127 research outputs found

    Kahler moduli double inflation

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    We show that double inflation is naturally realized in K\"ahler moduli inflation, which is caused by moduli associated with string compactification. We find that there is a small coupling between the two inflatons which leads to amplification of perturbations through parametric resonance in the intermediate stage of double inflation. This results in the appearance of a peak in the power spectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation. We numerically calculate the power spectrum and show that the power spectrum can have a peak on observationally interesing scales. We also compute the TT-spectrum of CMB based on the power spectrum with a peak and see that it better fits WMAP 7-years data.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Preheating After Modular Inflation

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    We study (p)reheating in modular (closed string) inflationary scenarios, with a special emphasis on Kahler moduli/Roulette models. It is usually assumed that reheating in such models occurs through perturbative decays. However, we find that there are very strong non-perturbative preheating decay channels related to the particular shape of the inflaton potential (which is highly nonlinear and has a very steep minimum). Preheating after modular inflation, proceeding through a combination of tachyonic instability and broad-band parametric resonance, is perhaps the most violent example of preheating after inflation known in the literature. Further, we consider the subsequent transfer of energy to the standard model sector in scenarios where the standard model particles are confined to a D7-brane wrapping the inflationary blow-up cycle of the compactification manifold or, more interestingly, a non-inflationary blow up cycle. We explicitly identify the decay channels of the inflaton in these two scenarios. We also consider the case where the inflationary cycle shrinks to the string scale at the end of inflation; here a field theoretical treatment of reheating is insufficient and one must turn instead to a stringy description. We estimate the decay rate of the inflaton and the reheat temperature for various scenarios.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Accidental Inflation in the Landscape

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    We study some aspects of fine tuning in inflationary scenarios within string theory flux compactifications and, in particular, in models of accidental inflation. We investigate the possibility that the apparent fine-tuning of the low energy parameters of the theory needed to have inflation can be generically obtained by scanning the values of the fluxes over the landscape. Furthermore, we find that the existence of a landscape of eternal inflation in this model provides us with a natural theory of initial conditions for the inflationary period in our vacuum. We demonstrate how these two effects work in a small corner of the landscape associated with the complex structure of the Calabi-Yau manifold P^4_[1,1,1,6,9] by numerically investigating the flux vacua of a reduced moduli space. This allows us to obtain the distribution of observable parameters for inflation in this mini-landscape directly from the fluxes.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figure

    Fibre Inflation: Observable Gravity Waves from IIB String Compactifications

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    We introduce a simple string model of inflation, in which the inflaton field can take trans-Planckian values while driving a period of slow-roll inflation. This leads naturally to a realisation of large field inflation, inasmuch as the inflationary epoch is well described by the single-field scalar potential V=V0(3−4e−φ^/3)V = V_0 (3-4 e^{-\hat\varphi/\sqrt{3}}). Remarkably, for a broad class of vacua all adjustable parameters enter only through the overall coefficient V0V_0, and in particular do not enter into the slow-roll parameters. Consequently these are determined purely by the number of \e-foldings, NeN_e, and so are not independent: ε≃32η2\varepsilon \simeq \frac32 \eta^2. This implies similar relations among observables like the primordial scalar-to-tensor amplitude, rr, and the scalar spectral tilt, nsn_s: r≃6(ns−1)2r \simeq 6(n_s - 1)^2. NeN_e is itself more model-dependent since it depends partly on the post-inflationary reheat history. In a simple reheating scenario a reheating temperature of Trh≃109T_{rh}\simeq 10^{9} GeV gives Ne≃58N_e\simeq 58, corresponding to ns≃0.970n_s\simeq 0.970 and r≃0.005r\simeq 0.005, within reach of future observations. The model is an example of a class that arises naturally in the context of type IIB string compactifications with large-volume moduli stabilisation, and takes advantage of the generic existence there of Kahler moduli whose dominant appearance in the scalar potential arises from string loop corrections to the Kahler potential. The inflaton field is a combination of Kahler moduli of a K3-fibered Calabi-Yau manifold. We believe there are likely to be a great number of models in this class -- `high-fibre models' -- in which the inflaton starts off far enough up the fibre to produce observably large primordial gravity waves.Comment: Extended calculations beyond the leading approximations, including numerical integrations of multi-field evolution; Display an example with r=0.01r = 0.01; Simplify the discussion of large fields; Corrected minor errors and typos; Added references; 41 pages LaTeX, 25 figure

    Kahler Moduli Inflation

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    We show that under general conditions there is at least one natural inflationary direction for the Kahler moduli of type IIB flux compactifications. This requires a Calabi-Yau which has h^{2,1}>h^{1,1}>2 and for which the structure of the scalar potential is as in the recently found exponentially large volume compactifications. We also need - although these conditions may be relaxed - at least one Kahler modulus whose only non-vanishing triple-intersection is with itself and which appears by itself in the non-perturbative superpotential. Slow-roll inflation then occurs without a fine tuning of parameters, evading the eta problem of F-term inflation. In order to obtain COBE-normalised density perturbations, the stabilised volume of the Calabi-Yau must be O(10^5-10^7) in string units, and the inflationary scale M_{infl} ~ 10^{13} GeV. We find a robust model independent prediction for the spectral index of 1 - 2/N_e = 0.960 - 0.967, depending on the number of efoldings.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure; v2. references adde

