261 research outputs found

    Every Other Day

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    There is a problem on our campus—a problem of sexual assault and its perpetuation due to unnecessary silence. Current compulsory education on the topic through AlcoholEdu and First-Year Orientation are often turned into jokes because of course everyone knows not to rape and not to put yourself in a dangerous situation. The concept doesn’t seem real until a Campus Safety Alert reports that one of our students has been sexually assaulted. But even then, we get those so infrequently that it couldn’t be that much of an issue, right? [excerpt

    Think Happy Thoughts : Peter Pan as a Tragic Hero

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    Using Aristotle\u27s definition of the tragic hero, this work will explore J.M. Barrie\u27s novel, Peter and Wendy, and how Peter is a tragic figure. In this paper I argue that Peter Pan is not only a tragic hero whose human frailty— in Peter’s case, his fear of growing old— causes him to make the terrible mistake of rejecting his own development of humanity and the opportunity for redemption through maternal love, but that Barrie uses Peter to emphasize that, contrary to the Romantic conception of childhood, children need the guidance of parents in order to live a fulfilling life

    “Welcome to the FEMINIST CULT”: Building a Feminist Community of Practice on Tumblr

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    Over the course of the last twenty years, the internet has become a powerful tool for the mobilization of social movements because of its ease of access, its allowance for greater control of organization and communication, and its rapid spread and dissemination of ideas. Tumblr, a micro-blogging site that is comprised of 227.6 million blogs and 106.3 billion posts by March 2015, is one of the most significant locations of social activism online. In recent years, Tumblr has become a platform for highly involved feminist dialogue because of the ability for like-minded users to follow and reblog posts regarding feminist issues and content. The goal of this research is to use textual analysis to uncover how feminism is acting as a rallying point and space of community building that spans intersections of race, nationality, class, gender, sexuality, etc., and how that rallying point is being created through a live-stream collective conscious. I do not contend that Tumblr is a perfect and unproblematic feminist utopia. Instead, the purpose of this paper is to illustrate that Tumblr is ultimately a hopeful space for discussion that has the potential for real social change. Thus, although negativity towards feminism is propagated through the anonymity of the internet, Tumblr has become both a location for feminist “world building” as a feminist community of practice. Through this platform comes the reshaping of feminism for the internet generation through female-to-female positivity, education and consciousness-raising, solidarity formed through the humor of ironic misandry, the increased importance and awareness of intersectionality and community reactions against anti-feminist content

    Prometheus\u27s Role of the Poet

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    This essay examines the characterization of Prometheus in the opening speech of Prometheus Unbound, by Percy Shelley, through the lens of Shelley’s “Defense of Poetry” in order to argue Prometheus’ existence as a poet. By giving humanity wisdom and bridging the gap between logic and compassion, Prometheus becomes the point from which imagination, beauty, art, and poetry stems. Prometheus’ role developed into a model of morality and love in contrast to the fear and spite of Zeus, whose influence is reflected in the evils of mankind. Yet, through the torturous reign of Zeus, Prometheus transcends his hate by retracting his curse on Zeus during in Act I of the poem, effectively immortalizing himself as a poet whose sacrifice for humanity became the catalyst for true beauty in the world

    Governing Well-Being for Youth in Child Welfare: What Influences Decisions to Refer to Services and an Evaluation of Social Interventions

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    My dissertation focuses on the well-being of children who have been involved in the child welfare system, which has been understudied within sociology. To conduct this research, I use theories of child welfare involvement to further our understanding of child well-being for this especially vulnerable population. My analyses use quasi-experimental methods that utilize a nationally representative panel dataset. Chapter Two explores how peer support groups impact depression symptoms for youth involved in the child welfare system. I find a statistically nonsignificant negative association (e.g., when youth participate in peer support groups, their depression symptoms decrease). Chapter Three investigates how extracurricular activities affect academic achievement, and finds that participating in structured activities increases academic achievement scores. Chapter Four classifies child welfare organizations based on organizational culture and climate measures before analyzing factors influencing service referral decisions within the child welfare system. I, along with my co-authors, identify three classes of child welfare organizations, and find case, caseworker, and external characteristics are associated with the decision to refer a youth to services. I conclude by discussing potential extensions to this research agenda, before discussing more broadly how sociology can continue incorporating child welfare research within the discipline


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    Welcome to the spring 2024 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care (SJRCC). It is a very full issue, with the usual mix of long-form original research papers, short articles, and book reviews. We also publish the text of the 21st Kilbrandon Lecture and a response to the lecture. As editors, we are delighted to announce that the SJRCC has been admitted to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The Directory lists journals which meet the DOAJ quality assurance requirements and give access to trusted research without barriers. The project to prepare the web pages and to add Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to all articles in the back catalogue has been a considerable undertaking, and we are grateful to our publisher, CELCIS, and our communications team, to our colleagues at the Andersonian Library in the University of Strathclyde, and to DOAJ assessors, for their advice and support

    When we Grade Students’ Proofs, Do They Understand our Feedback?

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    Instructors often write feedback on students’ proofs even if there is no expectation for the students to revise and resubmit the work. It is not known, however, what students do with that feedback or if they understand the professor’s intentions. To this end, we asked eight advanced mathematics undergraduates to respond to professor comments on four written proofs by interpreting and implementing the comments. We analyzed the student’s responses using the categories of corrective feedback for language acquisition, viewing the language of mathematical proof as a register of academic English
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