123 research outputs found

    Imaging and spectroscopy of Comet P/Halley

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    The goals of this investigation are the analysis of a large set of high-resolution echelle/reticon spectra, and the reduction and analysis of a set of narrow-band-filtered charge coupled device (CCD) images of Comet Halley taken during the preperihelion period at Oak Ridge Observatory by Dr. R. E. McCrosky. The scientific objectives associated with these goals are the determination of the spatial distributions of several important radicals, atoms and ions in the coma. These include C2, CN, C3, H2O(+) and CO(+) from the image data. The analysis of the neutral species distribution with Monte Carlo models will aid in the understanding of their production and decay mechanisms as well as serve as an important indicator of the physical conditions in the inner coma. The spatial distributions of the ions will serve as a guide to constrain the complex model necessary for understanding the interaction of the solar wind and the cometary ions. Work during this past year has been devoted largely to the reduction of the standard star photometry for the CCD image data set, as well as the re-flat-fielding of a number of the comet images. We are pleased to report that despite a number of setbacks and the small effort devoted to this work (2 1/2 months for the PI and a generous share of completely unsupported time by Dr. McCrosky) that this portion of the work has been successfully completed. The goals for the upcoming final year of this project (under a new project number) are to complete the calibration of the CCD image data for inclusion in the IHW archive, to analyze a select portion of the neutral radical images with our Monte Carlo models, and to present the results of the 6300/region spectra as a guide to low-resolution spectral observers in order to yield the unambiguous separation of the contributions of cometary O(1D), airglow O(1D), and the numerous NH2 lines in that region of the spectrum

    Analysis of CCD images of the coma of comet P/Halley

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    The modeling analysis objective of this project is to make use of the skill acquired in the development of Monte Carlo particle trajectory models for the distributions of gas species in cometary comae as a basis for a new dust coma model. This model will include a self-consistent picture of the time-dependent dusty-gas dynamics of the inner coma and the three-dimensional time-dependent trajectories of the dust particles under the influence of solar gravity and solar radiation pressure in the outer coma. Our purpose is to use this model as a tool to analyze selected images from two sets of data of the comet P/Halley with the hope that we can help to understand the effects of a number of important processes on the spatial morphology of the observed dust coma. The study will proceed much in the same way as our study of the spatially extended hydrogen coma where we were able to understand the spatial morphology of the Lyman-alpha coma in terms of the partial thermalization of the hot H atoms produced by the photodissociation of cometary H2O and OH. The processes of importance to the observed dust coma include: (1) the dust particle size distribution function; (2) the terminal velocities of various sized dust particles in the inner coma; (3) the radiation scattering properties of dust particles, which are important both in terms of the observed scattered radiation and the radiation pressure acceleration on dust particles; (4) the fragmentation and/or vaporization of dust particles; (5) the relative importance of CHON and silicate dust particles as they contribute both to the dusty-gas dynamics in the inner coma (that produce the dust particle terminal velocities) and to the observed spatial morphology of the outer dust coma; and (6) the time and direction dependence of the source of dust

    Cometary atmospheres: Modeling the spatial distribution of observed neutral radicals

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    Progress during the second year of a program of research on the modeling of the spatial distributions of cometary radicals is discussed herein in several major areas. New scale length laws for cometary C2 and CN were determined which explain that the previously-held apparent drop of the C2/CN ratio for large heliocentric distances does not exist and that there is no systematic variation. Monte Carlo particle trajectory model (MCPTM) analysis of sunward and anti-sunward brightness profiles of cometary C2 was completed. This analysis implies a lifetime of 31,000 seconds for the C2 parent and an ejection speed for C2 of approximately 0.5 km/sec upon dissociation from the parent. A systematic reanalysis of published C3 and OH data was begun. Preliminary results find a heliocentric distance dependence for C3 scale lengths with a much larger variation than for C2 and CN. Scale lengths for OH are generally somewhat larger than currently accepted values. The MCPTM was updated to include the coma temperature. Finally, the collaborative effort with the University of Arizona programs has yielded some preliminary CCD images of Comet P/Halley

    Extended atmospheres of outer planet satellites and comets

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    In the third year of this 3-year project, research accomplishments are discussed and related to the overall objective. In the area of the distribution of hydrogen in the Saturn system, new Voyager UVS data have been discovered and are discussed. The data suggest that both Titan's hydrogen torus and Saturn's hydrogen corona play a major role in the circumplanetary gas source. Modeling analysis of this new data establishes a strong basis for continuing studies to be undertaken in a new NASA-sponsored project. In the area of the cometary atmospheres, observational data for H, O, C, and OH acquired with the Pioneer Venus Orbiter are evaluated and preliminary modeling analysis for some of the hydrogen Lyman-alpha data is presented. In addition, the importance of collisional thermalization in spatial properties and structure of the inner and extended comae of comets has been demonstrated using the recently developed particle trajectory model. The successful simulation by this model of the hydrogen Lyman-alpha image for Comet Kohoutec near perihelion, an extreme case for collisional thermalization, is particularly noteworthy

