72 research outputs found

    The Efficacy of Team-Based Learning in Histology

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    Team-Based Learning (TBL) is an instructional strategy in which traditional lectures are replaced with in-class activities that promote group discussion and active learning. Students are expected to master the basic facts and concepts of the subject matter prior to coming to class. We sought to determine whether the knowledge obtained using TBL is comparable to that obtained using traditional lectures, and whether students have a preference for either instructional method. From 2006-2008, the students in a graduate histology course were taught the structure and function of the basic tissues using TBL. Other topics in the course were taught using lectures, so the students experienced both instructional methods. Using the same 59 multiple-choice questions, we tested the students’ knowledge about the basic tissues, and compared the results to those obtained in 2005, when the basic tissue material was taught using lectures. In 2006-2008, the mean ± SD exam performance after TBL (87.5 ± 7.5, n = 32; 83.9 ± 11.1, n = 36; 78.9 ± 13.2, n = 24) was similar to that observed in 2005 after lectures (82.7 ± 12.0, n = 39). When asked to respond to the statement, “I prefer TBL sessions rather than traditional lectures”, 40.4% of the students agreed or strongly agreed, 23.4% disagreed or strongly disagreed, and 36.0% had no opinion (89 of 92 students responding). These results suggest that TBL and lectures produce comparable learning outcomes, at least as measured on a multiple-choice exam, and that students have a mild preference for the TBL format.American Association of Clinical Anatomists Annual Meetin

    Team-Based Learning (TBL) in Histology: Lessons Learned Through 7 Years of Experience

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    In 2006, we began the transition from a traditional lecture-based histology course to a TBL course, gradually adding more TBL exercises each year until the course was virtually lecture-free. Our laboratory sessions using microscopes and glass slides remained unchanged. We have previously reported that TBL produces learning outcomes comparable to those of lectures (Clin. Anat. 23: 474, 2010). Based on our trail-and-error experiences of the last 7 years, we now offer 4 key suggestions for successfully implementing TBL in histology: (1) Schedule the laboratory session before the corresponding TBL exercise. This permits the use of histologic images that students already have some familiarity with. (2) Limit Internet access during the TBL exercise, especially for clinically-oriented problems. Students can quickly find the “right” answer via search engines without understanding why it is correct. (3) When discussing the TBL exercise in class, call out the names of individual students to respond using a checklist of the team rosters. This sends a clear message that all team members must fully participate in the process and be prepared to explain and defend the team’s answers. (4) At the conclusion of the TBL exercise, provide a “take-home message” about what the students are expected to understand about the topic. Students often fail to connect what they see in lab or read in the text with the problems presented in the exercise.American Association for Anatomy Spring Meetin

    Stroke penumbra defined by an MRI-based oxygen challenge technique: 2. Validation based on the consequences of reperfusion

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with oxygen challenge (T2* OC) uses oxygen as a metabolic biotracer to define penumbral tissue based on CMRO2 and oxygen extraction fraction. Penumbra displays a greater T2* signal change during OC than surrounding tissue. Since timely restoration of cerebral blood flow (CBF) should salvage penumbra, T2* OC was tested by examining the consequences of reperfusion on T2* OC-defined penumbra. Transient ischemia (109±20 minutes) was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=8). Penumbra was identified on T2*-weighted MRI during OC. Ischemia and ischemic injury were identified on CBF and apparent diffusion coefficient maps, respectively. Reperfusion was induced and scans repeated. T2 for final infarct and T2* OC were run on day 7. T2* signal increase to OC was 3.4% in contralateral cortex and caudate nucleus and was unaffected by reperfusion. In OC-defined penumbra, T2* signal increased by 8.4%±4.1% during ischemia and returned to 3.25%±0.8% following reperfusion. Ischemic core T2* signal increase was 0.39%±0.47% during ischemia and 0.84%±1.8% on reperfusion. Penumbral CBF increased from 41.94±13 to 116.5±25 mL per 100 g per minute on reperfusion. On day 7, OC-defined penumbra gave a normal OC response and was located outside the infarct. T2* OC-defined penumbra recovered when CBF was restored, providing further validation of the utility of T2* OC for acute stroke management

    Stroke penumbra defined by an MRI-based oxygen challenge technique: 1. validation using [14C]2-deoxyglucose autoradiography

