14 research outputs found


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    This study examined History teachers’ perceptions and experiences on teaching and learning history in secondary schools in Kigoma region in Tanzania. The study focused on teachers’ perceptions of significance of teaching and learning History, teaching methods, perception of how students learn history, perception of learnability of History, and perceived challenges. About fifteen history teachers from seven secondary schools were involved. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed using content analysis method. The findings indicated that the teachers highly perceived History as an important subject in secondary school education. They acknowledged the use of both teacher-centred and learner-centred teaching methods in teaching History, with more use of teacher-centred methods. Teachers highlighted various challenges to history teaching and learning in their schools. These include shortage of teaching and learning materials, use of English as the medium of instruction, lack of professional development opportunities and examination oriented teaching. It is recommended that educational authorities give priority to in-service teacher education and professional development and ensure availability of teaching and learning materials in schools.  Article visualizations

    Does it Work? Implementing Communicative Language Teaching Approach in EFL Context

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    Language teaching is a dynamic filed of education where a cluster of changes have been suggested and implemented over time. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach has been regarded as a harbinger of new era in language teaching. Initiated in the inner circle countries, its effects have now reached to the extreme outer circle countries. Yet, how far CLT approach is beneficial in English as a foreign language (EFL) context is still shrouded in mystery. This is a review article with an attempt to evaluate the feasibility of applying CLT approach in EFL context. To reach a final consideration, it will first explore the characteristics of CLT approach. Then it will analyze some of the prevailing empirical studies in pursuit of applying CLT approach in EFL countries. Finally, it will suggest some remedies to avoid the hurdles in its implementation in EFL context. Key words: Language teaching, Communicative approach, EFL contex

    Common Goals, Uncommon Settings: The Impact of Physical Environment on Teaching and Learning English for Communication

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    The purpose of this survey study was to investigate the impact of physical and academic environment on the attitude of students towards learning English for communication and the attitude of teachers to applying communicative approach in teaching English at Bachelor’s level. The sample population consisted on 720 first and second grade non-English major students and 12 teachers from one Pakistani university and two of its affiliated colleges. For the data collection, attitude scale was used for students, classes were observed in the three institutions and teachers were interviewed. The data reveals that there is found a significant difference in the attitude of students towards learning English for communication and teachers’ attitude to applying communicative approach in different environments. The students who study in the main campus of the university demonstrated better attitude towards learning English for communication than the college students. Teaching strategies applied by the university teachers were found closer to the tenets of communicative approach as compared to that of college teachers.   Key words: Physical environment, attitude, learning, teaching, communication

    Inconsistencies in English Language Teaching in Pakistan: A Comparison between Public and Private Institutions

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the substantial implementation of communicative approach in teaching English as a foreign language at higher secondary level in Pakistan. It also attempted to differentiate between public and private institutions in CLT application. A questionnaire, observation schedule and subsequent interviews were used to collect data. The results revealed that big gap is found in what teachers claim to do in class room and what they actually materialize. The teaching methodology adopted by the private domain teachers was found comparatively closer to the tenets of communicative approach. During the interview, the respondents tried to justify their inconsistencies in teaching style. Examination washback effect was a commonly forwarded justification by the teachers of both domains. Inexperienced teachers, physical environment, strategic facilities, over-crowded class rooms and non-availibity of teaching material were some of the other excuses given by the interviewees. Key words: ELT, teaching methodology, CLT, GTM, inconsistencies


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    Objectives: This study was aimed to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the students' perceptions of the clarity of objectives for the selected course content in the distance teacher education program at university level, to compare the perceptions of students towards selection and organization of curriculum content with regards of their enrolled distance learning teacher education program at university level and to explore the perceptions of Student teachers’ gratification towards the proportion of theory and practice in the curriculum with regards to the gender. Materials and Methods: A mixed methods study design was adopted. As a whole, 200 participants were selected randomly for survey. Four focus group discussions were conducted with the participants of the study. Because the investigation was about education problems and the participants also belonged to the education department, they were aware of the technicalities and seriousness of the problem. Results: Out of total one hundred eight seven (187) students (93.5%) returned the completed questionnaire. The overall mean score was 3.627 indicating "more positive than negative perceptions". M.Phil students had positive perceptions towards selection and organization of curriculum content in distance learning teacher education programs at university level than B.Ed, M.Ed and M.A students. Male students were more positive than females towards gratification about the proportion of theory and practice in the curriculum. Conclusions: It is important to assess the students' perceptions of curriculum objectives of their teacher training program. There is a need to improve the content of teacher education institutions according to levels of interest and maturity of student teachers. There is also a need to shift the focus of content from theory to practice. Quality of distance teacher educators needs to be addressed.   Article visualizations

    Applying communicative approach in teaching english as a foreign language: a case study of Pakistan.

