47 research outputs found

    Belisario, fra Goldoni e Bisanzio

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    Le migrazioni di questi ultimi decenni hanno cambiato cultura, lingua e immaginario del Paese. Voci e gesti nuovi portano un contributo alla scrittura e alla letteratura italiana che è bene scoprire più nel dettaglio.È quanto si propone la giornata di studio organizzata dal dipartimento di Studi filologici, letterari, linguistici e dal Calcif, il nostro Centro per la promozione della lingua e della cultura italiana “G. e C. Feltrinelli” di cui qui si pubblicano gli atti.Giuliana Nuvoli, Silvia Morgana e Gabriella Cartago, curatrici dell'evento, propongono un viaggio tra le parole di scrittori e poeti provenienti da vari Continenti. In programma interventi degli scrittori di origine senegalese Pap Khouma e Cheikh Gaye, dell'attore e regista uruguaiano Milton Fernandez, della musicista colombiana Luz Amparo Osorio, del poeta rumeno Viorel Boldis, della scrittrice nigeriana Isoke Aikpitanyi. Gli intermezzi musicali di Rossella Bellantuono, voce solista, e del chitarrista Marco Velluto reinterpretano temi e suggestioni degli interventi.  “New italian” writers The migrations of the past few decades have changed the culture, language and imagery of Italy. It is a good idea to explore the voices and gestures that bring a new contribution to Italian writing and literature in greater depth. This is the purpose of the study day organized by the Department of Philological, Literary and Linguistic Studies and Calcif, the “G. e C. Feltrinelli” center for the promotion of Italian language and culture. This issue publishes the acts.Giuliana Nuvoli, Silvia Morgana and Gabriella Cartago, organizers of the event, proposed a journey through the words of writers and poets from various Continents. The program included contributions by two writers of Senegalese origin Pap Khouma and Cheikh Gaye, the Uruguayan actor and film director Milton Fernandez, the Colombian musician Luz Amparo Osorio, the Romanian poet Viorel Boldis and the Nigerian author Isoke Aikpitanyi. The musical interludes featured Rossella Bellantuono, soloist, and the guitarist Marco Velluto, who reinterpreted the themes and ideas of the speaker

    Young adult obese subjects with and without insulin resistance: what is the role of chronic inflammation and how to weigh it non-invasively?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obesity is a leading risk factor for metabolic syndrome whose further expression is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Metabolic syndrome is associated with a proinflammatory state that contributes to insulin resistance. Finally, a "metabolically benign obesity" that is not accompanied by insulin resistance has recently been postulated to exist.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To find whether any inflammation markers were independently associated with the presence of insulin resistance, evaluating specific anthropometric, ultrasonographic and laboratory parameters in a population of young adult obese subjects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Of forty two young individuals, divided into two groups (with or without insulin resistance), were studied serum C-reactive protein and fibrinogen as indexes of chronic pro-inflammatory status. Body mass index, waist circumference and metabolic syndrome presence were assessed as part of the metabolic evaluation. Ultrasonography weighted visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat thickness, spleen size as longitudinal diameter and liver hyperechogenicity.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>Serum C-reactive protein and fibrinogen as well as spleen longitudinal diameter were significantly increased in the obese young with insulin resistance compared to non-insulin resistance group. Insulin resistance was significantly associated with hepatic steatosis score at sonography (r = 0.33, P = 0.03), spleen longitudinal diameter (r = 0.35, P = 0.02) and C-reactive protein (r = 0.38, P = 0.01), but not with body mass index, visceral or subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue, waist circumference and fibrinogen (P = 0.18, 0.46, 0.33, 0.37 and 0.4, respectively). Steatosis score at sonography was well associated with spleen volume (rho = 0.40, P = 0.01) and C-reactive protein levels (rho = 0.49, P = 0.002). Metabolic syndrome was much more frequent in obese patients with insulin resistance. These findings show that in young adults the only abdominal adiposity without insulin resistance, plays a scarce role in determining hepatic steatosis as well as metabolic syndrome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Increases in spleen size and CRP levels represent a reliable tool in diagnosing insulin resistance.</p

    Enhanced serum concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta1 in simple fatty liver: is it really benign?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inside the spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, simple fatty liver is generally thought of as being "non progressive", differently from non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, which increases in severity due to the presence of apoptosis/inflammation and fibrosis. The "benignity" of fatty liver is widely accepted but conceptually difficult to maintain because the mechanisms underlying this entity are the same ones that determine the more severe form.</p> <p>Findings provide evidence that iron overload is associated with increased liver damage and collagen deposition. Transforming growth factor-beta1 released by hepatic stellate cells during chronic liver injury plays a critical role in liver apoptosis and fibrogenesis.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To verify whether both the forms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease were really dissimilar, evaluating the serum profile of two key parameters, indexes of severity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 123 patients (57 females) participated, forming three groups: forty five patients with fatty liver, 42 patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and 36 with chronic hepatitis C. All had a biopsy-proven diagnosis.</p> <p>Measurements</p> <p>Serum concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta1 and ferritin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta1 were noticed in patients suffering from both fatty liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, 129.1 (45.4) versus 116.8 (42.2) ng/mL, P = 0.2; they were significantly superior to those of chronic hepatitis C patients 87.5 (39.5) ng/mL, P < 0.001. Ferritin levels were on average above normal values and similar in the three groups (P = 0.9), also when adjusted for gender (P = 0.5) and age (P = 0.3).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No difference between serum concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta1 and ferritin in fatty liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis suggests that these forms share more common aspects, regarding their progression, than previously thought.</p

    Giosuè Carducci prosatore

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    Questo volume su Giosuè Carducci prosatore raccoglie i contributi presentati al XVII Convegno internazionale di Letteratura italiana "Gennaro Barbarisi", tenutosi a Palazzo Feltrinelli (Gargnano del Garda) dal 29 settembre al 1° ottobre 2016. Si è trattato di una proficua occasione di incontro, di studio e di approfondimento su un tema forse poco frequentato, soprattutto in tempi recenti, ma ricco di sollecitazioni per una più articolata e storicamente fondata definizione della personalità di un autore così significativo nel panorama della cultura italiana fra Otto e primo Novecento; non soltanto sul versante della poesia (un primato sancito dal premio Nobel nel 1906) ma anche, e forse ancora di più, su quello della prosa saggistica, degli scritti di polemica, delle curatele editoriali, delle ricerche erudite, fino alle prove di alta oratoria e all'epistolografia

    Novelle bizantine. Il libro di Syntipas

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    I generi della poesia

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    Gli amori di Briseida, dall’Occidente a Bisanzio

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