542 research outputs found

    Isolation of diverse phytoplasmas from symptomatic grapevine samples

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    Phytoplasmas from different ribosomal groups were isolated from grapevine samples in which “flavescence dorée” or “bois noir” phytoplasmas had been identified. The results indicate that the developed medium is not phytoplasma specific and supports the growth of phytoplasmas which cannot be detected by other molecular methods and are very likely present in a very low titre in the endobiome of the plants. The applied method discriminates the presence of bacterial contamination already in the liquid phase, and the colony purification technique allows excluding the contamination

    Smoking Cessation on Periodontal and Peri-Implant Health Status: A Systematic Review

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    Since smoking is considered among the main risk factors for the onset and progression of periodontitis and peri-implantitis, the present systematic review aimed to evaluate the effect of smoking cessation on clinical, radiographic, and gingival crevicular periodontal parameters around natural teeth and dental implants in ex-smokers compared to current and non-smokers. The study protocol was developed based on the PRISMA guidelines, the research question was formulated according to the PICO model, and the literature search was conducted through PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane library, and BioMed Central databases. From the 916 title/abstracts initially identified, seven articles were included in the present systematic review and assessed for quality through the ROBINS-I tool. Reported findings on clinical and crevicular periodontal parameters around natural teeth were contrasting when comparing ex-smokers to current and non-smokers; thus, individualized recommendations for previous smoker periodontal patients are currently lacking. No data on radiographic parameters were retrieved. Similarly, data on periodontal parameters around dental implants were not available, highlighting the need for focused investigations assessing the role of both smoking habit and cessation on peri-implant health status and responsiveness to treatment

    Induction of resistance and enhancing agronomic performance in grapevines under greenhouse and in open fields by applications of plasma activated water

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    The exposure of water to a cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) enables the production of plasma activated water (PAW), having high content of reactive species, whose applications were tested on grapevine plants, both in greenhouse and in vineyard conditions. Two different CAPs were used for PAW production, evaluating their effectiveness as a possible mean to control plant diseases. Grapevines infected with yellows associated with the presence of phytoplasmas were treated evaluating qualitative and quantitative yield parameters, phytoplasma presence, and gene expression. The results show the capability of PAW to enhance plant defence mechanisms and, as demonstrated in the field trials, confirmed its ability to improve the health status of the treated plants. Quantitative (q)RT-PCR analyses allowed to determine the transcription level of genes involved in the plant defence response (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, pal) and in the plant phytoalexin metabolism of PAW-treated materials. The number of symptomatic grapevine plants in vineyards was significantly reduced by the treatments. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional molecular analyses highlighted the PAW ability to enhance the expression of genes encoding the main enzymes involved in the phytoalexin biosynthetic pathway (flavonoids and stilbenes). The PAW ability to enhance some of the plant defence mechanisms also improving the health status of the treated plants was therefore experimentally demonstrated. After three years of trials the overall results demonstrated the possible use of PAW to reduce the disease severity, induce plant resistance both in open field and greenhouse, improving plant healthy status and grapevine yield production

    Chronic viral hepatitis in a cohort of inflammatory bowel disease patients from southern Italy: A case-control study

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    We performed an epidemiologic study to assess the prevalence of chronic viral hepatitis in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and to detect their possible relationships. Methods: It was a single centre cohort cross-sectional study, during October 2016 and October 2017. Consecutive IBD adult patients and a control group of non-IBD subjects were recruited. All patients underwent laboratory investigations to detect chronic hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infection. Parameters of liver function, elastography and IBD features were collected. Univariate analysis was performed by Student’s t or chi-square test. Multivariate analysis was performed by binomial logistic regression and odds ratios (ORs) were calculated. We enrolled 807 IBD patients and 189 controls. Thirty-five (4.3%) had chronic viral hepatitis: 28 HCV (3.4%, versus 5.3% in controls, p = 0.24) and 7 HBV (0.9% versus 0.5% in controls, p = 0.64). More men were observed in the IBD-hepatitis group (71.2% versus 58.2%, p < 0.001). Patients with IBD and chronic viral hepatitis had a higher mean age and showed a higher frequency of diabetes, hypertension and wider waist circumference. They suffered more frequently from ulcerative colitis. Liver stiffness was greater in subjects with IBD and chronic viral hepatitis (7.0 ± 4.4 versus 5.0 ± 1.2 KPa; p < 0.001). At multivariate analysis, only old age directly correlated with viral hepatitis risk (OR = 1.05, 95%CI 1.02-1.08, p < 0.001). In conclusion, the prevalence of HBV/HCV in IBD is low in our region. Age may be the only independent factor of viral hepatitis-IBD association. Finally, this study firstly measured liver stiffness in a large scale, showing higher values in subjects with both diseases

    Transcriptional profiling of phytoplasma infected plants treated with plasma activated water (PAW).

