10 research outputs found

    On the sensitivity of convergent beam low energy electron diffraction patterns to small atomic displacements

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    Multiple scattering simulations are developed and applied to assess the potential of convergent beam low-energy electron diffraction (CBLEED) to distinguish between various reconstructions of the Si(001) surface. This is found to be readily achievable through changes in pattern symmetry. A displacement R-factor approach is used to incorporate the angular content of CBLEED discs and identify optimal energy ranges for structure refinement. Defining a disc R-factor, optimal diffraction orders are identified which demonstrate an enhanced sensitivity to small atomic displacements. Using this approach, it was found that respective dimer height and length displacements as small as ±0.06 Å and ±0.20 Å could be detected

    Spatially resolved dielectric loss at the Si/SiO2_2 interface

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    The Si/SiO2_2 interface is populated by isolated trap states which modify its electronic properties. These traps are of critical interest for the development of semiconductor-based quantum sensors and computers, as well as nanoelectronic devices. Here, we study the electric susceptibility of the Si/SiO2_2 interface with nm spatial resolution using frequency-modulated atomic force microscopy to measure a patterned dopant delta-layer buried 2 nm beneath the silicon native oxide interface. We show that surface charge organization timescales, which range from 1-150 ns, increase significantly around interfacial states. We conclude that dielectric loss under time-varying gate biases at MHz and sub-MHz frequencies in metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitor device architectures is highly spatially heterogeneous over nm length scales

    Single-Atom Control of Arsenic Incorporation in Silicon for High-Yield Artificial Lattice Fabrication

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    Artificial lattices constructed from individual dopant atoms within a semiconductor crystal hold promise to provide novel materials with tailored electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. These custom engineered lattices are anticipated to enable new, fundamental discoveries in condensed matter physics and lead to the creation of new semiconductor technologies including analog quantum simulators and universal solid-state quantum computers. In this work, we report precise and repeatable, substitutional incorporation of single arsenic atoms into a silicon lattice. We employ a combination of scanning tunnelling microscopy hydrogen resist lithography and a detailed statistical exploration of the chemistry of arsine on the hydrogen terminated silicon (001) surface, to show that single arsenic dopants can be deterministically placed within four silicon lattice sites and incorporated with 97±\pm2% yield. These findings bring us closer to the ultimate frontier in semiconductor technology: the deterministic assembly of atomically precise dopant and qubit arrays at arbitrarily large scales

    Resistless EUV lithography: Photon-induced oxide patterning on silicon

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    In this work, we show the feasibility of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) patterning on an HF-treated silicon (100) surface in the absence of a photoresist. EUV lithography is the leading lithography technique in semiconductor manufacturing due to its high resolution and throughput, but future progress in resolution can be hampered because of the inherent limitations of the resists. We show that EUV photons can induce surface reactions on a partially hydrogen-terminated silicon surface and assist the growth of an oxide layer, which serves as an etch mask. This mechanism is different from the hydrogen desorption in scanning tunneling microscopy–based lithography. We achieve silicon dioxide/silicon gratings with 75-nanometer half-pitch and 31-nanometer height, demonstrating the efficacy of the method and the feasibility of patterning with EUV lithography without the use of a photoresist. Further development of the resistless EUV lithography method can be a viable approach to nanometer-scale lithography by overcoming the inherent resolution and roughness limitations of photoresist materials

    Non‐Destructive X‐Ray Imaging of Patterned Delta‐Layer Devices in Silicon

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    The progress of miniaturization in integrated electronics has led to atomic and nanometer-sized dopant devices in silicon. Such structures can be fabricated routinely by hydrogen resist lithography, using various dopants such as P and As. However, the ability to non-destructively obtain atomic-species-specific images of the final structure, which would be an indispensable tool for building more complex nano-scale devices, such as quantum co-processors, remains an unresolved challenge. Here, X-ray fluorescence is exploited to create an element-specific image of As dopants in Si, with dopant densities in absolute units and a resolution limited by the beam focal size (here ≈1 µm), without affecting the device's low temperature electronic properties. The As densities provided by the X-ray data are compared to those derived from Hall effect measurements as well as the standard non-repeatable, scanning tunneling microscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy, techniques. Before and after the X-ray experiments, we also measured the magneto-conductance, which is dominated by weak localization, a quantum interference effect extremely sensitive to sample dimensions and disorder. Notwithstanding the 1.5 × 10^{10} Sv (1.5 × 10^{16} Rad cm^{−2}) exposure of the device to X-rays, all transport data are unchanged to within experimental errors, corresponding to upper bounds of 0.2 Angstroms for the radiation-induced motion of the typical As atom and 3% for the loss of activated, carrier-contributing dopants. With next generation synchrotron radiation sources and more advanced optics, the authors foresee that it will be possible to obtain X-ray images of single dopant atoms within resolved radii of 5 nm

    Fabrication and characterization of metallic, two-dimensional dopant δ-layers in silicon

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    With the recent advances of deterministic atomic-scale patterning of phosphorous and arsenic on silicon, proposed architectures for silicon-based quantum computation are close to being realized. For future scalable devices, the role of atomically abrupt `delta' layer interfaces will be critical to device operation, so a further understanding is required in the two-dimensional (2D) physics involved. This thesis discusses a broad range of characterization methods that are employed to measure the properties of buried, 2D dopant δ-layers in silicon, whilst also developing a new method of resistless extreme ultra-violet (EUV) lithography on hydrogen passivated silicon. The first results chapter discusses the optimal method for quantifying secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) depth profile measurements and the progress made towards standardizing scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) based hydrogen desorption lithography at UCL. We then demonstrate that photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) can be used to laterally image atomically-thin phosphorous and arsenic δ-layer patterns buried in silicon, with a minimum feature size of 25 nm. The second results chapter establishes the use of synchrotron radiation in the EUV range to desorb hydrogen on the Si(001)-(2x1):H surface. Using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and STM data, we develop a method to quantify the surface dangling bond density, where the data reveals that the desorption mechanism is associated with valence band excitations mediated via secondary electrons. The third results chapter shows the first soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES) measurements of phosphorous and arsenic δ-layers in silicon. We demonstrate that by measuring the kz extension of the out-of-plane valleys, this offers by far the most sensitive probe of electronic two-dimensionality of silicon δ-layers yet achieved. We found that arsenic δ-layers exhibit considerably more electronic two-dimensionality than their phosphorus counterparts and also measure the absolute charge densities, relative occupancies and donor sub-band minima of the δ-layers, which yield an excellent corroboration with theoretical predictions

    Resistless EUV lithography: Photon-induced oxide patterning on silicon

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    In this work, we show the feasibility of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) patterning on an HF-treated silicon (100) surface in the absence of a photoresist. EUV lithography is the leading lithography technique in semiconductor manufacturing due to its high resolution and throughput, but future progress in resolution can be hampered because of the inherent limitations of the resists. We show that EUV photons can induce surface reactions on a partially hydrogen-terminated silicon surface and assist the growth of an oxide layer, which serves as an etch mask. This mechanism is different from the hydrogen desorption in scanning tunneling microscopy-based lithography. We achieve silicon dioxide/silicon gratings with 75-nanometer half-pitch and 31-nanometer height, demonstrating the efficacy of the method and the feasibility of patterning with EUV lithography without the use of a photoresist. Further development of the resistless EUV lithography method can be a viable approach to nanometer-scale lithography by overcoming the inherent resolution and roughness limitations of photoresist materials.ISSN:2375-254