3 research outputs found

    Transcribing "Le Pèlerinage de Damoiselle Sapience": Scholarly Editing Covid19-Style

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    This article describes a methodological experiment conducted during the 13th Annual (Virtual) Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania, November 18–20, 2020. The experiment consisted of a “relay style” event in which three teams transcribed, revised, and prepared for submission to this journal a full edition of the “Le Pèlerinage de Damoiselle Sapience” and other texts from UPenn Ms Codex 660, ff. 86r–95v within the three-day timespan of the conference. The project used methods typical of crowdsourcing and drew participants from all over the world and from all different stages of their careers. After one group completed its work, the results were passed into the hands of the next. The final result—in the form of a finished manuscript edition, ready for submission to Digital Medievalist—was presented on the last day of the conference. The main purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate how the work of the transcriber and editor might be structured as a short-term digital event that relied wholly on virtual interactions with both the source materials and among collaborators. This method also reveals the positive aspects of the many challenges posed by working simultaneously, remotely, and globally

    Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar in AM 152 fol.; An analysis and edition

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    Ágrip Ritgerð þessi er byggð á rannsókn á hluta eins glæstu íslensku miðaldahandrita 16. aldar, AM 152 fol. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að búa til rafræna útgáfu Þorsteins sögu Víkingssonar, sem var gert með því að kóða textann á XML. Endanlega útgáfan samanstendur af staftáknréttri (facsimile) og stafréttri (diplomatic) umritun þessarar fornaldarsögu eftir handritinu AM 152 fol.. Stór þáttur þessarar ritgerðar er nákvæm lýsing á umritunaraðferðinni. Í verkinu er einnig lögð áhersla á að lýsa og greina einkenni textans með tilliti til handritafræði, skriftarfræða og sögulegra málvísinda. Niðurstöðurnar vörpuðu sérstaklega ljósi á frumlegt styttingarkerfi sem ritari handritsins notaði. Þar að auki nýtist skoðun á skrift og málfræði textans vel til að skilja betur sögulegt samhengi AM 152 fol. Rafræna útgáfa Þorsteins sögu Víkingssonar ásamt niðurstöðum ofangreindu fjölfaglegu rannsóknar hafa enn fremur það markmið að hvetja til fleiri rannsókna á íslenskum miðaldahandritum 16. aldar.Abstract This thesis is based on research conducted on a portion of one of the most majestic Icelandic manuscripts from the 16th century, AM 152 fol. The aim of the present study was to produce a digital transcription of Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar, which was done by encoding the text in the meta-language XML. The result is a full facsimile and diplomatic edition of the redaction of this fornaldarsaga preserved in AM 152 fol.; the methodology employed for the digital transcription is extensively illustrated as integral part of this work. This thesis also provides a multidisciplinary analysis of this portion of the codex, encompassing codicological, palaeographic, and linguistic aspects of relevance. One of the main results obtained from this study highlights an innovative system of abbreviations employed by the scribe. Furthermore, the examination of palaeographic features and the linguistic analysis of the text help to better frame the analysed text in its historical context. The digital transcription produced for this thesis, together with the conclusions drawn after the above-mentioned multidisciplinary analysis, aims to contribute to the research on the Icelandic manuscript tradition in the early 16th century

    Heilagur Þorlákur biskup. Ítölsk þýðing á hluta Þorláks sögu helga

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    Þessi ritgerð er lokaverkefni til BA-prófs í íslensku sem öðru máli við Íslensku- og menningardeild Háskóla Íslands. Ritgerðin er ítölsk þýðing á hluta Þorláks sögu helga og skiptist aðallega í tvennt: Ítalska þýðingu á 14 köflum miðaldasögunnar um Þorlák helga og meðfylgjandi aftanmálsgreinar. Í byrjun þessarar ritgerðar er einnig inngangur þar sem ég geri grein fyrir heilagra manna sögum, Þorláki helga Þórhallssyni, nokkrum atriðum um þýðingu textans og heimildum