21 research outputs found

    Protein expression reveals a molecular sexual identity of avian primordial germ cells at pre-gonadal stages

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    International audienceIn poultry, in vitro propagated primordial germ cells (PGCs) represent an important tool for the cryopreservation of avian genetic resources. However, several studies have highlighted sexual differences exhibited by PGCs during in vitro propagation, which may compromise their reproductive capacities. To understand this phenomenon, we compared the proteome of pregonadal migratory male (ZZ) and female (ZW) chicken PGCs propagated in vitro by quantitative proteomic analysis using a GeLC-MS/MS strategy. Many proteins were found to be differentially abundant in chicken male and female PGCs indicating their early sexual identity. Many of the proteins more highly expressed in male PGCs were encoded by genes localised to the Z sex chromosome. This suggests that the known lack of dosage compensation of the transcription of Z-linked genes between sexes persists at the protein level in PGCs, and that this may be a key factor of their autonomous sex differentiation. We also found that globally, protein differences do not closely correlate with transcript differences indicating a selective translational mechanism in PGCs. Male and female PGC expressed protein sets were associated with differential biological processes and contained proteins known to be biologically relevant for male and female germ cell development, respectively. We also discovered that female PGCs have a higher capacity to uptake proteins from the cell culture medium than male PGCs. This study presents the first evidence of an early predetermined sex specific cell fate of chicken PGCs and their sexual molecular specificities which will enable the development of more precise sex-specific in vitro culture conditions for the preservation of avian genetic resources

    Polymer "ruthenium-cyclopentadienyl" conjugates - New emerging anti-cancer drugs

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    In this work, we aimed to understand the biological activity and the mechanism of action of three polymer-'ruthenium-cyclopentadienyl' conjugates (RuPMC) and a low molecular weight parental compound (Ru1) in cancer cells. Several biological assays were performed in ovarian (A2780) and breast (MCF7, MDA-MB-231) human cancer derived cell lines as well as in A2780cis, a cisplatin resistant cancer cell line. Our results show that all compounds have high activity towards cancer cells with low IC50 values in the micromolar range. We observed that all Ru-PMC compounds are mainly found inside the cells, in contrast with the parental low molecular weight compound Ru1 that was mainly found at the membrane. All compounds induced mitochondrial alterations. PMC3 and Ru1 caused F-actin cytoskeleton morphology changes and reduced the clonogenic ability of the cells. The conjugate PMC3 induced apoptosis at low concentrations comparing to cisplatin and could overcame the platinum resistance of A2780cis cancer cells. A proteomic analysis showed that these compounds induce alterations in several cellular proteins which are related to the phenotypic disorders induced by them.Our results suggest that PMC3 is foreseen as a lead candidate to future studies and acting through a different mechanism of action than cisplatin. Here we established the potential of these Ru compounds as new metallodrugs for cancer chemotherapy.This work was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, FCT) within the scope of projects UID/QUI/00100/2013 and PTDC/QUI-QIN/28662/2017. This work was supported by the strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. and by the ERDF through the COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI). Andreia Valente acknowledges the COST action CM1302 (SIPs), the Investigator FCT2013 Initiative for the project IF/01302/2013 (acknowledging FCT, as well as POPH and FSE - European Social Fund) and the Royal Society of Chemistry's Research Fund. Pierre Falson and Elisabeta Comsa warmly acknowledge Thibault Andrieu from the cytometry plateau of SFR bioscience -UMS 3444- at Lyon-Gerland, France for assistance on CytoF. This work was also supported by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN proposal no 317297 - acronym GLYCOPHARM and PITN-GA-2012-317297. The high resolution mass spectrometer at CIRE-PAIB was financed (SMHART project no3069) by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Conseil Regional du Centre, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm)

    X-linked myotubular myopathy is associated with epigenetic alterations and is ameliorated by HDAC inhibition