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    Accurate identification of ischemic penumbra will improve stroke patient selection for reperfusion therapies and clinical trials. Current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have limitations and lack validation. Oxygen challenge T2* MRI (T2* OC) uses oxygen as a biotracer to detect tissue metabolism, with penumbra displaying the greatest T2* signal change during OC. [14C]2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) autoradiography was combined with T2* OC to determine metabolic status of T2*-defined penumbra. Permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion was induced in anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats (n=6). Ischemic injury and perfusion deficit were determined by diffusion- and perfusion-weighted imaging, respectively. At 147±32 minutes after stroke, T2* signal change was measured during a 5-minute 100% OC, immediately followed by 125 ΌCi/kg 2-DG, intravenously. Magnetic resonance images were coregistered with the corresponding autoradiograms. Regions of interest were located within ischemic core, T2*-defined penumbra, equivalent contralateral structures, and a region of hyperglycolysis. A T2* signal increase of 9.22%±3.9% (mean±s.d.) was recorded in presumed penumbra, which displayed local cerebral glucose utilization values equivalent to contralateral cortex. T2* signal change was negligible in ischemic core, 3.2%±0.78% in contralateral regions, and 1.41%±0.62% in hyperglycolytic tissue, located outside OC-defined penumbra and within the diffusion abnormality. The results support the utility of OC-MRI to detect viable penumbral tissue follow

    Glucocorticoid-Induced Bone Fragility Is Prevented in Female Mice by Blocking Pyk2/Anoikis Signaling

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    Excess of glucocorticoids (GCs) is a leading cause of bone fragility, and therapeutic targets are sorely needed. We report that genetic deletion or pharmacological inhibition of proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) prevents GC-induced bone loss by overriding GC effects of detachment-induced bone cell apoptosis (anoikis). In wild-type or vehicle-treated mice, GCs either prevented osteoclast apoptosis or promoted osteoblast/osteocyte apoptosis. In contrast, mice lacking Pyk2 [knockout (KO)] or treated with Pyk2 kinase inhibitor PF-431396 (PF) were protected. KO or PF-treated mice were also protected from GC-induced bone resorption, microarchitecture deterioration, and weakening of biomechanical properties. In KO and PF-treated mice, GC increased osteoclasts in bone and circulating tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase form 5b, an index of osteoclast number. However, bone surfaces covered by osteoclasts and circulating C-terminal telopeptides of type I collagen, an index of osteoclast function, were not increased. The mismatch between osteoclast number vs function induced by Pyk2 deficiency/inhibition was due to osteoclast detachment and anoikis. Further, GC prolongation of osteoclast lifespan was absent in KO and PF-treated osteoclasts, demonstrating Pyk2 as an intrinsic osteoclast-survival regulator. Circumventing Pyk2 activation preserves skeletal integrity by preventing GC effects on bone cell survival (proapoptotic for osteoblasts/osteocytes, antiapoptotic for osteoclasts) and GC-induced bone resorption. Thus, Pyk2/anoikis signaling as a therapeutic target for GC-induced osteoporosis

    Rad GTPase is essential for the regulation of bone density and bone marrow adipose tissue in mice

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    The small GTP-binding protein Rad (RRAD, Ras associated with diabetes) is the founding member of the RGK (Rad, Rem, Rem2, and Gem/Kir) family that regulates cardiac voltage-gated Ca2 + channel function. However, its cellular and physiological functions outside of the heart remain to be elucidated. Here we report that Rad GTPase function is required for normal bone homeostasis in mice, as Rad deletion results in significantly lower bone mass and higher bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) levels. Dynamic histomorphometry in vivo and primary calvarial osteoblast assays in vitro demonstrate that bone formation and osteoblast mineralization rates are depressed, while in vitro osteoclast differentiation is increased, in the absence of Rad. Microarray analysis revealed that canonical osteogenic gene expression (Runx2, osterix, etc.) is not altered in Rad−/− calvarial osteoblasts; instead robust up-regulation of matrix Gla protein (MGP, + 11-fold), an inhibitor of extracellular matrix mineralization and a protein secreted during adipocyte differentiation, was observed. Strikingly, Rad deficiency also resulted in significantly higher marrow adipose tissue levels in vivo and promoted spontaneous in vitro adipogenesis of primary calvarial osteoblasts. Adipogenic differentiation of wildtype calvarial osteoblasts resulted in the loss of endogenous Rad protein, further supporting a role for Rad in the control of BMAT levels. These findings reveal a novel in vivo function for Rad and establish a role for Rad signaling in the complex physiological control of skeletal homeostasis and bone marrow adiposity

    Potential use of oxygen as a metabolic biosensor in combination with T2*-weighted MRI to define the ischemic penumbra

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    We describe a novel magnetic resonance imaging technique for detecting metabolism indirectly through changes in oxyhemoglobin:deoxyhemoglobin ratios and T2* signal change during ‘oxygen challenge’ (OC, 5 mins 100% O2). During OC, T2* increase reflects O2 binding to deoxyhemoglobin, which is formed when metabolizing tissues take up oxygen. Here OC has been applied to identify tissue metabolism within the ischemic brain. Permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion was induced in rats. In series 1 scanning (n=5), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was performed, followed by echo-planar T2* acquired during OC and perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI, arterial spin labeling). Oxygen challenge induced a T2* signal increase of 1.8%, 3.7%, and 0.24% in the contralateral cortex, ipsilateral cortex within the PWI/DWI mismatch zone, and ischemic core, respectively. T2* and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map coregistration revealed that the T2* signal increase extended into the ADC lesion (3.4%). In series 2 (n=5), FLASH T2* and ADC maps coregistered with histology revealed a T2* signal increase of 4.9% in the histologically defined border zone (55% normal neuronal morphology, located within the ADC lesion boundary) compared with a 0.7% increase in the cortical ischemic core (92% neuronal ischemic cell change, core ADC lesion). Oxygen challenge has potential clinical utility and, by distinguishing metabolically active and inactive tissues within hypoperfused regions, could provide a more precise assessment of penumbra

