490 research outputs found


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    Due to any institution in the national teaching system, indifferent of type, level and activity organization form, is to insure the quality teaching, learning and researching, from the necessity of making the bases of an institutional cultures of the education's quality, for contributing to the personal and professional development of the students, at the society's welfare. The quality insurance policies and strategies of the national teaching system of Romania have as marking the permanent correlation with the orientations and actions promoted at European and global level, in consense with the recommendations of the Superior Education Quality Insurance European Association, recommendations which have been taken by the Bergen Ministerial Conference (19-20 May 2005).quality standards, higher education

    Canal atrioventricular complet la un copil cu sindromul Down

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    Departamentul Pediatrie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”Background. The complete atrioventricular canal (CAVC) is a rare complex heart malformation, in 30- 60% it is associated with Down syndrome. Arrhythmias are often associated with CAVC. The presence of the genetic syndrome conditions the surgical correction in the first months of life. Objective of the study. Identifying rhythm and conduction disorders in a child with CAVC. Material and Methods. Anamnestic, clinical and paraclinical data were taken from the medical record. The patient was investigated by electrocardiography (ECG), M, B and color Doppler echocardiography (EcoCg), cardiovascular radiology. Literature on similar cases has been studied. Results. The 8-month-old girl, with CAVC and Down syndrome, was hospitalized in the pediatric cardiology service for evaluation after cardiac surgery. The complexity of the abnormality and the association of Down syndrome determined the radical correction to be performed at the age of 6 months, in a single stage, in accordance with the recommendations of the current guidelines. Postoperatively, after 2 months, a good result of the operation was confirmed. On standard ECG, sinus rhythm and intraventricular combined conduction disorders were found, such as complete right bundle branch block and left anterior fascicular block of the His bundle, clinically insignificant arrhythmia. Conclusion. Analyzing the case, we deduced that the conduction disorders detected on the standard ECG are arrhythmic complications after corrective surgery, with damage to the transient intraventricular conduction system, with minor clinical impact.Introducere. Canalul atrioventricular complet (CAVC) este o malformație cardiacă complexă rară, în 30-60% fiind asociată cu sindromul Down. Aritmiile sunt adesea asociate în CAVC, iar prezenţa sindromului genetic condiţionează efectuarea corecţiei chirurgicale în primele luni de viaţă. Scopul lucrării. Identificarea dereglărilor de ritm și de conducere la un copil cu CAVC. Material și metode. Datele anamnestice, clinice și paraclinice au fost prelevate din fișa medicală. Pacientul a fost investigat prin electrocardiografie (ECG), ecocardiogafie în regim M, B şi Doppler color (EcoCg), şi radiologie cardiovasculară. A fost studiată literatura de specialitate privind cazurile similare. Rezultate. Fetiţă de 8 luni, purtătoare de CAVC şi sindrom Down asociat, a fost internată în serviciul de cardiologie pediatrică pentru evaluare după chirurgie cardiacă. Complexitatea anomaliei şi asocierea sindromului Down au determinat efectuarea corecţiei radicale la vârsta de 6 luni, într-o singură etapă, în conformitate cu recomandările ghidurilor actuale. Postoperator, peste 2 luni, s-a confirmat un rezultat relativ bun al operaţiei. La ECG standard s-a constatat ritm sinusal şi tulburări de conductibilitate intraventriculare combinate, de tip bloc complet de ram drept şi bloc fascicular anterior de ram stâng al fasciculului His şi aritmie nesemnificativă clinic. Concluzii. Analizând cazul am dedus că, tulburările de conducere depistate la ECG standard sunt complicaţii aritmice după chirurgia corectivă, cu lezarea căilor de conducere intraventriculare tranzitorii, cu impact clinic minor. Copilul necesită supraveghere cardiacă, inclusiv cu efectuarea ECG