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    X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) is a fatal neuromuscular disorder caused by loss of function mutations in MTM1. At present, there are no directed therapies for XLMTM, and incomplete understanding of disease pathomechanisms. To address these knowledge gaps, we performed a drug screen in mtm1 mutant zebrafish and identified four positive hits, including valproic acid, which functions as a potent suppressor of the mtm1 zebrafish phenotype via HDAC inhibition. We translated these findings to a mouse XLMTM model, and showed that valproic acid ameliorates the murine phenotype. These observations led us to interrogate the epigenome in Mtm1 knockout mice; we found increased DNA methylation, which is normalized with valproic acid, and likely mediated through aberrant 1-carbon metabolism. Finally, we made the unexpected observation that XLMTM patients share a distinct DNA methylation signature, suggesting that epigenetic alteration is a conserved disease feature amenable to therapeutic intervention

    Identification by proteomics of oviductal sperm-interacting proteins

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    International audienceThe interactions between oviductal fluid (OF) proteins and spermatozoa play major roles in sperm selection, storage and capacitation before fertilization. However, only a few sperm-interacting proteins in the OF has been identified and very little is known about the regulation of sperm-oviduct interactions across the estrous cycle. Samples of bovine frozen-thawed sperm from three bulls were incubated with OF at pre-, post-ovulatory stages (Pre-/Post-ov) or luteal phase (LP) of the estrous cycle (7 mg/mL proteins, treated groups) or with a protein-free media (control). The proteomes of sperm cells were assessed by nanoLC-MS/MS and quantified by label-free methods. A total of 27 sperm-interacting proteins originating in the OF were identified. Among those, 14 were detected at all stages, eight at Post-ov and LP and five only at LP. The sperm-interacting proteins detected at all stages or at LP and Post-ov were on average more abundant at LP than at other stages (P < 0.05). At Pre-ov, OVGP1 was the most abundant sperm-interacting protein while at Post-ov, ACTB, HSP27, MYH9, MYH14 and OVGP1 were predominant. Different patterns of abundance of sperm-interacting proteins related to the stage were evidenced, which greatly differed from those previously reported in the bovine OF. In conclusion, this study highlights the important regulations of sperm-oviduct interactions across the estrous cycle and provides new protein candidates that may modulate sperm functions

    Protein Cargo of Extracellular Vesicles From Bovine Follicular Fluid and Analysis of Their Origin From Different Ovarian Cells

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    International audienceFollicular fluid (FF) fills the interior portion of the ovarian antral follicle and provides a suitable microenvironment for the growth of the enclosed oocyte through molecular factors that originate from plasma and the secretions of follicular cells. FF contains extracellular nanovesicles (ffEVs), including 30–100-nm membrane-coated exosomes, which carry different types of RNA, proteins, and lipids and directly influence oocyte competence to develop embryo. In the present study, we aimed to characterize the protein cargo of EVs from the FF of 3–6-mm follicles and uncover the origins of ffEVs by assessing expression levels of corresponding mRNAs in bovine follicular cells and oocyte and cell proteomes. Isolated exosome-like ffEVs were 53.6 + 23.3 nm in size and could be internalized by cumulus-oocyte complex. Proteomes of ffEVs and granulosa cells (GC) were assessed using nanoflow liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry after the gel fractionation of total proteins. In total, 460 protein isoforms corresponding to 322 unique proteins were identified in ffEVs; among them, 190 were also identified via GC. Gene Ontology terms related to the ribosome, protein and RNA folding, molecular transport, endocytosis, signal transduction, complement and coagulation cascades, apoptosis, and developmental biology pathways, including PI3K-Akt signaling, were significantly enriched features of ffEV proteins. FfEVs contain numerous ribosome and RNA-binding proteins, which may serve to compact different RNAs to regulate gene expression and RNA degradation, and might transfer ribosomal constituents to the oocyte. Majority of genes encoding ffEV proteins expressed at different levels in follicular cells and oocyte, corroborating with numerous proteins, which were reported in bovine oocyte and cumulus cells in other studies thus indicating possible origin of ffEV proteins. The limited abundance of several mRNAs within follicular cells indicated that corresponding ffEV proteins likely originated from circulating exosomes released by other tissues. Analysis of bovine ffEV transcriptome revealed that mRNAs present in ffEV accounted for only 18.3% of detected ffEV proteins. In conclusion, our study revealed numerous proteins within ffEVs, which originated from follicular and other cells. These proteins are likely involved in the maintenance of follicular homeostasis and may affect oocyte competence