    Resorption controls bone anabolism driven by PTH receptor signaling in osteocytes

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    The contribution of remodeling-based bone formation coupled to osteoclast activity versus modeling-based bone formation that occurs independently of resorption, to the anabolic effect of PTH remains unclear. We addressed this question using transgenic mice with activated PTH receptor signaling in osteocytes that exhibit increased bone mass and remodeling, recognized skeletal effects of PTH elevation. Direct inhibition of bone formation was accomplished genetically by overexpressing the Wnt antagonist Sost/sclerostin; and resorption-dependent bone formation was inhibited pharmacologically with the bisphosphonate alendronate. We found that bone formation induced by osteocytic PTH receptor signaling on the periosteal surface depends on Wnt signaling but not on resorption. In contrast, bone formation on the endocortical surface results from a combination of Wnt-driven increased osteoblast number and resorption-dependent osteoblast activity. Moreover, elevated osteoclasts and intracortical/calvarial porosity is exacerbated by overexpressing Sost and reversed by blocking resorption. Furthermore, increased cancellous bone is abolished by Wnt inhibition but further increased by blocking resorption. Thus, resorption induced by PTH receptor signaling in osteocytes is critical for full anabolism in cortical bone, but tempers bone gain in cancellous bone. Dissecting underlying mechanisms of PTH receptor signaling would allow targeting actions in different bone compartments, enhancing the therapeutic potential of the pathway

    Genetic Deletion of Sost or Pharmacological Inhibition of Sclerostin Prevent Multiple Myeloma-induced Bone Disease without Affecting Tumor Growth

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) causes lytic bone lesions due to increased bone resorption and concomitant marked suppression of bone formation. Sclerostin (Scl) levels, an osteocyte-derived inhibitor of Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling, are elevated in MM patient sera and are increased in osteocytes in MM-bearing mice. We show here that genetic deletion of Sost, the gene encoding Scl, prevented MM-induced bone disease in an immune-deficient mouse model of early MM, and that administration of anti-Scl antibody (Scl-Ab) increased bone mass and decreases osteolysis in immune-competent mice with established MM. Sost/Scl inhibition increased osteoblast numbers, stimulated new bone formation and decreased osteoclast number in MM-colonized bone. Further, Sost/Scl inhibition did not affect tumor growth in vivo or anti-myeloma drug efficacy in vitro. These results identify the osteocyte as a major contributor to the deleterious effects of MM in bone and osteocyte-derived Scl as a promising target for the treatment of established MM-induced bone disease. Further, Scl did not interfere with efficacy of chemotherapy for MM suggesting that combined treatment with anti-myeloma drugs and Scl-Ab should effectively control MM growth and bone disease, providing new avenues to effectively control MM and bone disease in patients with active MM

    Osteocytes mediate the anabolic actions of canonical Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling in bone

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    Osteocytes, >90% of the cells in bone, lie embedded within the mineralized matrix and coordinate osteoclast and osteoblast activity on bone surfaces by mechanisms still unclear. Bone anabolic stimuli activate Wnt signaling, and human mutations of components along this pathway underscore its crucial role in bone accrual and maintenance. However, the cell responsible for orchestrating Wnt anabolic actions has remained elusive. We show herein that activation of canonical Wnt signaling exclusively in osteocytes [dominant active (da)ÎČcat(Ot) mice] induces bone anabolism and triggers Notch signaling without affecting survival. These features contrast with those of mice expressing the same daß-catenin in osteoblasts, which exhibit decreased resorption and perinatal death from leukemia. daßcat(Ot) mice exhibit increased bone mineral density in the axial and appendicular skeleton, and marked increase in bone volume in cancellous/trabecular and cortical compartments compared with littermate controls. daßcat(Ot) mice display increased resorption and formation markers, high number of osteoclasts and osteoblasts in cancellous and cortical bone, increased bone matrix production, and markedly elevated periosteal bone formation rate. Wnt and Notch signaling target genes, osteoblast and osteocyte markers, and proosteoclastogenic and antiosteoclastogenic cytokines are elevated in bones of daßcat(Ot) mice. Further, the increase in RANKL depends on Sost/sclerostin. Thus, activation of osteocytic ÎČ-catenin signaling increases both osteoclasts and osteoblasts, leading to bone gain, and is sufficient to activate the Notch pathway. These findings demonstrate disparate outcomes of ÎČ-catenin activation in osteocytes versus osteoblasts and identify osteocytes as central target cells of the anabolic actions of canonical Wnt/ÎČ-catenin signaling in bone
