6 research outputs found

    Syntaxin-1/TI-VAMP SNAREs interact with Trk receptors and are required for neurotrophin-dependent outgrowth.

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    SNARE proteins are essential components of the machinery that regulates vesicle trafficking and exocytosis. Their role is critical for the membrane-fusion processes that occur during neurotransmitter release. However, research in the last decade has also unraveled the relevance of these proteins in membrane expansion and cytoskeletal rearrangements during developmental processes such as neuronal migration and growth cone extension and attraction. Neurotrophins are neurotrophic factors that are required for many cellular functions throughout the brain, including neurite outgrowth and guidance, synaptic formation, and plasticity. Here we show that neurotrophin Trk receptors form a specific protein complex with the t-SNARE protein Syntaxin 1, both in vivo and in vitro. We also demonstrate that blockade of Syntaxin 1 abolishes neurotrophin-dependent growth of axons in neuronal cultures and decreases exocytotic events at the tip of axonal growth cones. 25-kDa soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein and Vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 do not participate in the formation of this SNARE complex, while tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein interacts with Trk receptors; knockdown of this (v) SNARE impairs Trk-dependent outgrowth. Taken together, our results support the notion that an atypical SNARE complex comprising Syntaxin 1 and tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein is required for axonal neurotrophin function

    FAIM-L regulation of XIAP degradation modulates Synaptic Long-Term Depression and Axon Degeneration

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    Caspases have recently emerged as key regulators of axonal pruning and degeneration and of long-term depression (LTD), a long-lasting form of synaptic plasticity. However, the mechanism underlying these functions remains unclear. In this context, XIAP has been shown to modulate these processes. The neuron-specific form of FAIM protein (FAIM-L) is a death receptor antagonist that stabilizes XIAP protein levels, thus preventing death receptor-induced neuronal apoptosis. Here we show that FAIM-L modulates synaptic transmission, prevents chemical-LTD induction in hippocampal neurons, and thwarts axon degeneration after nerve growth factor (NGF) withdrawal. Additionally, we demonstrate that the participation of FAIM-L in these two processes is dependent on its capacity to stabilize XIAP protein levels. Our data reveal FAIM-L as a regulator of axonal degeneration and synaptic plasticity

    Reelin regulates the maturation of dendritic spines, synaptogenesis and glial ensheathment of newborn granule cells

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    The Reelin pathway is essential for both neural migration and for the development and maturation of synaptic connections. However, its role in adult synaptic formation and remodeling is still being investigated. Here, we investigated the impact of the Reelin/Dab1 pathway on the synaptogenesis of newborn granule cells (GCs) in the young-adult mouse hippocampus. We show that neither Reelin overexpression nor the inactivation of its intracellular adapter, Dab1, substantially alters dendritic spine numbers in these neurons. In contrast, 3D-electron microscopy (focused ion beam milling/scanning electron microscope) revealed that dysregulation of the Reelin/Dab1 pathway leads to both transient and permanent changes in the types and morphology of dendritic spines, mainly altering mushroom, filopodial, and branched GC spines. We also found that the Reelin/Dab1 pathway controls synaptic configuration of presynaptic boutons in the dentate gyrus, with its dysregulation leading to a substantial decrease in multi-synaptic bouton innervation. Lastly, we show that the Reelin/Dab1 pathway controls astroglial ensheathment of synapses. Thus, the Reelin pathway is a key regulator of adult-generated GC integration, by controlling dendritic spine types and shapes, their synaptic innervation patterns, and glial ensheathment. These findings may help to better understanding of hippocampal circuit alterations in neurological disorders in which the Reelin pathway is implicated. Significance Statement: The extracellular protein Reelin has an important role in neurological diseases, including epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and psychiatric diseases, targeting hippocampal circuits. Here we address the role of Reelin in the development of synaptic contacts in adult-generated granule cells (GCs), a neuronal population that is crucial for learning and memory and implicated in neurological and psychiatric diseases. We found that the Reelin pathway controls the shapes, sizes, and types of dendritic spines, the complexity of multisynaptic innervations and the degree of the perisynaptic astroglial ensheathment that controls synaptic homeostasis. These findings show a pivotal role of Reelin in GC synaptogenesis and provide a foundation for structural circuit alterations caused by Reelin deregulation that may occur in neurological and psychiatric disorders