    Micah 6 : A Parallel Perspective of the Biblical Text

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    The aim of this thesis is to offer a parallel presentation of the sixteen verses of Micah 6, as they were handed to us in the Masoretic Text (MT), the Septuagint (LXX) and in the Targum. The outline of this research comprises five chapters. The first chapter offers a detailed account of the history of research on the Book of Micah. The account highlights problems connected with the person of the prophet Micah, the dating of his book, division, solutions to textual problems and influential commentaries. The MT is the subject discussed in chapter two, which is divided in five parts. Prior to the actual textual analysis, (1) the history of the textual-linguistic method is described starting with H. Weinrich’s basic assumptions followed by A. Niccacci’s presentation of this method. The thesis continues with the exposition of (2) the textual critical analysis, the (3) the syntactical commentary (using the textual-linguistic method). The last two parts engage in (4) an analysis of the poetic devices and a (5) commentary of the MT text as a whole. The third chapter is dedicated to the Septuagint as an equally important witness for the transmission of the Bible. The short excursus on the research history of the Septuagint is followed by a detailed textual analysis of the major Greek manuscripts. The rest of the chapter will concentrate on presenting differences between the MT and LXX and determining what the text is saying in the Greek form. The Aramaic Targum witness of Micah 6 is the concern of the next chapter which starts with an exposition of the Biblical Aramaic verbal system according to the textual-linguistic method. The presentation proceeds with its application to the proposed text. The last part of this chapter concerns the main differences between the MT and Targum in Micah 6 introduced by a general account of the Targum as translation. The last chapter offers an outline of the most interesting findings of this research along with general conclusion about the textual-linguistic method

    Syntax of Targum Aramaic: A Text–Linguistic Reading of 1Samuel

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    Biblical languages and time mix well. The former allow access to ancient times when our ancestors, we are told, spoke to God face–to–face. This interaction took place supposedly in the languages in which we receive the literary account of the interaction. This thesis aims to reconnect our modern languages to Targum Aramaic. With the use of two complementary linguistic methods, that of text–linguistics (Harald Weinrich) and the functional sentence perspective of the Prague school (FSP), it seeks to answer key questions about Aramaic syntax and word order. In Targum 1Samuel, the text examined here, connection with the reader is established through a flow of narrative, which represents the sequence of events as they happened, which is sometimes substituted with comment. This comment represents the narrator’s notes, clarifications, or it simply tells or re–tells the events in the form of a report rather than narrative. These authorial interventions accompany the narration. Weinrich described these two realities, and connected them with morphological tenses in modern languages, which use tenses like past simple our past perfect for narrative, but comment by employing present, present perfect, and future. Comment and narrative tenses are exhibited by the indirect speech of narrative genre in most modern languages. The Aramaic and the Biblical Hebrew underlying 1Samuel, being Semitic Languages, do not display that morphological diversity in terms of tense; consequently, modern readers have tended to read them simply as narrative, ignoring comment. This is evident in most translations and interpretations of these texts into modern languages. Where indirect speech occurs in either Aramaic or Hebrew, such translations and interpretations assume that the text merely narrates, and accordingly they restrict themselves to using past simple and continuous, and past perfect and continuous tenses, and their equivalents in modern languages. This thesis ascertains that comment in Targum 1Samuel is closely bound up with word order and the limited number of tenses in Aramaic. Interpreting these together gives us back our narrator and his notes, clarifications, or reports

