8 research outputs found

    Modern Jewelry Art of Moldova

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    In this article the author examines some problems concerning formation of the jewelry industry in the territory of Bessarabia, Moldavian RSS and the Republic of Moldova, for the considerations that contemporary art jewelry is presented as a subject very poorly investigated, despite having an interest for historical researchers, the study art, ethnography and culturology. Are determinate some aspects of the evolution of different types of jewelry manufacturing workshops and articles Jewelry Plant Giuvaier from Chisinau, founded in 1972.jewelry art, museum collections, manufacturing, modern masters, jewelry decorations

    Dialogue Unites Us. Isolation Divides Us

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    This dialogue concerns the 105th anniversary of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania and a review of the activities, carried out together with Mr. Constantin Toma, the Mayor of Buzău Municipality and Mr. Marius-Adrian Nicoară, doctor in history, honorary councilor of the Buzău City Hall. Here are highlighted the relations of the municipality of Buzau with different localities from the Republic of Moldova, through the cultural, economic and interpersonal partnerships developed by the entities of the administrative-territorial units. Among these projects are the signing of the “Declaration of Union” on March 15, 2018; reconstruction of the Dniester River embankment, on the segment in front of the Citadel of Soroca; the inauguration of the busts of Ion Inculeț and Alexandru Marghiloman, on March 27, 2023, in Ialoveni; expansion of the “Petru Costin” Museum; The scientific conference “105 years since the Union of Bessarabia with Romania. Where power grows... The lesson of history and dignity of the year 1918” held in the Union Hall of the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts in Chisinau; the commitment to rehabilitate the building by bearing all costs by the Buzău Local Council; a substantial book donation; the concert “The Romanian language is my homeland”; the “Chisinau for Buzau” project; the series of scientific conferences generically named “Zilele Alexandru Marghiloman” et al

    The Act of Union of Bessarabia with Romania from 1918 and cultural heritage: impact, evolution, perspectives

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    The union of Bessarabia with Romania, in 1918, also had a particular impact on education, economy, mentality, the development of visual and audiovisual arts and, of course, on the patrimony of the country. Now, the subject of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova is frequently approached by historians, anthropologists, specialists in the field of arts studies. In this article, we set the objective to make a retrospective of the itinerary traveled by the cultural heritage of Bessarabia in these 105 years. The evolutionary processes to which this heritage was subjected over the years (in the interwar period, in the years of the Second World War, during the Soviet period and during the 32 years of independence of the Republic of Moldova) were investigated, the share of the treasure held in 1918 was determined, specifying what values we lost, what patrimony was stolen, destroyed especially during the Soviet period and what we have to restore, to rebuild for posterity. Since the idea of cultural heritage is very complex, in our approach we presented a synthesis of its evolution, bringing in this way a tribute to the Generation of the Union for the achievement of Greater Romania. The great act of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania, made in Chisinau, on March 27, 1918, remained as an act of courage. It’s up to us to keep it alive the memory of those who contributed to a real history lesson of 1918 and to join our efforts to safeguarding, valorizing and promoting our cultural heritage, which we value in order to pass it on to those who will continue our message and activity

    Istoriografia problemei artei metalului în Basarabia

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    The paper aims to sum up the most relevant publications on the art of metals from Bessarabia in the context of the evolution of artistic metal processing in Europe. The problem of metal art development has been reflected in scientific papers of different character. The multitude of topics allowed outlining the historiography on guilds and craft workshops, the activity of artists and the most representative works of goldsmiths and hardware artistic objects. It was found that at the current stage of research, despite the presence of a series of recent publications, the objects of precious and common metals from Bessarabia did not benefit from an interdisciplinary study that would give a comprehensive answer to the historical, artistic and technological investigation. We conclude that the issue of metal art evolution was addressed unequally in historiography. The diversity of publications focusing on different topics, which provided necessary documentary support, serves as proof

    L’orfèvrerie ecclésiastique du Bessarabie (1812-1827)

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    Les objets liturgiques des premières décennies du XIXe siècle font partie intégrante du patrimoine culturel du notre pays, que doivent être protégés. Dans cet article l'auteur analyse les suivants problèmes: la création des bijoutiers qui ont créés dans les premières décennies du XIXe siècle des objets liturgiques; l'auteur indique les matériaux principaux et la recommandation, après 1827 année sur l'utilisation de l'argent pour la fabrication des objets liturgiques; la liste des bijoux des églises locales et les caractéristiques du style des bijoux de cette période. L'étude de l'art religieux est très importante pour rétablir l'image intégrale du développement d'art des bijoux de la Bessarabie

    Diversitatea și valoarea surselor de cercetare ale artei metalelor din Basarabia

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    The reconstruction of the overall picture of the evolution of Bessarabian metal art requires the analysis of the various documentary sources. The author of the article highlights the main categories of sources – written and material – whose examination constitutes the success of a scientific research. It is found that the original files and the ones published by the archives, insufficiently explored or explored in other contexts, represent an important supplier of data on church heritage, silverware, metal objects. A mandatory condition is to make a connection between the written and material sources, including items made from noble and common metals, currently preserved in the funds of the National History Museum of Moldova, the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, the National Art Museum of Moldova, other museums of local importance and the ones belonging to the patrimony of the places of worship. The multitude and value of the written and material sources offers the possibility of realizing the general picture regarding the evolution of local plate and ironwork in the context of the applied decorative art in the Romanian space

    Archival documents as a source for the research of jewelry for church use

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    This article discusses the archival documents from the national archives and the archives of neighboring countries, which are directly relevant to the development of jewelry. The documents were systematized by the author on chronological (documents of the tsarist, interwar, and Soviet periods of time) and thematic (normative acts, inventories, formulary lists) principles. On the basis of archival materials of 1945-1955 concerned the inventory verifications held at St. George’s Church in Chişinău, St. Nicholas Church in the village Sireţi of Străşeni district, the Balti cathedral, Holy Trinity Church in the village of Cucuieţii Vechi in Râşcani district, and St. Nicholas Church in the Antoneşti village of the Ştefan-Vodă district, there were identified the main religious objects and ecclesiastical vestments from these temples. The analysis of archival sources makes it possible to present full picture of development of jewelry and other objects of religious worship in the Eastern Europe and significantly expand information on the availability and typology of objects made of precious and usual metals