13 research outputs found

    Factores maternos asociados a malformaciones congénitas en recién nacidos de un Hospital de Trujillo, Perú

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    Introducción: Las malformaciones congénitas son defectos morfológicos o funcionales que se encuentran presentes al nacimiento de causa genética y/o ambiental, estas afectan entre el 2 – 5 % de los nacimientos. Con una prevalencia entre el 1,5 - 4%, porcentaje que puede incrementarse hasta un 7% durante el primer año de vida; en el Perú, la prevalencia de las malformaciones congénitas se encuentra en un 1,7%. Objetivo: Identificar los factores maternos asociados a malformaciones congénitas en recién nacidos. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional de casos y controles, se utilizó la base de datos del Sistema de Información Perinatal del Hospital Belén de Trujillo, 2010-2012. El grupo de casos estuvo constituido por 145 recién nacidos con malformaciones congénitas y 435 recién nacidos sin malformaciones congénitas para el grupo de controles. Resultados: Se analizó la frecuencia de los factores asociados en ambos grupos, así como la fuerza de asociación entre factores y malformaciones, los factores que mostraron fuerza de asociación estadísticamente significativa fue la edad de la madre adolescente-añosa (OR=1,69 IC95% 1.4-3.1) y la edad gestacional pretérmino (OR=4,5, IC95% 2.7-7.4). Conclusiones: La edad gestacional pretérmino y la edad adolescente-añosa constituyen factores de riesgo para que un recién nacido desarrolle malformaciones congénitas

    Factores de riesgo asociados a mortalidad en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica terminal

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    Objetivo. Determinar las causas directas de mortalidad y los factores de riesgo asociados en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica terminal (ERCT) en hospitales Minsa categoría III-1 de Trujillo, durante el período 2008-2013. Material y método. La población estuvo formada por 430 pacientes con diagnóstico de ERCT en el Hospital Belén y Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, durante el período 2008-2013, de los cuales 62 pacientes fallecieron. El grupo de casos incluyó a 41 pacientes fallecidos y el de controles, a 123 pacientes vivos. Resultadosy conclusiones. La principal causa directa de mortalidad fue la cardiovascular, seguida de la infecciosa y la metabólica. La edad avanzada, la diabetes mellitus, el control inadecuado de la presión arterial, el número de hemodiálisis menor de tres veces por semana y la anemia moderada-grave fueron factores de riesgo asociados a mortalidad. El sexo masculino no fue factor de riesgo ni factor protector. El número de hemodiálisis menor de tres veces por semana fue el factor de riesgo más asociado a mortalidad

    Anomalía de Ebstein de la válvula tricúspide. A propósito de un caso

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    Introducción. La anomalía de Ebstein constituye menos del 1% de todas las cardiopatías congénitas. Consiste en el desplazamiento inferior de la válvula tricúspide anómala hacia el ventrículo derecho. Reporte: Paciente varón de 8 años de edad, procedente de Trujillo, con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Ebstein al mes de edad, que ingresa por emergencia presentando cianosis y dolor torácico. Interpretación: En la anomalía de Ebstein la gravedad de los síntomas y el grado de cianosis dependen del grado de desplazamiento de la válvula tricúspide. Los síntomas pueden ser leves o no aparecer hasta la adolescencia o la edad adulta

    A rare case of autoimmune dysglycemia syndrome associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis

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    "Autoimmune dysglycemia syndrome (ADS) is a rare condition that presents as episodes of hypoglycemia as well as hyperglycemia and is classified as insulin autoimmune syndrome (IAS) and type B insulin resistance (TBIR). Autoimmunity plays a key role in the pathogenesis ofthis disorder, as evidenced by the presence of autoantibodies against endogenous insulin or the insulin receptor, and by its association with rheumatologic disorders. Treatment usually includes glycemic control and immunomodulatory agents. We report a case of a 31-year-old woman who was admitted for severe hypoglycemia. Further workup revealed underlying systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with renal involvement. During hospitalization, she continued to experience episodes of fasting hypoglycemia, as well as episodes of postprandial hyperglycemia. Hypoglycemia associated with a high serum insulin concentration and positive anti-insulin antibodies were consistent with IAS. Likewise, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in association with weight loss, acanthosis nigricans, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and normotriglyceridemia strongly suggested TBIR, although testing for antibodies against the insulin receptor was not available in Peru. Immunosuppressive therapy and metformin were indicated, resulting in remission of SLE and ADS. Years later, the patient exhibited features of dermatomyositis, such as Raynaud’s phenomenon, muscular weakness, heliotrope exanthema, and elevated muscle enzymes. Once again, the patient received immunosuppressive therapy. ADS is an infrequent cause of hypoglycemia, and the coexistence of its two pathophysiological mechanisms in a patient with SLE and subsequent development of dermatomyositis is even more rare. Our case is the first one reported describing this association.

