32 research outputs found

    Viruela del sismo / Monkey pox

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    La viruela del simio es una enfermedad causada por un poxvirus (Figura 1) del mismo grupo que la viruela de la vaca, la viruela humana (erradicada) y el virus Vaccinia, este último utilizado para la producción de la vacuna contra la viruela (WHO, 2022a). La viruela del simio, la viruela de la vaca y la viruela humana son tres síndromes distintos que comparten ciertas características. En la población humana, todas ellas pueden producir erupciones cutáneas acompañadas de fiebre y malestar general, no obstante, la severidad de la enfermedad es distinta, siendo la más grave la ya erradicada viruela humana, seguida de la viruela del simio y la viruela de la vaca. La viruela humana era responsable de la muerte de cerca del 30% de las personas enfermas (WHO, 2022b), la viruela del simio presenta una mortalidad 1-6% dependiendo el linaje viral (Bunge et al., 2022; CDC, 2022a) y la viruela de la vaca no registra letalidad entre las personas infectadas (Sadanand, 2020). La importancia de los tres virus que causan estas enfermedades es que comparten características antigénicas que han sido utilizadas para prevenir la gravedad de la enfermedad en el humano, por ejemplo, el poxvirus de la vaca se utilizó para prevenir la viruela humana, mientras que la vacuna de la viruela se ha utilizado para prevenir la viruela del simio (Moss, 2011

    Influencia de la lactancia materna en las enfermedades respiratorias en la población infantil que consulta en el primer nivel de atención del sistema de salud salvadoreño

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    RESUMEN: El presente trabajo trata sobre la influencia que tiene la lactancia materna en las enfermedades respiratorias en la población infantil que consulta en el primer nivel de atención del sistema de salud salvadoreño. Se planteó el problema donde se menciona que la leche materna ha sido durante toda la existencia del ser humano el único alimento que el recién nacido y el lactante pequeño podían recibir para sobrevivir. Así también, la lactancia materna ha documentado ventajas médicas y en el neurodesarrollo a corto y largo plazo y escasas contraindicaciones. Por tanto, la decisión de alimentar con leche materna debería ser un asunto de salud pública, no sólo una elección de estilo de vida. Dicha investigación se llevó a cabo en las UCSFI Alta vista en el Departamento de San Salvador y la UCSFE Ciudad Barrios en el Departamento de San Miguel para lo cual se tomó una muestra de 256 pacientes siendo 136 del área de Alta Vista y 120 del área de Ciudad Barrios. ABSTRACT: This work deals with the influence that breastfeeding has on respiratory diseases in the child population that consults at the first level of care in the Salvadoran health system. The problem was raised where it is mentioned that breast milk has been throughout the existence of the human being the only food that the newborn and the small infant could receive to survive. Also, breastfeeding has documented short- and long-term neurodevelopmental and medical advantages and few contraindications. Therefore, the decision to breastfeed should be a public health matter, not just a lifestyle choice. This investigation was carried out at the UCSFI Alta Vista in the Department of San Salvador and the UCSFE Ciudad Barrios in the Department of San Miguel, for which a sample of 256 patients was taken, 136 from the Alta Vista area and 120 from the area of Ciudad Barrios

    Physiology and Pathology of Innate Immune Response Against Pathogens

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    Pathogen infections are recognized by the immune system, which consists of two types of responses: an innate immune response and an antigen-specific adaptive immune response. The innate response is characterized by being the first line of defense that occurs rapidly in which leukocytes such as neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, eosinophils, mast cells, dendritic cells, etc., are involved. These cells recognize the pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which have been evolutionarily conserved by the diversity of microorganisms that infect humans. Recognition of these pathogen-associated molecular patterns occurs through pattern recognition receptors such as Toll-like receptors and some other intracellular receptors such as nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD), with the aim of amplifying the inflammation and activating the adaptive cellular immune response, through the antigenic presentation. In the present chapter, we will review the importance of the main components involved in the innate immune response, such as different cell types, inflammatory response, soluble immune mediators and effector mechanisms exerted by the immune response against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites; all with the purpose of eliminating them and eradicating the infection of the host

    Adipose Tissue and Inflammation

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    Adipose tissue is composed mainly by adipocytes and stromal-vascular fraction, which are composed by different cell types including macrophages. There are three types of adipose tissue: brown (BrAT), white (WAT), and beige (BeAT). BrAT is less abundant and is implicated in lipid oxidation and energy balance; BeAT has the pathway of adaptive thermogenesis, and WAT is endocrine in nature and lipid storage site and is implicated as an endocrine organ that secretes hormones and different molecules. These molecules are pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory factors, including the adipokines leptin, adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin, as well as cytokines and chemokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, leptin, adiponectin, and others, are involved with the development of adipose tissue inflammation and obesity. This pathological condition, together with other factors such as oxidative stress, may develop insulin resistance and the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

    Cytokine Profiling Plays a Crucial Role in Activating Immune System to Clear Infectious Pathogens

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    Pathogen infections are recognized by the immune system, which consists of two types of responses: an innate immune response that recognizes pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and an antigen-specific adaptive immune response. In both responses, there are several activated cells of the immune system, which play a key role in establishing the environment of cytokines, thus directing their differentiation either suppressing or promoting the immune response. This immune response is crucial against pathogen infections. In this chapter, we will describe the crucial role played by different families of cytokines during activation of the immune system to eliminate infectious pathogens

    Role of Dendritic Cells in Pathogen Infections: A Current Perspective

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    Dendritic cells (DC) represent an important link between innate and adaptive immunity, which play an important role during the immune response against pathogens. There are several populations and subpopulations of DC, but mainly two subpopulations are characterized: the classic DC specialized in the processing and presentation of the antigen; and the plasmacytoid DC that have a high phagocytic activity and capacity for the production of cytokines. This chapter aims to present the current aspects related to the most relevant characteristics and functions of DC, as well as their role in host defense against infections by viruses, parasites, bacteria, and fungi

    Serologic evidence of west nile virus infection in birds, Tamaulipas State, México

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    Following the introduction of West Nile virus (WNV) into North America in 1999, surveillance for WNV in migratory and resident birds was established in Tamaulipas State, northern México in December 2001. Overall, 796 birds representing 70 species and 10 orders were captured and assayed for antibodies to WNV. Nine birds had flavivirus-specific antibodies by epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; four were confirmed to have antibody to WNV by plaque reduction neutralization test. The WNV-infected birds were a house wren, mourning dove, verdin and Bewick's wren. The house wren is a migratory species; the other WNV-infected birds are presumably residents. The WNV-infected birds were all captured in March 2003. These data provide the first indirect evidence of WNV transmission among birds in northern México