12 research outputs found

    Medium- and Short-Term Interventions with Ma-Pi 2 Macrobiotic Diet in Type 2 Diabetic Adults of Bauta, Havana

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    Background. In Cuba, the Ma-Pi 2 macrobiotic diet has shown positive results in 6-month assays with type 2 diabetic patients. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of this diet at short and medium terms. Methods. Sixty-five type 2 diabetic volunteers were included for dietary intervention, institutionally based for 21 days and followed later at home, until completing 3 months. 54 of them stayed until assay end. Before intervention, and after both assay periods, they were submitted to anthropometric records, body composition analyses and measurements of serum biochemical indicators, glycemic profile in capillary blood, blood pressure, and medication consumption; food intake was evaluated by the 3-day dietary recall. Results. During the intervention, the energy intake was 200 kcal higher at instance of more complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber and despite less fat and protein. Blood pressure and serum biochemical indicators decreased significantly in both periods; the safety nutritional indicators (hemoglobin, serum total proteins, and albumin) showed no variations. The global cardiovascular risk decreased and insulin consumption dropped by 46% and 64%, in both periods, respectively. Conclusions. The Ma-Pi 2 macrobiotic diet was a successful therapy at short term and after 3-month home-based intervention, for type 2 diabetics

    Porous organic polymers containing active metal centers for Suzuki–Miyaura heterocoupling reactions

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    Producción CientíficaA new generation of confined palladium(II) catalysts covalently attached inside of porous organic polymers (POPs) has been attained. The synthetic approach employed was straightforward, and there was no prerequisite for making any modification of the precursor polymer. First, POP-based catalytic supports were obtained by reacting one symmetric trifunctional aromatic monomer (1,3,5-triphenylbenzene) with two ketones having electron-withdrawing groups (4,5-diazafluoren-9-one, DAFO, and isatin) in superacidic media. The homopolymers and copolymers were made using stoichiometric ratios between the functional groups, and they were obtained with quantitative yields after the optimization of reaction conditions. Moreover, the number of chelating groups (bipyridine moieties) available to bind Pd(II) ions to the catalyst supports was modified using different DAFO/isatin ratios. The resulting amorphous polymers and copolymers showed high thermal stability, above 500 °C, and moderate–high specific surface areas (from 760 to 935 m2 g–1), with high microporosity contribution (from 64 to 77%). Next, POP-supported Pd(II) catalysts were obtained by simple immersion of the catalyst supports in a palladium(II) acetate solution, observing that the metal content was similar to that theoretically expected according to the amount of bipyridine groups present. The catalytic activity of these heterogeneous catalysts was explored for the synthesis of biphenyl and terphenyl compounds, via the Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction using a green solvent (ethanol/water), low palladium loads, and aerobic conditions. The findings showed excellent catalytic activity with quantitative product yields. Additionally, the recyclability of the catalysts, by simply washing it with ethanol, was excellent, with a sp2–sp2 coupling yield higher than 95% after five cycles of use. Finally, the feasibility of these catalysts to be employed in tangible organic reactions was assessed. Thus, the synthesis of a bulky compound, 4,4′-dimethoxy-5′-tert-butyl-m-terphenylene, which is a precursor of a thermal rearrangement monomer, was scaled-up to 2 g, with high conversion and 96% yield of the pure product.Agencia Estatal de Investigación (projects PID2019-109403RB-C22, MAT2016-76413-C2-R2, CTQ2017-89217- P and MAT2016-76413-C2-R1)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA038G18

    Factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico en adolescentes de San Juan y Martínez

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    Introduction: metabolic syndrome is characterized by central obesity, metabolic abnormalities, dyslipidemia, hypertension and it includes different cardiovascular alterations; as well as the presence of diabetes mellitus. Objective: to characterize the risk factors of the metabolic syndrome in adolescents from San Juan and Martinez municipality during the year 2018.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The target group consisted of 522 patients, 141 of them were chosen through a simple random sampling. Individual and family health histories were reviewed. The data obtained were processed by SPSS. Results: there was a predominance of female sex (58.87 %) and white race (80.14 %).  A history of hypertension in first line relatives was found in 63.1% and 61% showed average eating habits; 54.6% of the sample was found to be normal weight, 75.2% reported drinking alcoholic beverages and 88% were smokers.Conclusions: the presence of risk factors associated with the metabolic syndrome is increasing in adolescents, which brings about great probabilities for its development at this stage of life. Early diagnoses allow working on them and avoid future diseases and associated complications.  Introducción: el síndrome metabólico se caracteriza por la obesidad central, anomalías metabólicas, dislipidemia e hipertensión arterial y comprende diferentes alteraciones cardiovasculares; así como la presencia de diabetes mellitus.Objetivo: caracterizar los factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico en adolescentes de San Juan y Martínez durante el año 2018.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. El universo estuvo constituido por 522 pacientes, se seleccionaron 141 adolescentes mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se realizó la revisión de las historias de salud individual y familiar. Los datos obtenidos fueron procesados mediante SPSS.Resultados: existió predominio del sexo femenino (58,87 %) y color de piel blanca (80,14 %). El 63,1 % presentó antecedentes de hipertensión arterial en familiares de primera línea y el 61 % mostró hábitos alimentarios regulares. El 54,6 % de la muestra se encontró normopeso, el 75,2 % refirió ingerir bebidas alcohólicas y el 88 % eran fumadores.Conclusiones: la presencia de factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico es cada día mayor en los adolescentes, lo cual trae grandes probabilidades para desarrollarlo en esta etapa de la vida. El diagnóstico precoz permite trabajar sobre ellos y evitar futuras enfermedades y complicaciones asociadas

    100 años investigando el mar. El IEO en su centenario (1914-2014).