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    The first part of this research is comprised of an experimental study to investigate the comparative usefulness of the Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach in teaching English at the intermediate level. A pre-test, post-test group design was used to measure achievement and attitude of the students. The second part of this research is comprised of a survey study to investigate the Pakistani teachers� perception of the CLT approach and their perceived impediments in its application at the higher secondary level. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for this purpose, and ten teachers were interviewedLa primera parte de esta investigación consistió en un estudio experimental para investigar la utilidad comparativa del �método de traducción gramatical� y la enseñanza comunicativa de la lengua (CLT) aplicada al inglés de nivel intermedio. Se utilizó un diseño de pre-test, post-test para medir los logros y la actitud de los estudiantes. La segunda parte de esta investigación consistió en evaluar la percepción del método CLT y los impedimentos percibidos en su aplicación en la segunda etapa de educación secundaria mediante una encuesta. Para este propósito se utilizó un cuestionario semiestructurado; un total de 10 profesores fueron entrevistado

    Examination Washback Effect: Syllabus, Teaching Methodology and the Learners’ Communicative Competence

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    Washback is known as the influence of testing on teaching, either positive or negative. In high-stakes examinations, however, the assessment driven curriculum leads to a negative washback effect in the Asian settings. This study was taken to evaluate implications of examination washback effect on teachers’ selection of methodology in English language teaching at higher secondary level in Pakistan and, to examine whether the present testing system has any effect on students’ communicative competence. A triangulation of data source was applied in this research where 128 higher secondary English language teachers participated. The research tools used for the study were document analysis, questionnaire for the teachers, classroom observation and subsequent interview with teachers. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of data revealed that teachers’ selection of methodology is directly influenced by examinations. The learners’ communicative competence is consequently affected by the teachers’ selection of methodology. Key words: Washback effect, teaching methodology, communicative competence

    Preparation and Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Tanzania: Current Practices and Prospects

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    Teacher educators play a key role in teacher education and education in general. Worldwide, little is known about preparation and professional development of teacher educators. This paper critically examined teacher educators’ preparation and professional development in the context of educational reforms and mushrooming of teacher education institutions in Tanzania. The document review method was used to analyze and review relevant literature. The analysis of findings indicates that the preparation of teacher educators in Tanzania receives considerable attention and focus in undergraduate programmes with little attention in postgraduate programmes. The professional development of teacher educators is limited and characterized by few professional development activities. It is suggested that the preparation of teacher educators should be well structured and enhanced with effective professional development activities and opportunities. Various recommendations to improve the preparation and professional development of teacher educators are also provided. Keywords: teacher educators; preparation and professional development; teacher education programmes; Tanzani


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    This study amplifies the voices of international women doctoral students through their shared experiences in their doctoral program. Although studies acknowledge the significance of exploring the experiences of women doctoral students, there remains a dearth of literature documenting the experiences of international women doctoral students in China. Participants were made up of purposefully sampled international women in their PhD program in a public university in Northeast China. Using open-ended questions, in-depth one-on-one interviews were conducted with the participants. The findings indicate that although participants perceived their experience at this university as being transformative, they however also expressed their personal struggles of learning as women in a PhD program. The implication of this study for future research and policy is further discussed.  Article visualizations

    Factors Affecting International Students’ Perception of Their Academic Learning Experiences at Northeast Normal University China

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    With the increasing number of international students travelling to well-developed countries for higher education, such as the China, there has been a growing interest in exploring the factors that influence their academic performance and academic learning experiences during their overseas studies. This study aims to give an insight into international students’ perceptions of academic learning experiences. A quantitative approach was employed to gain a better understanding of international graduate students' perceptions of their academic learning experiences at Northeast Normal University. The sample comprised 87 international students, 44 Master and 43 doctoral from four schools: Education 32, Life Sciences29, Economics15 and Chemistry11. A structured questionnaire, the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) served as the main instrument for quantitative data collection.Three (3) sampling techniques were used in this study: purposive sampling, stratified sampling and simple random sampling. A five-point Lickert scale (1= Strongly disagree; 2= Disagree; 3= Unsure; 4= Agree; 5= Strongly agree) was involved in the questionnaire instrument. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0.Findings indicate that students rate most aspects of their programs positively, although few respondents give the highest ratings, indicating that there is substantial room for improvement. International students’ majors and length of stay in China influenced perceptions about the learning environment. Keywords: Factors Affecting, International students, perceptions, Academic learning experience