176 research outputs found

    A spin foam model for general Lorentzian 4-geometries

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    We derive simplicity constraints for the quantization of general Lorentzian 4-geometries. Our method is based on the correspondence between coherent states and classical bivectors and the minimization of associated uncertainties. For spacelike geometries, this scheme agrees with the master constraint method of the model by Engle, Pereira, Rovelli and Livine (EPRL). When it is applied to general Lorentzian geometries, we obtain new constraints that include the EPRL constraints as a special case. They imply a discrete area spectrum for both spacelike and timelike surfaces. We use these constraints to define a spin foam model for general Lorentzian 4-geometries.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure; v4: published versio

    Spin foams with timelike surfaces

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    Spin foams of 4d gravity were recently extended from complexes with purely spacelike surfaces to complexes that also contain timelike surfaces. In this article, we express the associated partition function in terms of vertex amplitudes and integrals over coherent states. The coherent states are characterized by unit 3--vectors which represent normals to surfaces and lie either in the 2--sphere or the 2d hyperboloids. In the case of timelike surfaces, a new type of coherent state is used and the associated completeness relation is derived. It is also shown that the quantum simplicity constraints can be deduced by three different methods: by weak imposition of the constraints, by restriction of coherent state bases and by the master constraint.Comment: 22 pages, no figures; v2: remarks on operator formalism added in discussion; correction: the spin 1/2 irrep of the discrete series does not appear in the Plancherel decompositio

    Rectification from Radially-Distorted Scales

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    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly estimate lens distortion and affine rectification from repetitions of rigidly transformed coplanar local features. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle images that contain nearly any type of coplanar repeated content. We demonstrate a principled approach to generating stable minimal solvers by the Grobner basis method, which is accomplished by sampling feasible monomial bases to maximize numerical stability. Synthetic and real-image experiments confirm that the solvers give accurate rectifications from noisy measurements when used in a RANSAC-based estimator. The proposed solvers demonstrate superior robustness to noise compared to the state-of-the-art. The solvers work on scenes without straight lines and, in general, relax the strong assumptions on scene content made by the state-of-the-art. Accurate rectifications on imagery that was taken with narrow focal length to near fish-eye lenses demonstrate the wide applicability of the proposed method. The method is fully automated, and the code is publicly available at https://github.com/prittjam/repeats.Comment: pre-prin

    Second-order amplitudes in loop quantum gravity

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    We explore some second-order amplitudes in loop quantum gravity. In particular, we compute some second-order contributions to diagonal components of the graviton propagator in the large distance limit, using the old version of the Barrett-Crane vertex amplitude. We illustrate the geometry associated to these terms. We find some peculiar phenomena in the large distance behavior of these amplitudes, related with the geometry of the generalized triangulations dual to the Feynman graphs of the corresponding group field theory. In particular, we point out a possible further difficulty with the old Barrett-Crane vertex: it appears to lead to flatness instead of Ricci-flatness, at least in some situations. The observation raises the question whether this difficulty remains with the new version of the vertex.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    Cosmological Plebanski theory

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    We consider the cosmological symmetry reduction of the Plebanski action as a toy-model to explore, in this simple framework, some issues related to loop quantum gravity and spin-foam models. We make the classical analysis of the model and perform both path integral and canonical quantizations. As for the full theory, the reduced model admits two types of classical solutions: topological and gravitational ones. The quantization mixes these two solutions, which prevents the model to be equivalent to standard quantum cosmology. Furthermore, the topological solution dominates at the classical limit. We also study the effect of an Immirzi parameter in the model.Comment: 20 page

    Euclidean three-point function in loop and perturbative gravity

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    We compute the leading order of the three-point function in loop quantum gravity, using the vertex expansion of the Euclidean version of the new spin foam dynamics, in the region of gamma<1. We find results consistent with Regge calculus in the limit gamma->0 and j->infinity. We also compute the tree-level three-point function of perturbative quantum general relativity in position space, and discuss the possibility of directly comparing the two results.Comment: 16 page

    On the perturbative expansion of a quantum field theory around a topological sector

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    The idea of treating general relativistic theories in a perturbative expansion around a topological theory has been recently put forward in the quantum gravity literature. Here we investigate the viability of this idea, by applying it to conventional Yang--Mills theory on flat spacetime. We find that the expansion around the topological theory coincides with the usual expansion around the abelian theory, though the equivalence is non-trivial. In this context, the technique appears therefore to be viable, but not to bring particularly new insights. Some implications for gravity are discussed.Comment: 7 page

    Coupling gauge theory to spinfoam 3d quantum gravity

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    We construct a spinfoam model for Yang-Mills theory coupled to quantum gravity in three dimensional riemannian spacetime. We define the partition function of the coupled system as a power series in g_0^2 G that can be evaluated order by order using grasping rules and the recoupling theory. With respect to previous attempts in the literature, this model assigns the dynamical variables of gravity and Yang-Mills theory to the same simplices of the spinfoam, and it thus provides transition amplitudes for the spin network states of the canonical theory. For SU(2) Yang-Mills theory we show explicitly that the partition function has a semiclassical limit given by the Regge discretization of the classical Yang-Mills action.Comment: 18 page