    Acromegalia por macroadenoma hipofisiario en paciente con síndrome de McCune-Albright. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Background: McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare disease characterized by the triad: café-au-lait skin spots, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, and precocious puberty. It can affect various hormonal axes, including growth hormone (GH), and may be associated with acromegaly. Case report : We describe the case of a 44-year-old woman with peripheral precocious puberty, abnormal uterine bleeding, growth of the hands and feet, prognathism, frontal prominence, café-au-lait spots, and stony tumors on the face and forearms. Results: Supported by laboratory and imaging tests, the diagnoses of acromegaly, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and McCune-Albright syndrome were reached. The patient underwent surgical treatment with persistence of clinical and laboratory disease. Conclusion: Timely diagnosis and treatment of acromegaly and its complications will provide a better prognosis for patients with MAS.Introducción: El síndrome de McCune-Albright (SMA) es una enfermedad rara caracterizada por la triada: manchas cutáneas de color café con leche, displasia fibrosa poliostótica y pubertad precoz. Puede afectar a diversos ejes hormonales, entre ellos el de la hormona de crecimiento (GH), pudiendo asociarse a acromegalia. Reporte de caso: describimos el caso de una mujer de 44 años, con pubertad precoz periférica, hemorragia uterina anormal, crecimiento de manos y pies, prognatismo, prominencia frontal, manchas café con leche y tumoraciones pétreas en cara y antebrazos. Resultados: Apoyados con exámenes laboratoriales y de imágenes, se llegaron a los diagnósticos de acromegalia, hipogonadismo hipogonadotropo y síndrome de McCune-Albright. La paciente fue sometida a tratamiento quirúrgico con persistencia de enfermedad clínica y laboratorial. Conclusión: El diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos de la acromegalia y sus complicaciones brindará un mejor pronóstico a los pacientes con SMA

    Imatinib use in the management of a patient with Doege–Potter syndrome

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    "Doege–Potter syndrome (DPS) is a paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by nonislet cell tumor hypoglycemia due to a solitary fibrous tumor, which produces insulin-like growth factor II. In this report, we present the case of a 67-year-old male with recurrent and refractory hypoglycemia due to DPS successfully treated with imatinib. He initially presented with neuroglycopenic symptoms and dyspnea secondary to a giant tumor in the left hemithorax, which was totally resected. During follow-up, 7 years later, he presented with thoracoabdominal tumor recurrence associated with severe hypoglycemia and underwent subtotal tumor resection, with a subsequent improvement of symptoms. The following year, he had a recurrence of his intra-abdominal tumor, which was unresectable, associated with severe hypoglycemia refractory to dextrose infusion and corticosteroids, thus receiving imatinib with a favorable response. The clinical presentation, diagnostic approach, progression of the disease, and response to treatment with imatinib in the management of a patient with large, recurrent, and unresectable mesenchymal tumors with insulin-like growth factor-2 secretion causing hypoglycemia highlight the importance of this case report

    Liothyronine use in primary hypothyroidism. Current concepts

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    Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder whose management raises many challenges in clinical practice. Its standard treatment is levothyroxine (LT4). The goal of the treatment is to normalize signs and symptoms, as well as to achieve thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations within the reference range, on an individual basis. It is known that 5–10 % of hypothyroid patients remain to be symptomatic, despite achieving the target TSH levels, which, in turn, affects their quality of life. After ruling out other causes of non-thyroid origin for this persistence, it is suggested that these patients could benefit from the use of liothyronine (LT3), added to LT4, especially if polymorphism of the deiodinase 2 (D2) genes is documented. There exist a variety of LT3 preparations, whose concentrations vary from 5 to 50 ug, with the recommended LT4/LT3 ratio of 13:1–20:1. The goals of combination therapy should be to achieve a physiological ratio of free triiodothyronine/free thyroxine (FT3/FT4) and non-suppression of TSH. Since there is currently no guide that makes evidence-based recommendations on the use of LT3 in primary hypothyroidism, more clinical studies are needed to be able to identify hypothyroid patients who may benefit from the use of LT3, by identifying new biomarkers

    A case report of a successful multidisciplinary management of an abdominal pregnancy

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    Abdominal pregnancy is defined as one that occurs outside of the uterus and fallopian tubes in the abdominal cavity. We present the case of a 30-year-old Peruvian female patient from Lima with a surgical history of exploratory laparotomy due to tubal ectopic pregnancy and appendectomy without further relevant personal or family histories. She attended the emergency room of a social security hospital in Peru with a referral from a district hospital and a diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy at 14 weeks of gestational age without previous prenatal controls. Symptomatology at hospital admission was colic-type abdominal pain in the hypogastrium without vaginal bleeding, fluid loss or fever. During hospitalization, she underwent an exploratory laparotomy with embolization of the uterine artery, left salpingectomy, and removal of the abdominal ectopic pregnancy. The evolution was favorable after the surgery, and she was discharged. Without further complications, she continues her controls at the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient service without complications