15 research outputs found

    Nitric Oxide Signaling in the Auditory Pathway

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is of fundamental importance in regulating immune, cardiovascular, reproductive, neuromuscular, and nervous system function. It is rapidly synthesized and cannot be confined, it is highly reactive, so its lifetime is measured in seconds. These distinctive properties (contrasting with classical neurotransmitters and neuromodulators) give rise to the concept of NO as a “volume transmitter,” where it is generated from an active source, diffuses to interact with proteins and receptors within a sphere of influence or volume, but limited in distance and time by its short half-life. In the auditory system, the neuronal NO-synthetizing enzyme, nNOS, is highly expressed and tightly coupled to postsynaptic calcium influx at excitatory synapses. This provides a powerful activity-dependent control of postsynaptic intrinsic excitability via cGMP generation, protein kinase G activation and modulation of voltage-gated conductances. NO may also regulate vesicle mobility via retrograde signaling. This Mini Review focuses on the auditory system, but highlights general mechanisms by which NO mediates neuronal intrinsic plasticity and synaptic transmission. The dependence of NO generation on synaptic and sound-evoked activity has important local modulatory actions and NO serves as a “volume transmitter” in the auditory brainstem. It also has potentially destructive consequences during intense activity or on spill-over from other NO sources during pathological conditions, when aberrant signaling may interfere with the precisely timed and tonotopically organized auditory system

    Tuning of Ranvier node and internode properties in myelinated axons to adjust action potential timing

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    Action potential timing is fundamental to information processing;however, its determinants are not fully understood. Here we report unexpected structural specializations in the Ranvier nodes and internodes of auditory brainstem axons involved in sound localization. Myelination properties deviated significantly from the traditionally assumed structure. Axons responding best to low-frequency sounds had a larger diameter than high-frequency axons but, surprisingly, shorter internodes. Simulations predicted that this geometry helps to adjust the conduction velocity and timing of action potentials within the circuit. Electrophysiological recordings in vitro and in vivo confirmed higher conduction velocities in low-frequency axons. Moreover, internode length decreased and Ranvier node diameter increased progressively along the distal axon segments, which simulations show was essential to ensure precisely timed depolarization of the giant calyx of Held presynaptic terminal. Thus, individual anatomical parameters of myelinated axons can be tuned to optimize pathways involved in temporal processing


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    With this paper research results are presented on a successful e-learning implementation in banking. Previous experience with e-learning, general satisfaction with e-learning, satisfaction with particular elements of e-learning, on-line support, e-learning acceptance by office employees, as well as demanding way of assuring regular office business, indicate the possibility of implementing e-learning not only as a training process, but as a regular business process as well.U ovom radu je opisano istraživanje uspješnosti primjene e-learninga u bankarstvu. Dosadašnje iskustvo s e-learningom, općenito zadovoljstvo e-learningom, zadovoljstvo elementima e-learninga, on-line podrškom, prihvatljivost prakticiranja e-learninga za zaposlenike poslovnica, kao i zahtjevnost osiguranja redovnog rada poslovnica, ukazuju na mogućnost implementiranja e-learninga ne samo kao obrazovnog već i svakodnevnog poslovnog proces

    Kv3.3 subunits control presynaptic action potential waveform and neurotransmitter release at a central excitatory synapse

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    Kv3 potassium currents mediate rapid repolarisation of action potentials (APs), supporting fast spikes and high repetition rates. Of the four Kv3 gene family members, Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 are highly expressed in the auditory brainstem and we exploited this to test for subunit-specific roles at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal in the mouse. Deletion of Kv3.3 (but not Kv3.1) reduced presynaptic Kv3 channel immunolabelling, increased presynaptic AP duration and facilitated excitatory transmitter release; which in turn enhanced short-term depression during high-frequency transmission. The response to sound was delayed in the Kv3.3KO, with higher spontaneous and lower evoked firing, thereby reducing signal-to-noise ratio. Computational modelling showed that the enhanced EPSC and short-term depression in the Kv3.3KO reflected increased vesicle release probability and accelerated activity-dependent vesicle replenishment. We conclude that Kv3.3 mediates fast repolarisation for short precise APs, conserving transmission during sustained high-frequency activity at this glutamatergic excitatory synapse

    Strain-specific differences in the development of neuronal excitability in the mouse

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    This investigation compared the development of neuronal excitability in the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body (VNTB) between two strains of mice with differing progression rates for age-related hearing loss. In contrast to CBA/Ca (CBA) mice, the C57BL/6J (C57) strain are subject to hearing loss from a younger age and are more prone to damage from sound over-exposure. Higher firing rates in the medial olivocochlear system (MOC) are associated with protection from loud sounds and these cells are located in the VNTB. We postulated that reduced neuronal firing of the MOC in C57 mice could contribute to hearing loss in this strain by reducing efferent protection. Whole cell patch clamp was used to compare the electrical properties of VNTB neurons from the two strains initially in two age groups: before and after hearing onset at ∼ P9 and ∼P16, respectively. Prior to hearing onset VNTB neurons electrophysiological properties were identical in both strains, but started to diverge after hearing onset. One week after hearing onset VNTB neurons of C57 mice had larger amplitude action potentials but in contrast to CBA mice, their waveform failed to accelerate with increasing age, consistent with the faster inactivation of voltage-gated potassium currents in C57 VNTB neurons. The lower frequency action potential firing of C57 VNTB neurons at P16 was maintained to P28, indicating that this change was not a developmental delay. We conclude that C57 VNTB neurons fire at lower frequencies than in the CBA strain, supporting the hypothesis that reduced MOC firing could contribute to the greater hearing loss of the C57 strain

    Nitric oxide signaling modulates synaptic inhibition in the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN) via cGMP-dependent suppression of KCC2.

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    Glycinergic inhibition plays a central role in the auditory brainstem circuitries involved in sound localization and in the encoding of temporal action potential firing patterns. Modulation of this inhibition has the potential to fine-tune information processing in these networks. Here we show that nitric oxide (NO) signaling in the auditory brainstem (where activity-dependent generation of NO is documented) modulates the strength of inhibition by changing the chloride equilibrium potential. Recent evidence demonstrates that large inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in neurons of the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN) are enhanced by a very low intracellular chloride concentration, generated by the neuronal potassium chloride co-transporter (KCC2) expressed in the postsynaptic neurons. Our data show that modulation by NO caused a 15 mV depolarizing shift of the IPSC reversal potential, reducing the strength of inhibition in SPN neurons, without changing the threshold for action potential firing. Regulating inhibitory strength, through cGMP-dependent changes in the efficacy of KCC2 in the target neuron provides a postsynaptic mechanism for rapidly controlling the inhibitory drive, without altering the timing or pattern of the afferent spike train. Therefore, this NO-mediated suppression of KCC2 can modulate inhibition in one target nucleus (SPN), without influencing inhibitory strength of other target nuclei (MSO, LSO) even though they are each receiving collaterals from the same afferent nucleus (a projection from the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, MNTB)