    Mecanismele biochimice ale insulinorezistenței

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    Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPBackground. The mutation of the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 gene is a cause for insulin resistance. The mutations is due to the replacement of Gly with Arg at codon 972, which leads to the formation of a defective protein and that causes the translocation of the GLUT-4 protein. Objective of the study. To elucidate and describe the biochemical mechanisms of insulin resistance (IR) underlying the development of effective treatment for type 2 diabetes. Material and Methods. In order to achieve the proposed goal, a bibliographic search was performed using the Medical Scientific Library of USMF „NicolaeTestemitanu” and the following platforms: Medscape, PubMed and American Physiological Society Journal. Articles that were published between 2010 and 2020 were selected. Results. In obesity adipocytes become hypertrophied and they are the source of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNFα, IL-6, resistin and Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1), which have a direct action on the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) proteins phosphorylation, there is a interruption of the enzyme cascade of reactions that are necessary for the GLUT-4 translocation. Elevated endothelin-1 levels contribute to the IR installing by deteriorating the insulin signaling pathway at the receptor level. Nicotine also leads to IR, by activating serine kinases, which will cause an increased level of IRS-1 Ser 636 and, therefore, will impede the translocation of GLUT-4. Conclusion. With the exception of the mutation in the Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 gene, all other pathogenic mechanisms of IR are essential for the development of an effective treatment, which may interrupt the pathogenetic chain of IR in patients with type 2 diabetes.Introducere. O cauză a insulinorezistenței este mutația la nivelul genei Insulin Receptor Substrate 1, care constă în substituția Gly cu Arg la nivelul codonului 972, cu formarea unei proteine defecte, ce duce la translocarea proteinei de transport GLUT-4 și, respectiv, apariția insulinorezistenței. Scopul lucrării. De a elucida și de a descrie mecanismele biochimice de formare a insulinorezistenței (IR), care stau la baza elaborării unui tratament eficient în diabetul zaharat de tip II. Material și Metode. Pentru realizarea scopului propus s-a efectuat analiza review-ului literaturii, între anii 2010-2020, utilizând 15 surse bibliografice, dintre care cele ale Bibliotecii Științifice Medicale ale USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, date ale bibliotecilor electronice Medscape, PubMed și American Physiological Society Journal. Rezultate. În obezitate, adipocitele devin hipertrofiate, acestea fiind sursa de citokine proinflamatorii, așa ca TNF-α, IL-6, rezistina și proteina-1 chimioatractantă de monocite (MCP-1), care au acțiune directă asupra fosforilării proteinelor substratului receptorului insulinic (IRS-1), astfel se întrerupe cascada de reacții enzimatice, necesară pentru translocarea GLUT-4, rezultând IR. Nivelul crescut de endotelina-1 contribuie la instalarea IR, prin deteriorarea căii de semnalizare a insulinei la nivel de receptor. Nicotina la fel conduce spre IR, prin activarea serin-kinazelor, care vor determina un nivel crescut de IRS-1 Ser 636, ce va împiedica translocarea de GLUT-4. Concluzii. Cu excepția mutației genetice la nivelul genei Insulin Receptor Substrate 1, restul mecanismelor patogenetice de instalarea IR, sunt baza elaborării medicației eficiente, care va putea întrerupe lanțul patogenetic al IR, cu tratarea eficientă a pacienților cu diabet zaharat tip II

    Aspectele clinico computer tomografice ale adenoamelor hipofizare

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    A large number of cerebral neoplasms are rising in the pituitary region. Pituitary adenomas are the most frequent tumors of benign origin to rise in this area, and represent about 6,7% to 18% of all cerebral neoplasms. Due to its specific localisation and clinical presentation, this tumors need specific diagnostic and treatment procedures, depending on the character of tumoral process. Present study is based on evaluation of 17 cases of patients with pituitary tumors first diagnosed using CT scan. It shows that CT scan is still a valuable diagnostic procedure for this kind of pathology, being informative im primary detection of sellar region tumors

    Tratamentul conservativ versus tratamentul chirurgical în cazul hematoamelor intracerebrale spontane

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    Problema alegerii celui mai bun tip de tratament pentru hemoragiile intracerebrale spontane reprezintă un subiect aprins de discuţii şi controverse. Opţiunile terapeutice depind în special de localizarea, severitatea şi complicaţiile HICS. Până în prezent nu sunt stabilite criterii care să delimiteze clar, care categorie de pacienţi poate avea mai multe beneficii în urma intervenţiei chirurgicale şi, care va obţine rezultate mai bune ca urmare al tratamentului medicamentos. În acest articol sunt prezentate ultimele date şi rezultatele trailurilor care au avut loc, precum şi problemele în curs de cercetare, vizând tratamentul pacienţilor cu ictus hemoragic

    Secondary hypertension incidence at patients with chronic pyelonephritis

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    Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology and Nephrology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Hypertension (or high blood pressure) is a syndrome characterized by increase of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure above the normal values. It was found that 5% - 10% cases of hypertension (and almost 50% cases discovered under the age of 40), have obvious etiology is and most frequently of the renal genesis. Materials and Methods: 50 patients with chronic pyelonephritis of the Republican Clinical Hospital, department of Nephrology, were examined retrospectively and prospectively. The average age of patients and the disease duration was 59.1 and 27.2 years respectively. Results: The incidence of hypertension in bilateral chronic pyelonephritis reaches 58¬65% worldwide, but in our study the incidence reached 82% (41 patients). We have determined that at 38% (19 patients) with chronic pyelonephritis, hypertension developed in more than 10 years of the pyelonephritis evolution. In 64% (32 patients) of patients with chronic pyelonephritis hypertension was detected before the age of 40. Conclusion: Kidney diseases are the most common and frequent cause of secondary hypertension. It was found that conservative therapy at patients with chronic pyelonephritis normalizes blood pressure. Early diagnosis of acute and chronic pyelonephritis can provide effective and rational treatment and, consequently it can prevent secondary hypertension