupled to one orthodontic adhesive system (Transbond XT (TM) 3 M UNITEK, USA, Light-Cure Orthodontic Paste, LEONE, Italy and Bisco Ortho Bracket Paste LC, BISCO, Illinois) and underwent to Shear Bond Strength test. Metallic brackets were bonded to twenty-seven human premolar, with one of the adhesive systems, to quantify, at FE-SEM magnifications, after debonding, the residual material on enamel and bracket base surfaces. Raman Spectroscopy analysis was performed on eight discs of each composites to investigate on chemical compositions, before and after accelerated aging procedures in human saliva and sugary drink.ResultsOrthodontic adhesive systems showed similar strength of adhesion to enamel. The breakage of adhesive-adherent bond occurs in TXT at enamel-adhesive interface while in Bisco and Leone at adhesive-bracket interface. Accelerated in vitro aging demonstrated good physical-chemical stability for all composites, Bisco only, was weakly contaminated with respect to the other materials.ConclusionA similar, clinically adequate and acceptable bond strength to enamel for debonding maneuvers was recorded in all orthodontic adhesive systems under examination. No significant chemical alterations are recorded, even in highly critical situations, not altering the initial mechanical properties of materials

    Graphene promotes axon elongation through local stall of Nerve Growth Factor signaling endosomes

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    Several works reported increased differentiation of neuronal cells grown on graphene; however, the molecular mechanism driving axon elongation on this material has remained elusive. Here, we study the axonal transport of nerve growth factor (NGF), the neurotrophin supporting development of peripheral neurons, as a key player in the time course of axonal elongation of dorsal root ganglion neurons on graphene. We find that graphene drastically reduces the number of retrogradely transported NGF vesicles in favor of a stalled population in the first two days of culture, in which the boost of axon elongation is observed. This correlates with a mutual charge redistribution, observed via Raman spectroscopy and electrophysiological recordings. Furthermore, ultrastructural analysis indicates a reduced microtubule distance and an elongated axonal topology. Thus, both electrophysiological and structural effects can account for graphene action on neuron development. Unraveling the molecular players underneath this interplay may open new avenues for axon regeneration applications

    μ-Opioid receptor 6-transmembrane isoform: A potential therapeutic target for new effective opioids

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    6TM MOR is a functional isoform of μ-opioid receptor.6TM MOR has a different cellular localization with respect to 7TM-MOR.6TM MOR may signal via different cellular pathways with respect to 7TM MOR.6TM MOR stimulation may mediate excitatory cellular effects.The μ-opioid receptor (MOR) is the primary target for opioid analgesics. MOR induces analgesia through the inhibition of second messenger pathways and the modulation of ion channels activity. Nevertheless, cellular excitation has also been demonstrated, and proposed to mediate reduction of therapeutic efficacy and opioid-induced hyperalgesia upon prolonged exposure to opioids. In this mini-perspective, we review the recently identified, functional MOR isoform subclass, which consists of six transmembrane helices (6TM) and may play an important role in MOR signaling. There is evidence that 6TM MOR signals through very different cellular pathways and may mediate excitatory cellular effects rather than the classic inhibitory effects produced by the stimulation of the major (7TM) isoform. Therefore, the development of 6TM and 7TM MOR selective compounds represents a new and exciting opportunity to better understand the mechanisms of action and the pharmacodynamic properties of a new class of opioids
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