29 research outputs found

    Linkage analysis in a large kindred with autosomal dominant transmission of polyglandular autoimmune disease type II (Schmidt syndrome)

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    Schmidt syndrome (PGA syndrome type II) is a rare condition characterized by polyglandular failure. It is an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity that was inherited over four generations in an Indiana kindred. Association of HLA-B8 has been reported with Schmidt syndrome. Our proband is a 12-year-old boy with Addison disease, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and vitiligo. Two of his eight sibs had either IDDM (sister) or vitiligo and hyperthyroidism (brother). His mother had hypothyroidism. Seven members of earlier generations apparently were also affected. We obtained peripheral blood for HLA and genetic analysis from 21 relatives in a family with 8 Schmidt syndrome individuals in three generations. HLA studies on 15 affected and unaffected relatives showed only 2 of 7 persons with B8-containing haplotypes. Therefore, no association exists between the B8-containing haplotype and the syndrome. We identified informative marker loci. No evidence for linkage of the Schmidt locus to any of the 14 markers was found and close linkage to esterase D and adenylate kinase and possibly properdin factor B was excluded

    No association between very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDL-R) and Alzheimer disease in American Caucasians

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    The very low density lipoprotein receptor gene (VLDL-R) is a receptor for apolipoprotein-ε (APOE)-containing lipoproteins, and thus has been suggested as a possible risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD). Recently, Okuizumi et al. [Nature Genet., 11 (1995) 207– 209] reported an association between the 96 by allele at the VLDL-R locus and AD in a Japanese population. The association resulted in a two-fold increase of risk that decreased with increasing age. We have examined this association in 316 Caucasian sporadic AD patients, comparing their findings to 160 Caucasian AD spouse controls. We also investigated 53 late-onset Caucasian AD families for association and linkage. Our data failed to confirm linkage and/or association to the VLDL-R locus. Stratification by age at onset or APOE genotype also failed to show significant results