8 research outputs found

    Persepsi Perempuan terhadap Pemanfaatan Pekarangan Mendukung Diversifikasi Pangan di Sulawesi Utara

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    Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis persepsi perempuan tentang fungsi dan manfaat pekarangan, diversifikasi pangan dan makanan sehat. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Minahasa dan Kota Bitung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian dilakukan mulai Maret hingga Desember 2015, melibatkan 267 responden terdiri dari 140 responden di Minahasa dan 127 responden di Bitung, dipilih dari 803 perempuan peserta program pemanfaatan pekarangan Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif, analisisis korelasi Rank Spearman dan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil analisis statistik deskriptif menyatakan, tingkat persepsi responden terhadap fungsi dan manfaat pekarangan, diversifikasi pangan dan makanan sehat berada pada kategori tinggi. Terdapat perbedaan persepsi terhadap diversifikasi pangan antara Minahasa dan Bitung. Persepsi tentang fungsi dan manfaat pekarangan berhubungan dengan: ketersediaan dan kesesuaian informasi, ketersediaan sarana produksi, dukungan keluarga, peran kelompok dan penyuluhan. Persepsi tentang diversifikasi pangan berhubungan nyata dengan jumlah anggota keluarga, kesesuaian informasi, kredibilitas pemberi informasi, dan ketersediaan sarana produksi. Persepsi tentang makanan sehat berhubungan negatif dengan curahan waktu dan berhubungan positif dengan kesesuaian informasi, ketersediaan sarana produksi, peran kelompok, dan penyuluhan. Untuk membangun persepsi positif terhadap pemanfaatan pekarangan diperlukan informasi berupa materi penyuluhan sesuai kebutuhan perempuan, penguatan kelompok, dan dukungan sarana produksi

    Home Garden Utilization for Family

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    A home garden plays a crucial role in providing various foodstuffs to meet famil

    Study on Adaptation of Soybean under The Coconut

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    Problem is that the sunlight passing through the coconut canopy is limited for photosynthesis. The purpose of this study was to measure the performance of the Anjasmoro variety technology package among coconuts. This research was conducted in North Minahasa in 2018. Field trials to test soybeans under the shade of coconut and without shade. Each treatment was repeated at 15 blocks. Technology Package The technology tested included soybean seeds planted at 15 x 40cm spacing. Basic fertilization is applied 50 kg urea, 75 kg SP36 and 150 KCL / ha. Pest or disease control follows the concept of integrated pest control. The data collected included agronomic performance and yield. The collected data were statistically tested using T (test). The results of the analysis showed that the plant height of 70.6 cm Anjasmoro variety was not significant with soybeans planted on land without shade. But the number of branches (2.1) was significantly lower than the soybean without shade. The number of soybean pods under the shade of 32 pods of coconut was lower and significantly different from the soybean without shade. The soybean yield among the coconuts was 900 kg/ha lower than the soybean without shade, 1,315 kg/ha

    Analysis of economic potential areas based on farming agricultural sector in the border area of Sangihe Island Regency

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    Various potentials and challenges in agricultural development in the border region are expected to managed and overcome properly. The participation of all parties, is needed to support this sector. The purpose of study was to determine the basic food crop agricultural commodities that have fast growth and competitiveness in the border region of North Sulawesi. This study uses analytical methods with secondary data. The data analysis determined changes in the structure or performance of the regional economy against higher economic structures (provincial or national) is the location quotient analysis (LQ). To determine the performance or productivity of the work of the local economy by comparing it with the larger using Shift Share Analysis (SSA). The results showed that the most superior commodity and the base in the Sangihe Islands Regency was sweet potato with the LQ value of 12.64, cassava 9.1and peanut 2.96. The results of the Shift Share analysis show that the six agricultural commodities of food crops (lowland rice, dry rice, cassava, sweet potato, peanuts) have not been able to growth in the food crop agriculture sector because it has slow growth

    The Effect of Watering Techniques for Increasing the Yield of Shallots (Allium cepa L) in Dry Land

