246 research outputs found

    A swift approach for identifying vulnerable linear transport infrastructures in areas prone to floods and erosion

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    Linear transport infrastructures are essential for the socio-economic development of industrialized countries. However, adverse meteorological and hydrogeological events can result in significant economic losses.Globally, floods have the most substantial socio-economic impact. Climate Change, due to the extent of transport infrastructures over flood-prone territories, is a very important factor in worsening flood risk.The main objective of this study is to identify the sections of the hydrographic network that are susceptible to flood and erosion hazards where road infrastructures are located. The Metropolitan City of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) is selected as test site, due to the presence of several coastal watersheds and of a high population density.A swift methodological approach, based on already available datasets from public repositories and GIS analyses, is presented. This approach includes: i) geomorphological characterization of the hydrographic network; ii) census of stream tracts where bridges were damaged in past flood events; iii) identification of potentially critical tracts (PCT), based on similar geomorphological conditions; iv) multi-temporal satellite imagery analysis of PCT for the identification of flood-prone areas and, therefore, vulnerable road crossings.The adopted methodology has proved to be effective for the identification of vulnerable road crossings over wide portion of territories, identifying critical sites that need further investigation

    Exploring cell surface markers and cell-cell interactions of human breast milk stem cells

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    Background: Breakthrough studies have shown that pluripotent stem cells are present in human breast milk. The expression of pluripotency markers by breast milk cells is heterogeneous, relating to cellular hierarchy, from early-stage multi-lineage stem cells to fully differentiated mammary epithelial cells, as well as weeks of gestation and days of lactation. Design and methods: Here, we qualitatively analyze cell marker expression in freshly isolated human breast milk cells, without any manipulation that could influence protein expression. Moreover, we use electron microscopy to investigate cell-cell networks in breast milk for the first time, providing evidence of active intercellular communication between cells expressing different cellular markers. Results: The immunocytochemistry results of human breast milk cells showed positive staining in all samples for CD44, CD45, CD133, and Ki67 markers. Variable positivity was present with P63, Tβ4 and CK14 markers. No immunostaining was detected for Wt1, nestin, Nanog, OCT4, SOX2, CK5, and CD34 markers. Cells isolated from human breast milk form intercellular connections, which together create a cell-to-cell communication network. Conclusions: Cells freshly isolated form human breast milk, without particular manipulations, show heterogeneous expression of stemness markers. The studied milk staminal cells show "pluripotency" at different stages of differentiation, and are present as single cells or grouped cells. The adjacent cell interactions are evidenced by electron microscopy, which showed the formation of intercellular connections, numerous contact regions, and thin pseudopods

    Human breast milk cells are positive for the pioneer transcription factor ISL1

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    Objective: ISL1 is a pioneer transcription factor that plays important roles in cell lineage specification and differentiation, by programming the epigenome and recruiting additional regulatory factors. The aim of this study is to determine whether the human breastmilk contains ISL1-positive stem cells, and, if so, to describe the subcellular localization of ISL1. Materials and methods: Breast milk was obtained from fourteen healthy females during the first 2-6 months of lactation. Cell morphology was examined in the breast milk with the automatic ThinPrep® processor (Hologic® Inc.) in commercial Cytological ThinPrep® solution (Hologic® Inc.), followed by standard immunohistochemical staining of ISL1. Results: ISL1 had a granular diffuse cytoplasmic localization, with varying intensity of staining in both single and grouped cells. Nuclear staining was also present, as was staining of intracellular and extracellular vesicles with ISL1 antibody. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest that ISL1 could distinguish a readily available source of putative stem cells in human breast milk. These stem cells may complete the network created between the mother and the newborn during gestation, thereby improving the efficiency of programming and reprogramming postnatal events

    Identification of two new repetitive elements and chromosomal mapping of repetitive DNA sequences in the fish Gymnothorax unicolor (Anguilliformes: Muraenidae)

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    Muraenidae is a species-rich family, with relationships among genera and species and taxonomy that have not been completely clarified. Few cytogenetic studies have been conducted on this family, and all of them showed the same diploid chromosome number (2n=42) but with conspicuous karyotypic variation among species. The Mediterranean moray eel Gymnothorax unicolor was previously cytogenetically studied using classical techniques that allowed the characterization of its karyotype structure and the constitutive heterochromatin and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) distribution pattern. In the present study, we describe two new repetitive elements (called GuMboI and GuDdeI) obtained from restricted genomic DNA of G. unicolor that were characterized by Southern blot and physically localized by in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes. As they are highly repetitive DNA sequences, they map in heterochromatic regions. However, while GuDdeI was localized in the centromeric regions, the GuMboI fraction was distributed on some centromeres and was co-localized with the nucleolus organizer region (NOR). Comparative analysis with other Mediterranean species such as Muraena helena pointed out that these DNA fractions are species-specific and could potentially be used for species discrimination. As a new contribution to the karyotype of this species, we found that the major ribosomal genes are localized on acrocentric chromosome 9 and that the telomeres of each chromosome are composed of a tandem repeat derived from a poly-TTAGGG DNA sequence, as it occurs in most vertebrate species. The results obtained add new information useful in comparative genomics at the chromosomal level and contribute to the cytogenetic knowledge regarding this fish family, which has not been extensively studied