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    Background. Phytoplasmas are insect-transmitted plant pathogenic prokaryotes, associated with severe diseases in agronomic important crops. Management of these diseases has mainly focused on insect vector chemical control and on infected plant rouging. There is therefore a strong need for effective and friendly control strategies for phytoplasma-associated diseases and the possibility to use plasma activated water (PAW) as sustainable and effective method to them was therefore evaluated. PAW is produced by treating distilled water with atmospheric pressure plasmas, inducing the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) and pH reduction. PAW has good potential for bacterial decontamination, degradation of organic compounds and was shown to positively affect plant growth. Methods. Sterile deionized water (SDW) was exposed to a nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge, operating in ambient air for 10 min treatment with a peak voltage of 19 kV and a pulse repetition frequency of 1 kHz, which induced production of nitrates, nitrites and peroxides, and a pH decrease. Phytoplasma infected and healthy periwinkles micropropagated shoots were exposed to PAW for about 25 minutes and gene expression studies were then performed. The theses used were: shoots treated with PAW, Fosetyl aluminum (as positive control) and SDW (as negative control), with an exposition of about 25 minutes. Nine shoots for each thesis were then collected at 6 different times after treatment and stored at -80\ub0C. Quantitative RT-PCR analyses were carried out to determine the expression level of genes involved in the plant defense response. Parallel experiments were carried out treating grapevine plants in vineyards previously tested for the phytoplasma presence. Treatments were performed for three years injecting into the plant vascular tissues 10-20 ml of PAW or sterile distilled water (as control) on each selected plant for a total of 60 plants (40 with phytoplasmas and 20 without phytoplasmas). Results. Overexpression of selected genes involved in the phytoalexin metabolism was detected in the periwinkles micropropagated shoots treated with PAW in comparison with the shoots treated with Fosetyl-Al and distilled water. In the field trials, in a relevant number of cases, the PAW-treated symptomatic plants showed reduction of symptoms, while the SDW-treated and untreated plants did not show symptom reduction. No phytotoxicity was observed in the PAW treated grapevine and periwinkle plants. Conclusion. The results obtained showed the capability of PAW to enhance plant defence mechanisms and, as demonstrated in the field trials, confirmed its ability to improve the health status of the treated plant

    Prediction and evaluation of resting energy expenditure in a large group of obese outpatients

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    The aim of this study was to compare resting energy expenditure (REE) measured (MREE) by indirect calorimetry (IC) and REE predicted (PREE) from established predictive equations in a large sample of obese Caucasian adults

    Prediction of Renal Acid Load in Adult Patients on Parenteral Nutrition

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    Metabolic acidosis and metabolic bone disease are frequent complications in patients on parenteral nutrition (PN). A common contributor to these complications could be a daily high renal acid load. This study aims to find a method for predicting the potential total acid load (PTAL) and the pH of the compounded parenteral nutrition mixtures. The pH and titratable acidity (TA) of fifty compounded mixtures were measured. The potential metabolic acid load (PMAL) was calculated by considering the amount of nutrients that are acid producers and consumers. The PTAL of the TPN mixtures was calculated by adding TA to PMAL. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to develop a predictive model for the TA and pH of the compounded mixtures. The predicted TA and pH values of the analyzed mixtures agreed with those measured (Passing-Bablok analysis). The PTAL was >50 mmol/day for 82% of the mixtures, >75 mmol/day for 40% of the mixtures, and >100 mmol/day for 22% of the mixtures. The prediction of the renal acid load in patients on long-term PN could allow more appropriate acid-base balancing. Moreover, predicting the pH of such mixtures could be useful to pharmacists to assess the stability and compatibility of the components in the compounded mixtures

    The cost of inflammatory bowel disease management matches with clinical course: A single outpatient centre analysis

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have a large economic burden on health systems. Our single-centre observational retrospective study aimed to assess an economic evaluation in two IBD outpatient cohorts (biological and conventional therapy) in relation to disease activity within a three-year follow-up. Four hundred and seventeen consecutive IBD patients referred to our tertiary gastroenterology unit (Bari-Puglia-Southern Italy) on January 2014–December 2016 were included. For each group (conventional/biological), we assessed direct/indirect costs and clinical/endoscopic activity within the first year and along the three-year follow-up. Statistical analyses: Wilcoxon signed-rank test (continuous variables), chi-square and Fisher’s test (categorical variables), Spearman ranks (single outcome) and ANOVA (detection time, clinical/endoscopic scores) were used. Continuous variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and range and/or median, interquartile range and range; categorical variables were expressed as proportions with 95% confidence interval. Direct and indirect cost items of 2014 and 2014–2016 were higher in patients treated with biological than conventional therapy. Subjects on biological therapy were younger and showed clinical and endoscopic moderate-to-severe disease activity. After three years, they reached a significant improvement from baseline. Conversely, disease activity was mild when conventional treatment had a beneficial effect. In conclusion, overall IBD management cost matches with clinical course and needs long-term evaluation in critical patients
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