109 research outputs found

    SIV Vpx Is Essential for Macrophage Infection but Not for Development of AIDS

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    Analysis of rhesus macaques infected with a vpx deletion mutant virus of simian immunodeficiency virus mac239 (SIVΔvpx) demonstrates that Vpx is essential for efficient monocyte/macrophage infection in vivo but is not necessary for development of AIDS. To compare myeloid-lineage cell infection in monkeys infected with SIVΔvpx compared to SIVmac239, we analyzed lymphoid and gastrointestinal tissues from SIVΔvpx-infected rhesus (n = 5), SIVmac239-infected rhesus with SIV encephalitis (7 SIV239E), those without encephalitis (4 SIV239noE), and other SIV mutant viruses with low viral loads (4 SIVΔnef, 2 SIVΔ3). SIV+ macrophages and the percentage of total SIV+ cells that were macrophages in spleen and lymph nodes were significantly lower in rhesus infected with SIVΔvpx (2.2%) compared to those infected with SIV239E (22.7%), SIV239noE (8.2%), and SIV mutant viruses (10.1%). In colon, SIVΔvpx monkeys had fewer SIV+ cells, no SIV+ macrophages, and lower percentage of SIV+ cells that were macrophages than the other 3 groups. Only 2 SIVΔvpx monkeys exhibited detectable virus in the colon. We demonstrate that Vpx is essential for efficient macrophage infection in vivo and that simian AIDS and death can occur in the absence of detectable macrophage infection

    Management of Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Calcium orthophosphate-based biocomposites and hybrid biomaterials

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    Filtering and models in population biology • Stochastic equations in random environments • Martingale problems with random environment

    International Workbook: Political Participation (Canada)

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    Exercise sub-dataset for the Workbook ´Political Participation´. Topics: self-assessment of social class; unemployment in the last year; opportunities to influence government policies; political interest; perceived differences between the parties; political interest of father or mother during childhood; support for a party or a candidate; participation in election events; personal efforts to influence the voting decision of others; memberships; behavior at the polls in the last election; regional origin; most important problems of the country; most important election campaign topics; father´s party inclination; belonging to a political organization; satisfaction with financial situation; contact with personal parliamentary representative; trust in the government; equal treatment of the people by the government. Demography: age; sex; religious denomination; marital status; city size; frequency of church attendance; school education; characteristics of head of household; union membership; size of city in which one grew up.Übungsteildatensatz zum Workbook "Political Participation". Themen: Selbsteinschätzung der Schichtzugehörigkeit; Arbeitslosigkeit im letzten Jahr; Einflussmöglichkeit auf die Regierungspolitik; politisches Interesse; wahrgenommene Unterschiede zwischen den Parteien; politisches Interesse des Vaters bzw. der Mutter während der Kindheit; Unterstützung für eine Partei oder einen Kandidat; Teilnahme an Wahlveranstaltungen; eigene Bemühungen, die Wahlentscheidung anderer zu beeinflussen; Mitgliedschaften; Wahlverhalten bei der letzten Wahl; regionale Herkunft; wichtigste Probleme des Landes; wichtigste Wahlkampfthemen; Parteineigung des Vaters; Zugehörigkeit zu einer politischen Organisation; Zufriedenheit mit der finanziellen Situation; Kontakt zum eigenen Volksvertreter; Vertrauen in die Regierung; Gleichbehandlung der Leute durch die Regierung. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Konfession; Familienstand; Ortsgröße; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Schulbildung; Charakteristika des Haushaltsvorstands; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft; Größe des Ortes, indem man aufgewachsen ist