    Guinea fowl eggshell quantitative proteomics yield new findings related to its unique structural characteristics and superior mechanical properties

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    International audienceThe Guinea fowl eggshell is a bioceramic material with the remarkable mechanical property of being twice as strong as the chicken eggshell. Both eggshells are composed of 95% calcite and 3.5% organic matrix, which control its structural organization. Chicken eggshell is made of columnar calcite crystals arranged vertically. In the Guinea fowl, the same structure is observed in its inner half, followed by a dramatic change in crystal size and orientation in the outer region. Guinea fowl eggshell is thicker than chicken eggshell. Both structure and shell thickness confer a superior resistance to breakage compared to eggshells of other bird species. To understand the underlying mechanisms controlling the structural organization of this highly resistant material, we used quantitative proteomics to analyze the protein composition of the Guinea fowl eggshell organic matrix at key stages of the biomineralization process. We identified 149 proteins, which were compared to other bird eggshell proteomes and analyzed their potential functions. Among the 149 proteins, 9 are unique to Guinea fowl, some are involved in the control of the calcite precipitation (Lysozyme, Ovocleidin-17-like, Ovocleidin-116 and Ovalbumin), 61 are only found in the zone of microstructure shift and 17 are more abundant in this zone. Significance: The avian eggshell is a critical physical barrier to protect the contents of this autonomous reproductive enclosure from physical and microbial assault. The Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) eggshell exhibits a unique microstructure (texture), which confers exceptional mechanical properties compared to eggshells of other species. In order to understand the mechanisms that regulate formation of this texture in the Guinea fowl eggshell, we performed comparative quantitative proteomics at key stages of shell mineralization and particularly during the dramatic shift in shell microstructure. We demonstrate that the Guinea fowl eggshell proteome comprises 149 proteins, of which 61 were specifically associated with the change in size and orientation of calcite crystals. Comparative proteomics analysis with eggshell of other bird species leads to new insights into the biomineralization process. Moreover, our data represents a list of organic compounds as potential additives to regulate material design for industrial fabrication of ceramics. This information also provides molecular markers for efficient genomic selection of chicken strains to lay eggs with improved shell mechanical properties for enhanced food safety

    Genetic determinants of seed protein plasticity in response to the environment in Medicago truncatula

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    International audienceSince extreme environmental events are expected to increase with climate change, identifying candidate genes for stabilizing the protein composition of legume seeds or optimizing it in a given environment is increasingly important. To elucidate the genetic determinants of seed protein plasticity, major seed proteins from 200 ecotypes of M. truncatula grown in four contrasting environments were quantified after one-dimensional electrophoresis. The plasticity index of theseproteins was recorded for each genotype as the slope of Finlay and Wilkinson's regression and used for Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), enabling the identification of candidate genes determining this plasticity. This list was enriched in genes related to transcription, DNA repair, and signal transduction, many of them being stress-responsive. Other over-represented genes were related to sulfur and aspartate family pathways leading to the synthesis of the nutritionally essential amino acids methionine and lysine. By placing these genes in metabolic pathways, and using a M. truncatula mutant impaired in regenerating methionine from S-methylmethionine, we discovered that methionine recycling pathways are major contributors to globulin composition establishment and plasticity. These data provide a unique resource of genes that can be targeted to mitigate negative impacts of environmental stresses on seed protein composition