31 research outputs found

    D6.1. ConnectinGEO methodology

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    Describing the ConnectinGEO methodology to be developed and tested during the project and to be promoted beyond the end of it.The main aim of the ConnectinGEO methodology is to find gaps in EO networks and systems (mainly in-situ or non-space), determine remedies and recommendpriorities to solve these gaps. The gap analysis phase follows five different threads: Top-Down thread 1: Identification of a collection of observation requirements Top-Down thread 2: Research programs aims and targets Bottom-up thread 1: Consultation process Bottom-up thread 2: GEOSS Discovery and Access Broker analysis Bottom-up thread 3: industry-driven challenges. This deliverable describes each thread and enumerates sub-steps for each one. It defines a common data model for gap description that all threads will need to follow and respect to communicate and concentrate gaps in a single list. Then a review process will start and external and internal user feedback will be gathered. To end the review process the feedback will be examined and moderated and some gaps will be discarded but other will be confirmed and profiled.Then, a period for reviewing the gaps and identifying remedies will start. The quantifications of the impact, the feasibility and the costs will permit the application of a semi automatic priority calculation. Once the gap table is sorted by priorities, gaps will be classified and some recommendations will be formulated for the funding agencies

    ConnectinGEO dissemination and exploitation plan

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    EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014 - H2020)H2020 Project Nr: 641538. Project start date: 01 Feb 2015Project title: Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations.Theme: SC5-18a-2014. Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials.Description of the ConnectinGEO dissemination and exploitation plan elaborated during the project. This will be done both as outreach and in a collaborative feedback environment

    Results of the data management plan (DMP) and report on the participation in the pilot on open research data in Horizon 2020

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    Revision and description of the results of the Data Management Plan (DMP) and participation in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020 as requested in http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi-oa-data-mgt_en.pdf. The review will be conducted in collaboration with WP1 and WP5

    D1.1. Project Advisory Board composition and communication channels

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    This deliverable exposes the current status of the Project Advisory Board and possible collaborations with three relevant projects: ENVRIPLUS, BACI and GAIA-CLIM

    D4.2. Observation inventory description and results report

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    The ConnectinGEO Observation Inventory (OI) is created and populated using the current information in the metadata concentrated in the GEO Discovery and Access Broker (DAB) of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) to analyse the observations and measurements currently available in it. WP4 defined a high-level process for the population of the Observation Inventory: (i) retrieve the full metadata content for each record in the GEO DAB, (ii) extract/Infer extra semantics (connecting to external knowledge systems when needed), and (iii) generate enriched metadata and write it to the OI. The OI system architecture was designed and developed. The first version of the OI was created and populated using the current information in the metadata concentrated in the GEO DAB. The first population process was run in December 2015, resulting in a total of more than 1.6M harvested metadata records. The developed OI is accessible online and can be used as a data source by different analysis tools, which create plots, report, or summary statistics useful for the ConnectinGEO gap analysis. A simple Web Client was developed to demonstrate how to interrogate the OI and provide also basic examples of how the developed OI can be used by web-based analysis tools

    D3.2. ENEON methodology for management and coordination and first plenary Workshop minutes

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    The report on the ENEON plenary Workshop (WS2) will gather the minutes and all the information regarding the plenary. The workshops will also be used to build a collection of frameworks and best practices across domains and stakeholders that will be collected in this deliverable. The deliverable also describes the new aspect about ENEON methodology for management and coordination. It is important to differentiate this deliverable from "D6.1 ConnectinGEO methodology" that deals with the gap analysis and priorities that uses the ENEON knowhow as input

    D5.1. Common criteria in the project stakeholder and industry challenges

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    Report gathering the common challenges criteria to be applied in the project through the stakeholder and industry challenges pilot cases

    D3.3 : Mid term revision of the data management plan

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    The Data Management Plan (DMP) will be reviewed as requested in http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi-oa-data-mgt_en.pdf. The review will be conducted in collaboration with WP1 and WP5. The deliverable will include the outcome of task 3.3. Publisher ConnectinGEOConsortiu

    D4.1. Observation inventory requirements, database schema and queryable fields

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    Report on the observation inventory requirements, database schema and queryable fields to be adopted during the project. The observation inventory will be based on GCI Information, DAB, and Copernicus services catalogues

    D7.4 Strategic view for the sustainability of ENEON after the end of the project

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    EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation (SC5-18a-2014 - H2020)Project title: Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN situ to fill the Gaps in European ObservationsTheme: SC5-18a-2014. Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials.Report with options for the continuation and sustainability of ENEON after the end of the project