40 research outputs found

    Effects of dissolved organic matter and nitrification on biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in aerobic enrichment cultures

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    Natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) and nitrification can play an important role in biodegradation of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in aerobic zones of constructed wetlands (CWs). This study used an enrichment culture originating from CW sediment to study the effect of DOM and nitrification on aerobic biodegradation of seven PhACs. The enriched culture degraded caffeine (CAF), metoprolol (MET), naproxen (NAP), and ibuprofen (IBP) with a consistent biodegradability order of CAF > MET > NAP > IBP. Biodegradation of propranolol, carbamazepine, and diclofenac was insignificant (<15%). CAF biodegradation was inhibited by the easily biodegradable DOM. Conversely, DOM enhanced biodegradation of MET, NAP, and IBP, potentially by contributing more biomass capable of degrading PhACs. Nitrification enhanced biodegradation of NAP and IBP and mineralization of the PhAC mixture as well as less biodegradable DOM, which may result from co-metabolism of ammonia oxidizing bacteria or enhanced heterotrophic microbial activity under nitrification. MET biodegradation was inhibited in the presence of nitrification. DOM and nitrification effects on PhAC biodegradation in CWs gained from this study can be used in strategies to improve CW operation, namely: designing hydraulic retention times based on the biodegradability order of specific PhACs; applying DOM amendment; and introducing consistent ammonium streams to increase removal of PhACs of interest

    From 13C-lignin to 13C-mycelium: Agaricus bisporus uses polymeric lignin as a carbon source

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    Plant biomass conversion by saprotrophic fungi plays a pivotal role in terrestrial carbon (C) cycling. The general consensus is that fungi metabolize carbohydrates, while lignin is only degraded and mineralized to CO2. Recent research, however, demonstrated fungal conversion of 13C-monoaromatic compounds into proteinogenic amino acids. To unambiguously prove that polymeric lignin is not merely degraded, but also metabolized, carefully isolated 13C-labeled lignin served as substrate for Agaricus bisporus, the world's most consumed mushroom. The fungus formed a dense mycelial network, secreted lignin-active enzymes, depolymerized, and removed lignin. With a lignin carbon use efficiency of 0.14 (g/g) and fungal biomass enrichment in 13C, we demonstrate that A. bisporus assimilated and further metabolized lignin when offered as C-source. Amino acids were high in 13C-enrichment, while fungal-derived carbohydrates, fatty acids, and ergosterol showed traces of 13C. These results hint at lignin conversion via aromatic ring-cleaved intermediates to central metabolites, underlining lignin's metabolic value for fungi

    Geochemical Multisurface Modeling of Reactive Zinc Speciation in Compost as Influenced by Extraction Conditions

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    Knowledge on organic matter (OM) concentration and composition is of major importance for predicting Zn speciation and bioavailability in soils, especially for low-Zn soils. However, comprehensive knowledge on the effect of soil-like organic amendments such as compost on metal speciation is limited. For the first time, multisurface modeling is applied on compost to study the effect of solid and dissolved OM composition on the speciation of reactive Zn as influenced by conditions applied in frequently used extractions to estimate Zn bioavailability. First, compost OM composition was determined by fractionation in operationally defined humic, fulvic, and hydrophilic acid pools under various extraction conditions, and subsequently, Zn speciation was modeled using the generic non-ideal competitive adsorption-Donnan (NICA-Donnan) model in addition to adsorption to hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) and clay. The results show a strong effect of extraction conditions on OM concentration and composition and related dissolved Zn speciation. Model predictions show that Zn in solution is mainly bound to dissolved humic acids. Analysis of deviations between measured and modeled Zn concentrations reveal specific limitations of the current generic model parameters, particularly with regard to Zn binding to OM at low concentrations and Ca-Zn competition, that is, typical conditions that occur in low-Zn soils

    Selenium speciation and extractability in Dutch agricultural soils

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    The study aimed to understand selenium (Se) speciation and extractability in Dutch agricultural soils. Top soil samples were taken from 42 grassland fields and 41 arable land fields in the Netherlands. Total Se contents measured in aqua regia were between 0.12 and 1.97mgkg-1(on average 0.58mgkg-1). Organic Se after NaOCl oxidation-extraction accounted for on average 82% of total Se, whereas inorganic selenite (selenate was not measurable) measured in ammonium oxalate extraction using HPLC-ICP-MS accounted for on average 5% of total Se. The predominance of organic Se in the soils is supported by the positive correlations between total Se (aqua regia) and total soil organic matter content, and Se and organic C content in all the other extractions performed in this study. The amount of Se extracted followed the order of aqua regia>1M NaOCl (pH8)>0.1M NaOH>ammonium oxalate (pH3)>hot water>0.43M HNO3>0.01M CaCl2. None of these extractions selectively extracts only inorganic Se, and relative to other extractions 0.43M HNO3 extraction contains the lowest fraction of organic Se, followed by ammonium oxalate extraction. In the 0.1M NaOH extraction, the hydrophobic neutral (HON) fraction of soil organic matter is richer in Se than in the hydrophilic (Hy) and humic acid (HA) fractions. The organic matter extracted in 0.01M CaCl2 and hot water is in general richer in Se compared to the organic matter extracted in 0.1M NaOH, and other extractions (HNO3, ammonium oxalate, NaOCl, and aqua regia). Although the extractability of Se follows to a large extent the extractability of soil organic carbon, there is several time variations in the Se to organic C ratios, reflecting the changes in composition of organic matter extracted.</p

