1 research outputs found

    School coexistence through research as a pedagogical strategy

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    La educaci贸n en Colombia busca que las instituciones educativas formen personas cr铆ticas, anal铆ticas, innovadoras, con capacidades de trabajo aut贸nomo y cooperativo, donde propicien espacios de socializaci贸n y participaci贸n libres de violencia y discriminaci贸n, el prop贸sito del estudio fue fortalecer la convivencia escolar mediante la investigaci贸n como estrategia pedag贸gica (IEP). El estudio fue de tipo cualitativo utilizando el modelo de investigaci贸n acci贸n, la poblaci贸n participante estuvo conformada por ochenta y nueve (89) estudiantes de la IED San Jos茅 de Kennedy. Como t茅cnicas de recolecci贸n de datos se utilizaron la bit谩cora y observaci贸n directa. Se evidencio que los estudiantes presentan conductas disruptivas como: desaf铆o a la autoridad, conflictos interpersonales, bullying, discriminaci贸n, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, embarazo precoz, irrespeto a docentes y cuerpo administrativo, deteriorando as铆 el tejido social y convivencia escolar. Para fortalecer la convivencia escolar, se recomienda el trabajo consensuado y democr谩tico de normas que garanticen dicha convivencia.Education in Colombia seeks that educational institutions form critical, analytical, innovative people, with autonomous and cooperative work capabilities, where spaces for socialization and participation free of violence and discrimination are promoted, the purpose of the study was to strengthen school coexistence through research as a pedagogical strategy (IEP). The study was of qualitative type using the action research model, the participating population was made up of eighty-nine (89) IED San Jos茅 de Kennedy students. Datalogging and direct observation were used as data collection techniques. It was evidenced that the students present disruptive behaviors such as: defiance of authority, interpersonal conflicts, bullying, discrimination, consumption of psychoactive substances, early pregnancy, disrespect to teachers and administrative body, thus deteriorating the social fabric and school coexistence. In order to strengthen school coexistence, the consensus and democratic work of norms that guarantee such coexistence is recommended