254 research outputs found

    Nonextensivity at the edge of chaos of a new universality class of one-dimensional unimodal dissipative maps

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    We introduce a new universality class of one-dimensional unimodal dissipative maps. The new family, from now on referred to as the (z1,z2z_1,z_2)-{\it logarithmic map}, corresponds to a generalization of the zz-logistic map. The Feigenbaum-like constants of these maps are determined. It has been recently shown that the probability density of sums of iterates at the edge of chaos of the zz-logistic map is numerically consistent with a qq-Gaussian, the distribution which, under appropriate constraints, optimizes the nonadditive entropy SqS_q. We focus here on the presently generalized maps to check whether they constitute a new universality class with regard to qq-Gaussian attractor distributions. We also study the generalized qq-entropy production per unit time on the new unimodal dissipative maps, both for strong and weak chaotic cases. The qq-sensitivity indices are obtained as well. Our results are, like those for the zz-logistic maps, numerically compatible with the qq-generalization of a Pesin-like identity for ensemble averages.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. To appear in European Physical Journal

    Reply to Comment on ``Towards a large deviation theory for strongly correlated systems''

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    The computational study commented by Touchette opens the door to a desirable generalization of standard large deviation theory for special, though ubiquitous, correlations. We focus on three interrelated aspects: (i) numerical results strongly suggest that the standard exponential probability law is asymptotically replaced by a power-law dominant term; (ii) a subdominant term appears to reinforce the thermodynamically extensive entropic nature of q-generalized rate function; (iii) the correlations we discussed, correspond to Q -Gaussian distributions, differing from Lévy?s, except in the case of Cauchy?Lorentz distributions. Touchette has agreeably discussed point (i), but, unfortunately, points (ii) and (iii) escaped to his analysis. Claiming the absence of connection with q-exponentials is unjustified

    Design Guidelines for a Quality Assessment System of Fresh Fruits Centers and Hypermarkets

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    When the fresh fruit reaches the final markets from the suppliers, its quality is not always as good as it should, either because it has been mishandled during transportation or because it lacks an adequate quality control at the producer level, before being shipped. This is why it is necessary for the final markets to establish their own quality assessment system if they want to ensure to their customers the quality they want to sell. In this work, commissioned by a multinational hypermarket enterprise, a system to control fruit quality at the last level of the distribution channel has been designed, after gathering information about the movement of commodities inside company and its requirements. The system combines rapid control techniques with laboratory equipment and statistical sampling protocols, to obtain a dynamic, objective process, which can substitute advantageously the quality control inspections carried out visually by human experts at the reception platform of most trade centers as the one studied. Portable measuring equipment have been chosen (firmness tester, temperature and humidity sensors...) as well as easy-to-use laboratory equipment (texturometer, colorimeter, refractometer...) combining them to control the most important fruit quality parameters (firmness, color, sugars, acids). A complete computer network has been outlined to control all the processes and store the collected data in real time, and to perform the computations. The sampling methods have been also defined to guarantee the confidence of the results. Some of the advantages of a quality assessment system as the proposed one are: the minimization of human subjectivity, the ability to use modern measuring techniques, and the possibility of using Valero, C. and M. Ruiz-Altisent. August 2000. “Design Guidelines for a Quality Assessment System of Fresh Fruits in Fruit Centers and it also as a supplier’s quality control system. It can be also a way to clarify the quality limits of fruits among members of the commercial channel, as well as the first step in the standardization of quality control procedure

    Maquinaria para la recolección de remolacha

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    Las operaciones básicas necesarias para la recolección de la remolacha son las siguientes: - Descoronado - Arranque - Hilerado - Recogida - Limpieza - Carga – Transporte. Estas operaciones pueden realizarse con máquinas independientes para cada una de ellas, o agruparse más o menos sobre un mismo equipo. Según esto, pueden distinguirse dos sistemas de mecanización: - Recolección mediante equipos descompuestos; con este sistema cada máquina realiza una o dos operaciones. - Cosechadora de remolacha; este sistema da lugar a una mecanización combinada en la que la cosechadora realiza las diversas operaciones en una sola pasada. La forma de actuar es en trabajo continuo sobre la misma línea. o en trabajo en paralelo, descoronando una hilera y arrancando alguna de las anteriores. Existen cosechadoras de remolacha autopropulsadas que recolectan simultáneamente dos, tres e incluso seis línea

    Propiedades cualitativas de las frutas. ¿Qué se puede medir hoy?

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    En este artículo se revisa brevemente la situación actual del control de calidad en frutas, las posibilidades actuales de medida de los distintos parámetros de calidad, las ventajas que su control implica y las repercusiones que puede conllevar. Finalmente se clasifican las técnicas de medida disponibles y se adjuntan tablas en las que se relacionan múltiples parámetros de calidad con las posibles técnicas a emplear para medirlos y con las frutas a las que se podrían aplicar

    Propiedades cualitativas de las frutas para el consumidor. ¿Qué se puede medir hoy?

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    En este artículo se revisa brevemente la situación actual del control de calidad en frutas, las posibilidades actuales de medida de los distintos parámetros de calidad, las ventajas que su control implica y las repercusiones que puede conllevar. Finalmente se clasifican las técnicas de medida disponibles y se adjuntan tablas en las que se relacionan múltiples parámetros de calidad con las posibles técnicas a emplear para medirlos y con las frutas a las que se podrían aplicar
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