3,566 research outputs found


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    A feasibility study of brush for off-site water yield was undertaken in 1998 on the North Concho River near San Angelo, Texas. Subsequently, studies were conducted on eight additional Texas watersheds. Economic analysis was based on estimated control costs of the different options compared to the estimated rancher benefits of brush control. Control costs included initial and follow-up treatments required to reduce brush canopy to between 3 and 8%, and maintain it at the reduced level for 10 years. The state cost-share was estimated by subtracting the present value of rancher benefits from the present value of the total cost of the control program. The total cost of additional water was determined by dividing the total state cost-share if all eligible acreage were enrolled by the total added water estimated to result from the brush control program. This procedure resulted in present values of total control costs per acre ranging from 33.75to33.75 to 159.45. Rancher benefits, based on the present value of the improved net returns to typical cattle, sheep, goat, and wildlife enterprises, ranged from 8.95to8.95 to 52.12 per acre. Present values of the state cost-share per acre ranged from 21.70to21.70 to 138.85. The cost of added water estimated for the eight watersheds ranged from 16.41to16.41 to 204.05 per acre-foot averaged over each watershed.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Simulation support for internet-based energy services

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    The rapidly developing Internet broadband network offers new opportunities for deploying a range of energy, environment and health-related services for people in their homes and workplaces. Several of these services can be enabled or enhanced through the application of building simulation. This paper describes the infrastructure for e-services under test within a European research project and shows the potential for simulation support for these services

    Muon-fluorine entangled states in molecular magnets

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    The information accessible from a muon-spin relaxation experiment is often limited since we lack knowledge of the precise muon stopping site. We demonstrate here the possibility of localizing a spin polarized muon in a known stopping state in a molecular material containing fluorine. The muon-spin precession that results from the entangled nature of the muon-spin and surrounding nuclear spins is sensitive to the nature of the stopping site and we use this property to identify three classes of site. We are also able to describe the extent to which the muon distorts its surroundings.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Importance of Pulsed Physical Events for Sustainability of Louisiana Coastal Forested Wetlands

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    A number of freshwater diversions from the Mississippi River into Louisiana’s coastal wetlands are currently in operation or in the planning stage. These diversions have multiple objectives including maintaining a desirable salinity gradient, restoring deteriorating wetlands, and enhancing fisheries. The extensive freshwater forested wetlands surrounding the western end of Lake Pontchartrain receive little or no sediment input and are currently deteriorating due to continuous flooding. Diverting nutrient-rich water through wetlands can lead to substantial nutrient removal and to enhanced accretion. The objective of this paper is to compare the impacts on freshwater wetland ecology, accretion, and water quality of several scenarios for diverting freshwater from the Mississippi River. Accretion will be increased so that the area will become progressively less flooded, enhancing productivity and seedling recruitment. With overland flow, about 73% of N and 48% of P will be retained in the wetland, while other alternatives are estimated to remove 0-33% of N and 0-40% of P. Productivity of the forested wetland will decrease by at least 20-50% over the next 50 years if nothing is done, but there would be a substantial increase in productivity if river water is diverted into the area. We recommend that a 45-55 m3/s diversion be placed in the southern portion of the swamps of Lake Maurepas and that the diversion be operated annually from winter to early spring. There are indications that a diversion in late summer and fall would be beneficial, as that is when salt pulses typically occur

    Generalizations of Tucker-Fan-Shashkin lemmas

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    Tucker and Ky Fan's lemma are combinatorial analogs of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem (BUT). In 1996, Yu. A. Shashkin proved a version of Fan's lemma, which is a combinatorial analog of the odd mapping theorem (OMT). We consider generalizations of these lemmas for BUT-manifolds, i.e. for manifolds that satisfy BUT. Proofs rely on a generalization of the OMT and on a lemma about the doubling of manifolds with boundaries that are BUT-manifolds.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Adult bobcat (\u3ci\u3eLynx rufus\u3c/i\u3e) habitat selection in a longleaf pine savanna

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    Background: Pine savannas are primarily managed with frequent prescribed fire (≤ 3 years) to promote diversity of flora and fauna, and to maintain open, park-like conditions needed by species such as the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis). However, a knowledge gap exists in our understanding of bobcat (Lynx rufus) habitat selection in longleaf pine savannas and research is warranted to direct our future management decisions. Methods: We examined bobcat habitat selection in a pine savanna managed with frequent fires at two spatial scales (i.e., study area boundary [hereafter, landscape scale]) and annual area of use [95% kernel density; local scale]), and assessed effects of prescribed fire on bobcat habitat selection. Specifically, we monitored 45 bobcats (16 males and 29 females) during 2001–2007. Results: We found differential habitat selection by sex. At the landscape scale, female bobcats were closer to mixed pine-hardwoods, young pine, and secondary roads, but farther from mature pine and hardwoods stands relative to males. We found no difference in selection of agriculture, shrub-scrub, and primary roads between sexes. At the annual area of use scale, female bobcats were closer to secondary roads, but farther from agriculture and shrub-scrub relative to males. We found no difference in selection of mature pine, mixed pine-hardwoods, hardwoods, young pine, and primary roads between sexes. Bobcats primarily selected for stands burned ≤ 1.1 years post-fire. Conclusions: Our results show that bobcats exploit a broad range of habitat types in pine landscapes managed with frequent fire and commonly use recently burned stands (≤ 1.1 year post-fire), suggesting prey in many areas of this system are at risk of bobcat predation. Additionally, we suggest land managers consider scale of selection by bobcats when developing habitat management strategies

    Eastern wild turkey nest site selection in two frequently burned pine savannas

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    Introduction: Reproductive success is a critical factor affecting avian demographics and can be influenced by many factors including nesting chronology, predation risk, and fine-scale nest site selection. Methods: We modeled the relative influences of habitat-related covariates at six spatial scales (nest site: 15-, 40-, 80-, 120-, 160-, and 200-m radii) on Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) nest site selection in two pine savannas managed by frequent prescribed fire (≤3 years) in southwestern Georgia during 2011–2013. Results: Nest site (15-m scale) habitat metrics (mean visual obstruction [cm] and canopy closure [%]) had the greatest influence on nest site selection relative to covariates measured at larger spatial scales. Scaled odds ratios suggested that nests were 26.8 % more likely to occur for every 10 cm increase in mean vegetation height with a range of 7.5 to 150.0 cm and 18.5 % less likely to occur for every 10 % increase in canopy closure with a range from 0.0 to 97.8 %. Total ground cover, canopy closure, edge density, and percent land cover type (e.g., mature pine, mixed pine/hardwood, shrub/scrub) had minimal influence on nest site selection. Conclusions: Management of pine savannas for turkey nest sites should focus on creating early-successional vegetation to conceal nests from potential predators. Additionally, we suggest that future studies consider evaluating the influence of spatial scale on turkey nest site selection
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