1,356 research outputs found

    Applying a Bayesian model incorporating discards in the assessment of four-spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) Southern stock

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    Since 2003 when the DCF started at European level by countries, discards data are available for many stocks. Four-spot megrim is traditionally assessed with XSA (extended survivor analysis) which does not include discards. For this species, discards in number are very important, being around the 60% of total catch. A Bayesian model incorporating discards was realized for the hake stock in ICES Divisions VIIIc and IXa by Fernández et al. (2010). This model was also designed to produce a complete time-series of discard estimates. Final run of the model is compared with results from XSA performed in the working group of 2010, showing that mayor differences are in the fishing mortality for younger ages, being higher incorporating discards data

    Some observations on the biology of sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) off Galicia NW Spain

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    6392 specimen of sardines were sampled during the period 1980-1984. The spawning season was ca1culated from the monthly percentages of mature individuals, gonadosomatic index, condition factor and viscera1 fat. The size and age at first maturation and the size/weight ratio were calculated.Pendant la periode 1980-1984 des echantillonages biologiques regulieres sur la sardine ont ete realises et 6932 exemplaires ont été examinées. On determine la saison de ponte a partir de l'evolution mensuelle du pourcentage des individus mûrs et de la variation du l'indice gonadosomatique, le facteur de condition et la graisse viscerale. On calcule aussi la taille et l'age de premiere maturation et les equations taille/poid vive et poid eviscere

    Results on Northern hake Spanish discard sampling programme

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    Quarterly discards estimates for the Spanish bottom otter trawl fleet fishing in the Northeast Atlantic ICES Subareas VI and VII are presented for hake (Merluccius merluccius). Information was obtained by observers on board under different discard sampling programmes carried out by the Spanish research institute IEO. Raising based on effort (number of trips) was used to estimate total quarterly discards in weight and number for the fleet. Discards length distributions are also presented. Both in terms of weight and numbers discards present high variation in time, ranging from 0 to 1100 tonnes and from 0 to 12 million fish. Length distributions of discarded hake show that most of the individuals are juvenile fish, although some individuals above the minimum landing size (27 cm) are also discarded. Increases in the number of juveniles discarded are evident after year 2003

    Programas de intervención familiar para padres con hijos en edad infantil. Pautas para diseñar un programa adaptado al contexto del Ecuador

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    El presente estudio busca definir pautas para diseñar programas de intervención familiar en el contexto ecuatoriano. Para lograrlo se hizo una investigación de distintos programas ya existentes a nivel mundial enfocados en padres con hijos en edad infantil, su implementación, contenidos, metodología y objetivos. A partir de la información obtenida se extrajeron las mejores prácticas, se definieron factores y se analizó cómo interactúan entre sí en el momento de desarrollar un programa de intervención familiar. La finalidad última del estudio es poder adaptar estas características al diseño de futuros programas en Ecuador respondiendo a las necesidades diversas de la población y la cultura.The present study seeks to define guidelines to design family intervention programs in the Ecuadorian context. To achieve this goal, I have run a research of different programs available worldwide, these programs are focused on parents with young children, its implementation, content, methodology, and objectives. Based on the information obtained, the best practices have been extracted. Also, factors have been defined, as well as the analysis of their interaction when developing a family intervention program. The ultimate objective of this study is to be able to adapt these characteristics. Specifically, in the design of future programs in Ecuador responding to the needs of the population and the culture

    Stock assessment incorporating discards estimates in some years and implications for prediction of future stock trajectories

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    A Bayesian age-structured stock assessment model is developed that takes into account the information available about discards and is able to handle gaps in the time series of discards estimates. The model incorporates a term reflecting mortality due to discarding and appropriate assumptions about how this mortality may change over time are made. The result is a stock assessment that takes due account of the available information on discards while, at the same time, producing a complete time series of discards estimates. The method is applied to the hake stock in ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa, which experiences very high discarding on the younger ages. The stock is fished by Spain and Portugal and for each country there are only discards estimates for recent years. Furthermore, the years for which Portuguese estimates are available are only a subset of the years with Spanish estimates. Two runs of the model are performed, one assuming zero discards and another one incorporating discards. Assessment results and 1 projections of future stock trajectories are compared and discussed and implications for management commented on

    Estimates of the sardine spawning stock biomass off the Galician and Cantabrian coasts

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    From the months of April to May, a simultaneaus daily egg production method and acoustic surveys were carried out off the Ga1ician and Cantabrian shelf waters for the purpose of sardine spawning biomass estimation. These surveys, were coordinated on a temporal-spatial scale using two ships, the R/V "Investigador S." doing the egg survey and R/V "Ignat Pavlyunchenkov", the acoustic tracking. The present document presents the results of sardine biomass estimates from the respective stock evaluation techniques applied: DEPM and acoustics, and analyzes comparatively the results of both approaches

    Unraveling the selective antibacterial activity and chemical composition of citrus essential oils

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    ABSTRACT Post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) is an often disease affecting piglets. It is caused mainly by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) colonization in pig gut. Antibiotics has been used to prevent, combat and control PWD and its negative impact on the productivity of pig breeding sector. Nonetheless, antibiotics due to their wide antibacterial spectrum also can reach beneficial gut bacteria, such as Lactobacillus. Lately, essential oils (EOs) have emerged as a potential alternative to using antibiotics in animal breeding because of their effect on bacterial growth. Commonly, citrus EOs are by-products of food industry and the availability of these EOs in the worldwide market is huge. Thus, six commercials citrus EOs were evaluated on ETEC strains, as model of pathogenic bacteria, and on Lactobacillus species, as models of beneficial bacteria. In overall, citrus EOs exhibited a selective antibacterial activity with higher effect on pathogenic bacteria (ETECs) than beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus). Brazilian orange terpenes (BOT) oil presented the highest selective performance and caused higher disturbances on the normal growth kinetic of ETEC than on Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The action was dose-dependent on the maximal culture density (A) and the lag phase duration (λ) of the ETEC. The highest sub-inhibitory concentration (0.925 mg/mL) extended the λ duration to ETEC eight times (14.6 h) and reduced A in 55.9%. For L. rhamnosus, the λ duration was only extended 1.6 times. Despite the fact that limonene was detected as the major compound, the selective antibacterial activity of the citrus EOs could not be exclusively attributed to limonene since the presence of minor compounds could be implicated in conferring this feature