43 research outputs found

    How equal is equality? Discussions about same-sex marriage in Portugal

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    In Portugal, public and political discussions about same-sex marriage have been going on since the 1990s. In 2010, same-sex marriage was legalized under intense dispute since it excludes same-sex couples from adoption and reproductive rights. During parliamentary debates, political parties and civil organizations linked to the Catholic Church resorted to conflicting ideas of ‘equality’ and ‘difference’ to advance their claims. In this article, we analyse the contents of petitions, bills and parliamentary proceedings concerning the legal recognition of same-sex unions, highlighting the presence of conflicting notions of equality linked to pervasive beliefs about the inadequacy of homo-erotic desire and practices

    L'institution de la justice de paix en Italie

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    European Welfare States in their relation to the family

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    Kaufmann F-X. European Welfare States in their relation to the family. In: Commaille J, de Singly F, eds. The European Family. Amsterdam: Kluwer; 1997: 91-102


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    UNICAMP; ITAIPU; MinistĂ©rio da Educação do Brasil; CNPqO artigo apresenta o dossiĂȘ temĂĄtico 'Conhecimento e PolĂ­tica'. O autor contextualiza a leitura dos artigos que integram o dossiĂȘ, apresentando alguns elementos essenciais para caracterização do projecto de investigação europeu KNOWandPOL, no Ăąmbito do qual os estudos foram conduzidos. Para alĂ©m de clarificar os objectivos do projecto, o autor pĂ”e em evidĂȘncia trĂȘs das suas orientaçÔes teĂłricas fundamentais: a polĂ­tica como acção pĂșblica; a regulação como multiregulação; o conhecimento como processo social

    The Uncertainties of Policy with regard to the Family

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