    SIVA-1 regulates apoptosis and synaptic function by modulating XIAP interaction with the death receptor antagonist FAIM-L

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    The long isoform of Fas apoptosis inhibitory molecule (FAIM-L) is a neuron-specific death receptor antagonist that modulates apoptotic cell death and mechanisms of neuronal plasticity. FAIM-L exerts its antiapoptotic action by binding to X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP), an inhibitor of caspases, which are the main effectors of apoptosis. XIAP levels are regulated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. FAIM-L interaction with XIAP prevents the ubiquitination and degradation of the latter, thereby allowing it to inhibit caspase activation. This interaction also modulates non-apoptotic functions of caspases, such as the endocytosis of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) in hippocampal long-term depression (LTD). The molecular mechanism of action exerted by FAIM-L is unclear since the consensus binding motifs are still unknown. Here, we performed a two-hybrid screening to discover novel FAIM-L-interacting proteins. We found a functional interaction of SIVA-1 with FAIM-L. SIVA-1 is a proapoptotic protein that has the capacity to interact with XIAP. We describe how SIVA-1 regulates FAIM-L function by disrupting the interaction of FAIM-L with XIAP, thereby promoting XIAP ubiquitination, caspase-3 activation and neuronal death. Furthermore, we report that SIVA-1 plays a role in receptor internalization in synapses. SIVA-1 is upregulated upon chemical LTD induction, and it modulates AMPAR internalization via non-apoptotic activation of caspases. In summary, our findings uncover SIVA-1 as new functional partner of FAIM-L and demonstrate its role as a regulator of caspase activity in synaptic function

    FIB/SEM technology allows highthroughput 3D reconstruction of dendritic spines and synapses in GFP-traced adult-generated neurons

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    The fine analysis of synaptic contacts is usually performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and its combination with neuronal labeling techniques. However, the complex 3D architecture of neuronal samples calls for their reconstruction from serial sections. Here we show that focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) allows efficient, complete, and automatic 3D reconstruction of identified dendrites, including their spines and synapses, from GFP/DAB-labeled neurons, with a resolution comparable to that of TEM. We applied this technology to analyze the synaptogenesis of labeled adult-generated granule cells (GCs) in mice. 3D reconstruction of dendritic spines in GCs aged 3-4 and 8-9 weeks revealed two different stages of dendritic spine development and unexpected features of synapse formation, including vacant and branched dendritic spines and presynaptic terminals establishing synapses with up to 10 dendritic spines. Given the reliability, efficiency, and high resolution of FIB/SEM technology and the wide use of DAB in conventional EM, we consider FIB/SEM fundamental for the detailed characterization of identified synaptic contacts in neurons in a high-throughput manner

    FIB/SEM technology allows highthroughput 3D reconstruction of dendritic spines and synapses in GFP-traced adult-generated neurons

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    The fine analysis of synaptic contacts is usually performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and its combination with neuronal labeling techniques. However, the complex 3D architecture of neuronal samples calls for their reconstruction from serial sections. Here we show that focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) allows efficient, complete, and automatic 3D reconstruction of identified dendrites, including their spines and synapses, from GFP/DAB-labeled neurons, with a resolution comparable to that of TEM. We applied this technology to analyze the synaptogenesis of labeled adult-generated granule cells (GCs) in mice. 3D reconstruction of dendritic spines in GCs aged 3-4 and 8-9 weeks revealed two different stages of dendritic spine development and unexpected features of synapse formation, including vacant and branched dendritic spines and presynaptic terminals establishing synapses with up to 10 dendritic spines. Given the reliability, efficiency, and high resolution of FIB/SEM technology and the wide use of DAB in conventional EM, we consider FIB/SEM fundamental for the detailed characterization of identified synaptic contacts in neurons in a high-throughput manner