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    Se trata de un libro que pretende divulgar a la sociedad las principales investigaciones multidisciplinares llevadas a cabo por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía durante su primer siglo de vida, y dar a conocer la historia del organismo, de su Sede Central y de los nueve centros oceanográficos repartidos por los litorales mediterráneo y atlántico, en la península y archipiélagos.Kongsberg 20

    Çédille, revista de estudios franceses

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    Efecto terapéutico de la dieta macrobiótica Ma-Pi 2 en 25 adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Therapeutical effect of Ma-Pi2 macrobiotic diet on adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Se realizó un ensayo clínico, durante 6 meses, en 25 adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tratados con antihiperglicemiantes, para estudiar el efecto terapéutico de la dieta macrobiótica vegetariana Ma-Pi 2. Se evaluaron datos de encuesta dietética, evolución clínica, estado nutricional, indicadores bioquímicos de rutina y del metabolismo glucídico y lipídico, consumo de medicamentos y eventos adversos. La dieta tuvo presencia mayoritaria de cereales integrales, verduras y hortalizas, leguminosas y té verde; fue suficiente en energía, baja en grasa y adecuada en proteínas; elevada en carbohidratos complejos, fibra dietética, ß caroteno, manganeso y magnesio. Al final del estudio la glicemia disminuyó en 53 %, hemoglobina glucosilada 32 %, colesterol 21 %, triglicéridos 43 % y la relación colesterol-LDL/colesterol-HDL 61 %. El peso corporal y las circunferencias de cintura y cadera disminuyeron significativamente. Se normalizaron los valores de hemoglobina, creatinina, ácido úrico, urea, transaminasa glutámico pirúvica, frecuencia cardíaca y tensión arterial. Los niveles séricos de vitaminas A, E, C, B1, B12 y folatos resultaron adecuados. Del total de los pacientes, 88 % suprimió totalmente el tratamiento antihiperglicemiante. No se registraron eventos adversos. Mejoraron de manera notable los síntomas asociados, el bienestar y la calidad de vida. Se concluyó que la dieta Ma-Pi 2 resultó una alternativa terapéutica muy apropiada en los 25 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 evaluados.A clinical assay of 25 adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, who were treated with anti-hyperglycemic drugs was conducted for six months in order to study the therapeutical effect of vegetarian macrobiotic diet Ma-Pi2. Data from dietetic surveys, clinical evolution, nutritional status, biochemical indicators, glucose and lipid metabolism indicators, drug consumption and adverse effects were evaluated. The diet mostly comprised whole grains, vegetables, leguminosae and green tea; sufficient energy, low fat and adequate protein contents, high amount of complex carbohydrates, dietetic fiber, ß carotene, manganese and magnesium. At the end of the study, glycemic levels lowered by 53 %, glycosylated hemoglobin by 32 %, cholesterol by 21 %, triglycerides by 43 % and LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio by 61 %. Body weight, and waist and hip circumferences were significantly reduced. Hemoglobin, creatinine, uric acid, urea, piruvic glutamic transaminase, heart rate and blood pressure values stabilized. Vitamin A, E, C, B1, B12 and folates serum levels were satisfactory. Of the total number of patients, 88% totally ceased their antihyperglycemic treatment. No adverse effects were observed. Improvement in associated symptoms, well-being and quality of life was remarkable. It was concluded that the Ma-pi2 diet proved to be a very suitable therapeutical alternative in the 25 studied patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control

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    Background: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease of major importance in the tropics where the incidence peaks in rainy seasons. Natural disasters represent a big challenge to Leptospirosis prevention strategies especially in endemic regions. Vaccination is an effective option but of reduced effectiveness in emergency situations. Homeoprophylactic interventions might help to control epidemics by using highly-diluted pathogens to induce protection in a short time scale. We report the results of a very large-scale homeoprophylaxis (HP) intervention against Leptospirosis in a dangerous epidemic situation in three provinces of Cuba in 2007. Methods: Forecast models were used to estimate possible trends of disease incidence. A homeoprophylactic formulation was prepared from dilutions of four circulating strains of Leptospirosis. This formulation was administered orally to 2.3 million persons at high risk in an epidemic in a region affected by natural disasters. The data from surveillance were used to measure the impact of the intervention by comparing with historical trends and non-intervention regions. Results: After the homeoprophylactic intervention a significant decrease of the disease incidence was observed in the intervention regions. No such modifications were observed in non-intervention regions. In the intervention region the incidence of Leptospirosis fell below the historic median. This observation was independent of rainfall. Conclusions: The homeoprophylactic approach was associated with a large reduction of disease incidence and control of the epidemic. The results suggest the use of HP as a feasible tool for epidemic control, further research is warranted. Homeopathy (2010) 99, 156e166

    Currículo Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y relaciones entre sus elementos

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    Se recoge el articulado del Decreto 43/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenación y se establece el currículo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en el Principado de Asturias, publicado en el BOPA (Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 30 de junio de 2015. La publicación incluye además la metodología didáctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuación y estándares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, específicas y de aquéllas de libre configuración autonómica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas de los ciclos educativos de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria.ES

    Currículo Bachillerato y relaciones entre sus elementos

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    Contiene el Decreto 42/2015, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenación y se establece el currículo del Bachillerato en el Principado de Asturias. Publicado en el BOPA (Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias) el 29 de junio de 2015. Incluye además, la metodología didáctica, los contenidos, los criterios de valuación y estándares de aprendizaje evaluables de las distintas materias troncales, específicas y de aquéllas de libre configuración autonómica, y el total de sesiones lectivas de las distintas asignaturas del Bachillerato.ES