    Analysis of IUE observations of hydrogen in comets

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    The large body of hydrogen Lyman-alpha observations of cometary comae obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite has gone generally unanalyzed because of two main modeling complications. First, the inner comae of many bright (gas productive) comets are often optically thick to solar Lyman-alpha radiation. Second, even in the case of a small comet (low gas production) the large IUE aperture is quite small as compared with the immense size of the hydrogen coma, so an accurate model which properly accounts for the spatial distribution of the coma is required to invert the inferred brightnesses to column densities and finally to H atom production rates. Our Monte Carlo particle trajectory model (MPTM), which for the first time provides the realistic full phase space distribution of H atoms throughout the coma was used as the basis for the analysis of IUE observations of the inner coma. The MCPTM includes the effects of the vectorial ejection of the H atoms upon dissociation of their parent species (H2O and OH) and of their partial collisional thermalization. Both of these effects are crucial to characterize the velocity distribution of the H atoms. A new spherical radiative transfer calculation based on our MCPTM was developed to analyze IUE observations of optically thick H comae. The models were applied to observations of comets P/Giacobini-Zinner and P/Halley

    Studies of Tenuous Planetary Atmospheres

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    The final report includes an overall project overview as well as scientific background summaries of dust and sodium in comets, and tenuous atmospheres of Jupiter's natural satellites. Progress and continuing work related to dust coma and tenuous atmospheric studies are presented. Also included are published articles written during the course of the report period. These are entitled: (1) On Europa's Magnetospheric Interaction: An MHD Simulation; (2) Dust-Gas Interrelations in Comets: Observations and Theory; and (3) Io's Plasma Environment During the Galileo Flyby: Global Three Dimensional MHD Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement

    Composition/Structure/Dynamics of comet and planetary satellite atmospheres

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    This research program addresses two cases of tenuous planetary atmospheres: comets and Io. The comet atmospheric research seeks to analyze a set of spatial profiles of CN in comet Halley taken in a 7.4-day period in April 1986; to apply a new dust coma model to various observations; and to analyze observations of the inner hydrogen coma, which can be optically thick to the resonance scattering of Lyman-alpha radiation, with the newly developed approach that combines a spherical radiative transfer model with our Monte Carlo H coma model. The Io research seeks to understand the atmospheric escape from Io with a hybrid-kinetic model for neutral gases and plasma given methods and algorithms developed for the study of neutral gas cometary atmospheres and the earth's polar wind and plasmasphere. Progress is reported on cometary Hydrogen Lyman-alpha studies; time-series analysis of cometary spatial profiles; model analysis of the dust comae of comets; and a global kinetic atmospheric model of Io

    Studies for the Loss of Atomic and Molecular Species from Io

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    The general objective of this project has been to advance our theoretical understanding of Io's atmosphere and how various atomic and molecular species are lost from this atmosphere and are distributed in the circumplanetary environment of Jupiter. The scientific objectives of the larger collaborative program between AER, Inc., and the University of Michigan have been to undertake theoretical modeling studies to simulate the distributions of the exospheric gases in Io's corona and extended clouds, to investigate the importance of the various physical processes that shape their relative abundances, and with these tools to analyze observations of O, S and Na obtained by four observers: M.A. McGrath of the Space Telescope Science Institute and G.E. Ballester of the University of Michigan who each have obtained Hubble Space Telescope observations of O and S near Io, F. Scherb who continues an effort to obtain 6300 A OI observations as part of the University of Wisconsin Fabry-Perot program, and N.M. Schneider of the University of Colorado who obtained an extensive set of spectral and spatial observations of the Na emission near Io in the D-lines

    Studies for the loss of atomic and molecular species from Io

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    The general objective of this project is to advance theoretical understanding of Io's atmosphere and how various atomic and molecular species are lost from this atmosphere and are distributed in the circumplanetary environment of Jupiter. The major task for the University of Michigan portion of this work is the generalization of the Io sodium cloud model to simulate the ion-precursor of sodium that is the apparent source of the fast sodium jet observed by Schneider et al. (1991). The goal is a quantitative test of the molecular ion hypothesis with a model that is comparable to a general sodium cloud model published previously. A detailed comparison of observations with such a model will help to probe the feasibility of such a source and to examine the rates and scale lengths associated with the decay of the ion precursor so as to possibly uncover the identity of the parent ion. Another important task to be performed at Michigan is more support of AER in the general area of modeling the Na and SO2-family clouds

    DSMC Simulation of the Cometary Coma

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    The study of the comet coma, or its tenuous atmosphere, is a major space application of rarefied gas dynamics, which requires modeling the gas flow in a wide range of Knudsen number. For weak to moderate comets, only the subsolar region of the coma is in a collision dominated regime. In the low density regions of the upper atmospheres of the planets and the planetary satellites and the middle to outer coma of comets the intermolecular mean free path becomes longer then the characteristic length of the problem, which makes using of conventional methods of computational gas dynamics problematic and implies the requirement to model the system based on the Boltzmann equation. Here we present results of a first application of a fully parallelized implementation of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo for axisymmetric cometary comae. © 2003 American Institute of PhysicsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87931/2/696_1.pd
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