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    Climate change that occurs requires secondary irrigation, to meet water needs by plants from existing water sources (springs, or existing irrigation. This study aims to see the effect of irrigation on increasing the production of shallot bulbs of the Lansuna variety. The study was conducted in the dry season of 2017 in Minahasa Regency. The layout of the experiment used a Randomized Block Design 2 treatment with 5 replications per plot measuring 4m x 4m. Pressurized watering was carried out per day for 4 hours with watering intervals every 3 days. For comparison, the existing technology only depends on the rainfall that occurs. randomized so that there are 250 clumps to be analyzed. This can also be seen in the existing 0.5 ha technology. Observation parameters include the weight of stover at harvest, the average number of tubers per plant, and tuber yield of tons/ha. Data were analyzed using the T-test The results of the analysis showed that the weight of shallots at harvest was 3.4g heavier and real eda by way of farmers (1.48g). The number of tubers per plant was not affected by irrigation techniques, but the weight of the shallot bulbs increased by 48.9% and the yield per ha increased by 48.40% from the rainfall that occurred during the study

    Shallot Development Strategy In Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi

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    North Sulawesi has the potential for developing shallots, but the development has not been maximized. The study aims to analyze the internal and external factors in shallot farming and formulate the strategies that can be implemented in the development. The research was conducted in Tonsewer Village, West Tompaso, Minahasa, North Sulawesi, involving 35 farmers and analyzed using SWOT. The results showed that the internal strengths were good physical condition and quality of shallots, land area, use and availability of seeds, availability of organic fertilizers, farmer’s mastery of cultivation techniques and experience. Weaknesses were shallot production still low, lack of farmer capital, availability of inorganic fertilizers, lack of labor, and not appropriate input usage. Opportunities were shallot production, shallot demands, average input prices and availability of inputs, support from Farmers' Group Association and government, selling prices and market access. Threats were the inadequate infrastructure and supporting facilities, the big traders' bargaining position, and the lack of agricultural extension ability. The strategy used was SO strategy (strengths and opportunities), which is to take advantage of Farmers' Group Association support so that farmers get quality seed assistance, take advantage of government support in channeling capital, take advantage of average input prices and availability of inputs, take advantage of market access

    Response of growth and production of potato plants to application of NPK fertilizer

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    Fertilizer is one of the determining factors for the success of potato cultivation. Various types of fertilizers have been produced, but those that are suitable for regional conditions in North Sulawesi do not yet exist. The decreasing of potato production in North Sulawesi is due to the limited use of quality and certified seeds, as well as inappropriate fertilizer dosages. This research objective was to see the effect of NPK fertilization on the production of Medians potato plants. The research was conducted from August to December 2020, in Rurukan Village, East Tomohon District, Tomohon City, North Sulawesi. The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with seven treatments, namely the NPK fertilizer dosage of 0 kg ha-1 (P0), 150 kg ha-1 (P1), 300 kg ha-1 (P2), 450 kg ha-1 (P3), 600 kg ha-1 (P4), 750 kg ha-1 (P5) and 900 kg ha-1 (P6). Each treatment was repeated three times and resulting in 21 treatment plots. The results showed that application of NPK fertilizer of 450 kg ha-1 resulted the highest yields on the components of weight of fresh plant, tuber diameter, and potato productivity

    Prospects of Chrysanthemum Development in North Sulawesi

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    Tomohon City is the largest producer of chrysanthemum in the North Sulawesi. The aim of the research: to analyze the prospect of chrysanthemum development. The study was conducted in five sub-districts in Tomohon City, in May – October 2021. The samples are 50 chrysanthemum farmers, and 7 ornamental plant traders. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis, SWOT analysis, and financial feasibility analysis. The results showed that: The prospect of developing Chrysanthemum in Tomohon City has good prospects, where the potential is in the many events or local celebrations that always require cut flowers. These regular moments include Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. There are also National and International events such as TIFF, Bunaken Festival, Lembeh Festival, Tondano Festival, Manado Fiesta, Export opportunities are mainly supported by direct flights to several countries, such as: Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, China (7 cities), and Japan. Financial feasibility of chrysanthemum farming in Tomohon City with an R/C Ratio indicator of 2.30; BEP for production volume: = 4558,952 stalks. This means that the turning point is reached if Chrysanthemum is produced: 4558,952 stalks/screen house. BEP for production price; IDR. 1,477. That is, the turning point is reached if the selling price of Chrysanthemum is IDR. 1,477