    Phenomenology of a Pseudo-Scalar Inflaton: Naturally Large Nongaussianity

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    Many controlled realizations of chaotic inflation employ pseudo-scalar axions. Pseudo-scalars \phi are naturally coupled to gauge fields through c \phi F \tilde{F}. In the presence of this coupling, gauge field quanta are copiously produced by the rolling inflaton. The produced gauge quanta, in turn, source inflaton fluctuations via inverse decay. These new cosmological perturbations add incoherently with the "vacuum" perturbations, and are highly nongaussian. This provides a natural mechanism to generate large nongaussianity in single or multi field slow-roll inflation. The resulting phenomenological signatures are highly distinctive: large nongaussianity of (nearly) equilateral shape, in addition to detectably large values of both the scalar spectral tilt and tensor-to-scalar ratio (both being typical of large field inflation). The WMAP bound on nongaussianity implies that the coupling, c, of the pseudo-scalar inflaton to any gauge field must be smaller than about 10^{2} M_p^{-1}.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figure

    'Superbugs': raising public awareness of antimicrobial resistance through a pop-up science shop

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    ‘Superbugs: A Pop-up Science Shop’ was a public engagement event in the school summer holidays of 2019, organised by members of Cardiff University’s School of Medicine. We transformed an empty retail unit in the centre of Wales’s largest shopping centre into an interactive and immersive microbiology experience. We facilitated two-way dialogue to impart positive impact on the awareness of antibiotic resistance, while concurrently evaluating the efficacy of an engagement strategy focused on the utilisation of public spaces to attract public demographics diverse to those who would normally engage with conventional science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) outreach. Over the course of 14 days, we welcomed 6,566 visitors, with 67 per cent attending as part of the natural footfall of the shopping centre. We created 1,626 young Antibiotic Resistance Champions, located in over two hundred schools, across many of the most deprived areas in Wales. We imparted a positive impact to our stakeholders, with a significant increase in the knowledge and understanding of the subject of antimicrobial resistance (AMR); 91.7 per cent indicated that they had a better understanding after the event. In this article, we discuss the evolution of ‘Superbugs’ from concept, planning and design, to the logistics of delivering an engagement event of this scale. We focus in particular on the learning outcomes of the project, and on how this will shape the future of our ‘Superbugs’ project, and engagement events beyond

    Axionic D3-D7 Inflation

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    We study the motion of a D3 brane moving within a Type IIB string vacuum compactified to 4D on K3 x T_2/Z_2 in the presence of D7 and O7 planes. We work within the effective 4D supergravity describing how the mobile D3 interacts with the lightest bulk moduli of the compactification, including the effects of modulus-stabilizing fluxes. We seek inflationary solutions to the resulting equations, performing our search numerically in order to avoid resorting to approximate parameterizations of the low-energy potential. We consider uplifting from D-terms and from the supersymmetry-breaking effects of anti-D3 branes. We find examples of slow-roll inflation (with anti-brane uplifting) with the mobile D3 moving along the toroidal directions, falling towards a D7-O7 stack starting from the antipodal point. The inflaton turns out to be a linear combination of the brane position and the axionic partner of the K3 volume modulus, and the similarity of the potential along the inflaton direction with that of racetrack inflation leads to the prediction n_s \le 0.95 for the spectral index. The slow roll is insensitive to most of the features of the effective superpotential, and requires a one-in-10^4 tuning to ensure that the torus is close to square in shape. We also consider D-term inflation with the D3 close to the attractive D7, but find that for a broad (but not exhaustive) class of parameters the conditions for slow roll tend to destabilize the bulk moduli. In contrast to the axionic case, the best inflationary example of this kind requires the delicate adjustment of potential parameters (much more than the part-per-mille level), and gives inflation only at an inflection point of the potential (and so suffers from additional fine-tuning of initial conditions to avoid an overshoot problem).Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Fluxes, moduli fixing and MSSM-like vacua in a simple IIA orientifold

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    We study the effects of adding RR, NS and metric fluxes on a T^6/(\Omega (-1)^{F_L} I_3) Type IIA orientifold. By using the effective flux-induced superpotential we obtain Minkowski or AdS vacua with broken or unbroken supersymmetry. In the Minkowski case some combinations of real moduli remain undetermined, whereas all can be stabilized in the AdS solutions. Many flux parameters are available which are unconstrained by RR tadpole cancellation conditions allowing to locate the minima at large volume and small dilaton. We also find that in AdS supersymmetric vacua with metric fluxes, the overall flux contribution to RR tadpoles can vanish or have opposite sign to that of D6-branes, allowing for new model-building possibilities. In particular, we construct the first N=1 supersymmetric intersecting D6-brane models with MSSM-like spectrum and with all closed string moduli stabilized. Some axion-like fields remain undetermined but they are precisely required to give St\"uckelberg masses to (potentially anomalous) U(1) brane fields. We show that the cancellation of the Freed-Witten anomaly guarantees that the axions with flux-induced masses are orthogonal to those giving masses to the U(1)'s. Cancellation of such anomalies also guarantees that the D6-branes in our N=1 supersymmetric AdS vacua are calibrated so that they are forced to preserve one unbroken supersymmetry.Comment: 61 pages, Latex, v2: added references, v3: minor correction

    Topological geon black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We construct topological geon quotients of two families of Einstein-Yang-Mills black holes. For Kuenzle's static, spherically symmetric SU(n) black holes with n>2, a geon quotient exists but generically requires promoting charge conjugation into a gauge symmetry. For Kleihaus and Kunz's static, axially symmetric SU(2) black holes a geon quotient exists without gauging charge conjugation, and the parity of the gauge field winding number determines whether the geon gauge bundle is trivial. The geon's gauge bundle structure is expected to have an imprint in the Hawking-Unruh effect for quantum fields that couple to the background gauge field.Comment: 27 pages. v3: Presentation expanded. Minor corrections and addition
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