19 research outputs found

    Constructing genetic exchange communities among bacteria and archaea

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    Does ESG investment reduce carbon emissions in China?

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    This study explores the relationship between ESG investments and carbon emissions in China. Our results show that 1% increase in environmental investments would cause 0.246% decrease in CO2 emissions and 0.558% decrease in carbon emission intensity. The impact of ESG investment is heterogeneous across the developed and underdeveloped regions. Environmental investments in the advanced eastern region have significantly improved carbon productivity. In contrast, environmental investments in the central and western regions significantly reduced carbon emissions, but they have little impact on carbon productivity

    Robust Inference of Genetic Exchange Communities from Microbial Genomes Using TF-IDF

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    Bacteria and archaea can exchange genetic material across lineages through processes of lateral genetic transfer (LGT). Collectively, these exchange relationships can be modeled as a network and analyzed using concepts from graph theory. In particular, densely connected regions within an LGT network have been defined as genetic exchange communities (GECs). However, it has been problematic to construct networks in which edges solely represent LGT. Here we apply term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), an alignment-free method originating from document analysis, to infer regions of lateral origin in bacterial genomes. We examine four empirical datasets of different size (number of genomes) and phyletic breadth, varying a key parameter (word length k) within bounds established in previous work. We map the inferred lateral regions to genes in recipient genomes, and construct networks in which the nodes are groups of genomes, and the edges natively represent LGT. We then extract maximum and maximal cliques (i.e., GECs) from these graphs, and identify nodes that belong to GECs across a wide range of k. Most surviving lateral transfer has happened within these GECs. Using Gene Ontology enrichment tests we demonstrate that biological processes associated with metabolism, regulation and transport are often over-represented among the genes affected by LGT within these communities. These enrichments are largely robust to change of k

    The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2016)

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    Supplementary Tables S8 - S10 for Yingnan Cong PhD thesis (UQ 2016), Chapter 3.

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    Supplementary Tables S8 - S10 (Excel .xlsx files) showing results of Gene Ontology enrichment test

    BA (Bacteria and Archaea) 143 genomes data – genomes also examined by Popa (2011)

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    Names, and class of BA genomes examined by both Cong (2016) and Popa (2011

    Supplementary Tables S23 – S24 for Yingnan Cong PhD thesis (UQ 2016), Chapter 4.

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    Supplementary Tables S23 – S24  showing results of Gene Ontology enrichment tests. Over- and under-represented terms in GEC

    Names of 27 ECS, 110 EB and 143 BA genomes

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    Genome IDs of 27 ECS, 110 EB and 143 BA genome

    BA (Bacteria and Archaea) 143 genomes data – IDs of genes inferred as lateral by both TF-IDF and Popa (2011)

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    Gene IDs of BA genes inferred as lateral by both TF-IDF and Popa (2011

    Coordinates inferred as lateral by TF-IDF for 27 ECS, 110 EB and 143 BA genomes

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    Recipient ID, donor group ID and coordinates of regions inferred as lateral by TF-IDF in 27 ECS, 110 EB and 143 BA genome dataset