    Closure of an iatrogenic tracheo-esophageal fistula with bronchoscopic gluing in a mechanically ventilated adult patient

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    Management of acquired nonmalignant tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) in mechanically ventilated patients is controversial. Surgical correction is often contraindicated because the high operative risk and spontaneous closure is unlikely due to the positive pressure ventilation. We present a case of successful closure of an iatrogenic TEF in a mechanically ventilated patient with bronchoscopic application of fibrin glue. The technique may be proposed in high-risk patients as either an alternative to surgery or as a first-line attempt before surgical correction

    Cellular trafficking of thymosin beta-4 in HEPG2 cells following serum starvation

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    Thymosin beta-4 (Tβ4) is an ubiquitous multi-functional regenerative peptide, related to many critical biological processes, with a dynamic and flexible conformation which may influence its functions and its subcellular distribution. For these reasons, the intracellular localization and trafficking of Tβ4 is still not completely defined and is still under investigation in in vivo as well as in vitro studies. In the current study we used HepG2 cells, a human hepatoma cell line; cells growing in normal conditions with fetal bovine serum expressed high levels of Tβ4, restricted to the cytoplasm until 72 h. At 84 h, a diffuse Tβ4 cytoplasmic immunostaining shifted to a focal perinuclear and nuclear reactivity. In the absence of serum, nuclear reactivity was localized in small granules, evenly dispersed throughout the entire nuclear envelop, and was observed as earlier as at 48 h. Cytoplasmic immunostaining for Tβ4 in HepG2 cells under starvation appeared significantly lower at 48 h and decreased progressively at 72 and at 84 h. At these time points, the decrease in cytoplasmic staining was associated with a progressive increase in nuclear reactivity, suggesting a possible translocation of the peptide from the cytoplasm to the nuclear membrane. The normal immunocytochemical pattern was restored when culture cells submitted to starvation for 84 h received a new complete medium for 48 h. Mass spectrometry analysis, performed on the nuclear and cytosolic fractions of HepG2 growing with and without serum, showed that Tβ4 was detectable only in the cytosolic and not in the intranuclear fraction. These data suggest that Tβ4 is able to translocate from different cytoplasmic domains to the nuclear membrane and back, based on different stress conditions within the cell. The punctuate pattern of nuclear Tβ4 immunostaining associated with Tβ4 absence in the nucleoplasm suggest that this peptide might be localized in the nuclear pores, where it could regulate the pore permeabilit

    Nurses’ behavior regarding pain treatment in an emergency department: A single-center observational study

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    Purpose: The aim of this prospective study was to assess the behavior of emergency department (ED) nurses with regard to pain and their role in pain management in a real-life clinical setting. Methods: A total of 509 consecutive patients were enrolled during a 6-week period. A case-report form was used to collect data on nurses’ approaches to pain, time to analgesia provision, and patient-perceived quality of analgesia. Results: Triage nurses actively inquired about pain in almost every case, but they did not estimate pain intensity in a third of patients. In the majority of cases, triage nurses did not report pain-related findings to the physician, who was the only professional that could prescribe analgesia to patients. The assignment of the color-coding of triage by nurses appears to be related to the perceived severity of the clinical case and a more comprehensive evaluation of pain. More than half of patients were at least fairly satisfied with analgesia. Conclusion: Pain is increasingly screened during triage, but its comprehensive assessment and management still lack systematic application. We believe that further education and implementation of analgesia protocols may empower nurses to manage ED patients’ pain more effectively and in a more timely manner

    Toward the renal vesicle: Ultrastructural investigation of the cap mesenchyme splitting process in the developing kidney

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    Background: A complex sequence of morphogenetic events leads to the development of the adult mouse kidney. In the present study, we investigated the morphological events that characterize the early stages of the mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition of cap mesenchymal cells, analyzing in depth the relationship between cap mesenchymal induction and ureteric bud (UB) branching. Design and methods: Normal kidneys of newborn non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice were excised and prepared for light and electron microscopic examination. Results: Nephrogenesis was evident in the outer portion of the renal cortex of all examined samples. This process was mainly due to the interaction of two primordial derivatives, the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. Early renal developmental stages were initially characterized by the formation of a continuous layer of condensed mesenchymal cells around the tips of the ureteric buds. These caps of mesenchymal cells affected the epithelial cells of the underlying ureteric bud, possibly inducing their growth and branching. Conclusions: The present study provides morphological evidence of the reciprocal induction between the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme showing that the ureteric buds convert mesenchyme to epithelium that in turn stimulates the growth and the branching of the ureteric bud
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