6 research outputs found

    Studies for the Historical-Critical Analysis of a Historical Center. The Case Study of Castel Camponeschi

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    [EN] Aim of the paper is the historical-critical study of Castel Camponeschi (aka Castello di Prata), a village at about 25 km from L’Aquila city (Italy), with peculiar urban characteristics –a herringbone pattern– probably founded in the thirteenth century and characterized by important phenomena of modification and stratification. The study roots on the direct analysis of the built heritage through the architectural surveying, realized at multiple scales from the urban settlement to the masonry structures. According to the morphology of the historic center, it could be traced to the process of new settlement foundation that characterized the territory –the border between the Papal State and the Frederic’s Empire first, and then the Angevin kingdom–. The analysis of the village requires both a correlation with the natural and anthropic historical context in which it is inserted and, a specific study of masonry equipments, characterized by the re-used of stone elements from the nearby Vestino-Roman town of Peltuinum.Trizio, I.; Brusaporci, S.; Continenza, R.; Maiezza, P.; Tata, A.; Ruggieri, A.; Giannageli, A. (2020). Studi per l’analisi storico-critica di un centro storico. Il caso di studio di Castel Camponeschi. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1449-1456. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11444OCS1449145

    Reconstruction of the centers affected by the 2009 earthquake - Contents and methods in the Reconstruction’s Plan development

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    The principle who guided the policy choices, in the reconstruction process of the damages caused by the earthquake of 2009, was to give priority to the reparation of buildings located outside the historic centres perimeter postponing its reparation to the approval of the Reconstruction plans. This choice was driven from the will to push ahead the more simple interventions implementation postponing the fate of historic centres to further investigations. The paper, as a result of experiences made in developing some reconstruction plans, highlights the cognitive issues needed in order to make this Urban Plan together with the significant differences in selecting its contents, imposed by the need to answer to the specific contextual situations. The case studies examined suggest, indeed, a range of choices ranging from the recovery the memory of a disappeared urban fabric, to the redesign of considerable portions of urban block until the recommendation of accurate restoration operations

    “La città sopra la città”, cronaca di un’esperienza didattica

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    Theme of the experience conducted in the Architectural Drawing II course academic year 2011/2012 project workshop, at the University og L'Aquila, Engineering-Architecture degree course was to design a new mode to point out the qualities of the historical center spaces, hitten by the 2009 earthquake, to the people passing along the Aquila valley, but especially to its original inhabitants, now dispersed in city huge outskirts. Light, sound, music and light materials had to be the the project’s raw material, a way to provide an inverse perspective on the tragedy of this city, until today condemned to its social fabric crushing, due to the abandonment of its historical center. The drawings documents students adherence to the statement of Architectural project ethical aspects.Tema di un’esperienza condotta nel laboratorio del corso di Disegno dell’Architettura II, a.a. 2011/2012) presso l’Universita’ dell’Aquila, Laurea in ingegneria Edile-Architettura U.E. e’ quello di progettare nuove modalita’ per segnalare a chi si trovasse a passare nella conca aquilana, ma soprattutto ai suoi originari abitanti, oggi dispersi su un’ampia area del territorio circostante, la qualita’ degli spazi del centro storico della citta’, vittima del sisma del 2009. Luce, suono, musica e materiali leggeri dovevano costituire la materia prima del progetto, un modo per fornire una prospettiva inversa sul dramma della citta’, sino ad oggi condannata alla frantumazione del suo tessuto sociale, a causa dell’abbandono del suo centro storico. I disegni documentano una appassionata partecipazione degli studenti assieme ad una piena consapevolezza del valore etico del progetto d’Architettur

    Tra strumenti classici e geodatabase 3D: il piano di ricostruzione post sisma 2009 del centro storico di Bugnara (AQ)

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    ItIl contributo affronta le problematiche relative alla redazione del Piano di Ricostruzione di un centro storico minore dell’Abruzzo montano colpito dal sisma del 2009, illustrando una sperimentazione effettuata con l’uso dei GIS 3D finalizzati alla corretta lettura di alcuni fenomeni, all'interpretazione critica del tessuto urbano e della sua storia, alla prefigurazione di scenari urbani e dunque alla semplificazione del percorso di conoscenza e alla verifica del progetto di recupero urbano.EnThe contribution deals with the issue of reintegration of the Reconstruction Plan of a small center laying in the Abruzzo mountains hit by the 2009 earthquake. It explains an experiment carried out using 3D GIS procedures in order to give a proper interpretation of some phenomena, an in-deep study of the urban context and its history. It can lead also to the simulation of urban scenarios thus simplifying the knowledge process and urban redevelopment projects testing

    Il progetto del SIARCH-UNIVAQ, Sistema Informativo Architettonico

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    The SIArch-Univaq, under development and implementation at the Architecture and Urbanism Department of L'Aquila University, is a part of a research study funded in the 2006 by Italian Ministry of University and proposes the theme of an Architectural GIS database conceived for the architectural heritage conservation and enhancement. It is an information system developed at architectural scale in order to make it easy the on time strategies development for the conservation and enjoyment of architectural heritage, exploring the existing software limits in the field of interaction with three-dimensional models. It was looked after, finally, the database’s structure organization in order to make possible the available data integration together with the so called "Risk Map" national database