13 research outputs found

    Surgical management of large scalp infantile hemangioma in 30-month-old infant

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    Infantile Hemangiomas (IH) are the most common benign tumor of infancy, occurring in over 10% of newborns. The head and neck is the most frequently affected area (60%), and the scalp is a typical site for such large lesions. Scalp-IHs are usually focal lesions that can be both disfiguring and may lead to complications such as ulceration and bleeding. We describe a case of a 30-months old female who presented a large scalp-IH at birth that rapidly grew in the first year of life. Topical and systemic treatments (with timolol ointment and oral propranolol, respectively) were not effective in reducing dimensions of the hemangioma. After vascular imaging study, the patient underwent surgical resection of the IH and primary closure with excellent cosmetic outcome. When medical therapy is ineffective or cosmetic and functional integrity is threatened, early surgery allows to completely removing large scalp-IHs, with good cosmetic results

    Thoracoscopic treatment of a rare bilateral extralobar lung sequestration in a 3-years old girl.

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    Majority of sequestrations fall into two categories: Intra-Lobar (ILS) and Extra-Lobar (ELS). Rarely the abnormal lung could be attached to the gastrointestinal tract, Bronchopulmonary Foregut Malformation (BPFM). We described a case of a girl of 3-years-old with antenatal diagnosis of left intrathoracic mass of the inferior lobe. Postnatal Computed-Tomography (CT) revealed a bilateral ELS with an isthmic bridge crossing the vertebral spine. She follows a MRI follow-up at 18months/30months confirming the lesion. Before surgery, a three-dimensional-CT-angiography was performed to study the mass, its blood supply and to plan surgery. She underwent to thoracoscopic resection. Two aberrant blood vessels were dissected from the thoracic aorta and ligated. The postoperative course was uneventful. She was discharged after 3 days. The rarity of our case is due to the bilateral extension. An appropriate preoperatory imaging study is necessary for the success of surgery while thoracoscopy is particularly appropriate in surgical treatment

    Guidelines of the Italian Society of Videosurgery in Infancy (SIVI) for the minimally invasive treatment of fetal and neonatal ovarian cysts

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    In the last three decades, fetal ovarian cysts were diagnosed more frequently, due to technological improvement and the increasing use of prenatal screening ultrasound. Nonetheless, treatment uncertainties are still present, either prenatally or postnatally. Recently, significant innovations on diagnosis and treatment have been proposed and a more conservative, minimally invasive approach may be offered to the Pediatrician or the Surgeon who face with this condition during prenatal or neonatal age. (...

    Torsion of huge epididymal cyst in a 16-year-old boy: case report and review of the literature

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    Epididymal cysts (ECs) are relatively common in adults, rare in children. Normally their treatment is conservative. They may be situated anywhere in the organ, frequently in the region of the head. Torsion of these cysts is extremely rare in both children and adults, causing acute scrotal swelling. The diagnosis is intraoperative. A 16-year-old boy was referred to our Divisional Clinic by the treating physician for scrotal swelling appeared 4 months earlier. Absence of a history of minor scrotal trauma. Ultrasonography showed a 40×50 mm fluid-filled right para-testicular mass. We performed surgery finding a large black cyst connected to the head of the epididymis with 720°-degrees rotation. Histology revealed an acquired EC. The particularity of our case is due to the absence of symptoms in association with a big EC twisted of 720° degrees. This is the only case reported in literature. All patients with EC torsion reported presented symptoms related to acute scrotum

    Duodenal Atresia: Open versus MIS Repair—Analysis of Our Experience over the Last 12 Years

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    Objective. Duodenal atresia (DA) routinely has been corrected by laparotomy and duodenoduodenostomy with excellent long-term results. We revisited the patients with DA treated in the last 12 years (2004–2016) comparing the open and the minimally invasive surgical (MIS) approach. Methods. We divided our cohort of patients into two groups. Group 1 included 10 patients with CDO (2004–09) treated with open procedure: 5, DA; 3, duodenal web; 2, extrinsic obstruction. Three presented with Down’s syndrome while 3 presented with concomitant malformations. Group 2 included 8 patients (2009–16): 1, web; 5, DA; 2, extrinsic obstruction. Seven were treated by MIS; 1 was treated by Endoscopy. Three presented with Down’s syndrome; 3 presented with concomitant malformations. Results. Average operating time was 120 minutes in Group 1 and 190 minutes in Group 2. In MIS Group the visualization was excellent. We recorded no intraoperative complications, conversions, or anastomotic leakage. Feedings started on 3–7 postoperative days. Follow-up showed no evidence of stricture or obstruction. In Group 1 feedings started within 10–22 days and we have 1 postoperative obstruction. Conclusions. Laparoscopic repair of DA is one of the most challenging procedures among pediatric laparoscopic procedures. These patients had a shorter length of hospitalization and more rapid advancement to full feeding compared to patients undergoing the open approach. Laparoscopic repair of DA could be the preferred technique, safe, and efficacious, in the hands of experienced surgeons

    Horseshoe kidney and uretero-pelvic-junction obstruction in a pediatric patient. Laparoscopic vascular hitch: A valid alternative to dismembered pyeloplasty?

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    Horseshoe kidney (HSK) is a congenital defect of the urinary tract that occurs in 0.25% of the general population. Laparoscopic Vascular Hitch (LVH) according to Hellstrom-Chapman represent an alternative approach in treatment of extrinsic hydronephrosis by crossing vessels (CV) in pediatric age. In our Department from 2006 to 2016, 36 children with extrinsic-Uretero-Pelvic-Junction (UPJ)-Obstruction (UPJO) underwent laparoscopic vessels transposition. Over the last 4years, we have treated three patients with extrinsic hydronephrosis in HSK; two males and one female respectively of 6, 7 and 8years. The side affected was the left in all patients; symptoms of onset: recurrent abdominal pain, vomiting with associated intermittent hydronephrosis at ultrasonography. The preoperative examinations performed were: ultrasound/Doppler scan, MAG3-renogram, functional-magnetic-resonance-urography (fMRU). Mean operative time was 120’; median hospital stay 3- days. Intraoperative diuretic-test (DT) confirmed an extrinsic-UPJO in all patients. No JJ-stents and drain were used and there were no perioperative complications. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up (18 months-4 years) show resolution of symptoms and decrease in hydronephrosis grade in all patients. Our series is the largest in pediatric population by a revision of the literature. We believe that LVH is feasible in patients with symptomatic hydronephrosis by CV in HSK. Intraoperative-DT and the correct selection of patients are crucial to the success of the technique. According to us, this procedure is appropriate in those cases where the UPJ-anatomy is disadvantageous to a resection/re-anastomosis between ureter and renal pelvis. Our initial results are encouraging, although long-term follow- up and a more significant patient sample are required