    Selenium-rich dissolved organic matter determines selenium uptake in wheat grown on Low-selenium arable land soils

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    Aims: The study aimed to find soil parameters that are best related to Se plant uptake for low Se soils with predominantly organic Se, and to explore the mechanisms that control Se bioavailability in the soils under study. Methods: A pot experiment using nineteen soil samples taken from different fields of arable land (potato fields) in the Netherlands was conducted on summer wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Selenium in wheat shoots and soil parameters, including basic soil properties, C:N ratio, inorganic selenite content, and Se and organic C in different soil extractions (0.01 M CaCl2, 0.43 M HNO3, hot water, ammonium oxalate, aqua regia) were analysed. Regression analysis was performed to identify soil parameters that determine Se content in wheat shoots. Results: The regression model shows that Se:DOC ratio in 0.01 M CaCl2 soil extraction explained about 88 % of the variability of Se uptake in wheat shoots. Selenium uptake increased with Se:DOC ratio in CaCl2 extraction, which can be interpreted as a measure of the content of soluble Se-rich organic molecules. Selenium:DOC ratio in CaCl2 extraction and Se uptake increased towards higher soil pH and lower soil C:N ratio. The soil C:N ratio is also negatively correlated to Se:organic C ratio in other extractions (0.43 M HNO3, hot water, ammonium oxalate, aqua regia), indicating that at low soil C:N ratio soil organic matter is richer in Se. Contrarily, the soil pH is positively and strongly correlated to Se:organic C ratio in CaCl2 and hot water extractions, but only weakly correlated to Se:organic C ratio in other extractions. Conclusions: Selenium-rich dissolved organic matter is the source of bioavailable Se in low Se soils with predominantly organic Se. The soil pH and quality of soil organic matter (i.e. soil C:N ratio) are the main soil properties determining Se bioavailability in these soil types.</p

    Boron speciation and extractability in temperate and tropical soils : A multi-surface modeling approach

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    Boron is an essential micronutrient for plants, but can also be toxic when present in excess in the soil solution. A multi-surface geochemical model was used to assess the important processes that affect the distribution of the geochemically reactive B in soils over the solution and solid phase. The multi-surface model was based on the adsorption of B on dissolved and solid humic acids, representing reactive organic matter, ferrihydrite, representing the Fe and Al (hydr)oxides, and clay mineral edges. In addition, the performance of previously proposed extraction methods for measuring reactive B was evaluated. Based on B measured in 0.01 M CaCl2 soil extracts (7–85 μmol kg−1 soil), we calculated the reactive boron concentration for 5 temperate and 5 tropical soils (8–106 μmol kg−1 soil). We found that extractions with 0.43 M HNO3 or with 0.2 M mannitol + 0.1 M triethanolamine buffer extract on average 240 and 177% of the reactive B predicted by the model, thus releasing additional B that is assumed to be not or only very slowly available for exchange with the soil solution. Reactive B calculated by the model corresponded best to the B measured in a 0.05 M KH2PO4 (pH 4.5) extraction. In general, the multi-surface modeling showed that 68% or more of reactive boron was present in the solution phase for the soils in this study and that the adsorption was dominated by oxides in the tropical soils, while solid organic matter was the main adsorbent in the temperate soils. When changing the soil pH(CaCl2), B concentration was found to decrease with increasing pH, and both experimental data and modelling suggests that this effect is mainly due to increased binding of B to organic matter.</p

    Assessment of the enhanced weathering potential of different silicate minerals to improve soil quality and sequester CO2

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    Enhanced weathering is a negative emission technology that involves the spread of crushed silicate minerals and rocks on land and water. When applied to agricultural soils, the resulting increase in soil pH and release of nutrients may co-benefit plant productivity. Silicate minerals and rocks differ in their enhanced weathering potential, i.e., their potential for both carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration and soil quality improvements. However, studies comparing silicate minerals and rocks for this dual potential are lacking. Therefore, we compared the enhanced weathering potential of olivine (Mg2SiO4), basalt, wollastonite (CaSiO3), and two minerals that are novel in this context, anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) and albite (NaAlSi3O8). A down-flow soil column experiment was designed allowing for measurements on soils and leachate, and calculations of organic and inorganic carbon budgets. Our results showed comparatively high CO2 capture by enhanced wollastonite and olivine weathering. Furthermore, CO2 capture per m2 specific surface area indicated potential for enhanced anorthite and albite weathering. Calculated carbon budgets showed that most treatments produced net CO2 emissions from soils, likely related to the short duration of this experiment. All silicates generally improved soil quality, with soil nickel contents remaining below contamination limits. However, nickel concentrations in leachates from olivine-amended soils exceeded the groundwater threshold value, stressing the importance of monitoring nickel leaching. We found a relatively high enhanced weathering potential for wollastonite, while the potential for olivine may be constrained by nickel leaching. The promising results for anorthite and albite indicate the need to further quantify their enhanced weathering potential

    Chloride Interference during Analysis of Dissolved Organic Carbon Using Wet Chemical Oxidation Methods

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    Analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is widely used to quantify the sum of organic carbon species in water. Analyzers based on wet chemical oxidation (WCO) usually have a relatively low detection limit (±1 μg of C/L) and are, therefore, well suited for analyses of DOC in environmental samples (e.g., surface water, groundwater, or seawater). However, these matrices might contain relatively high concentrations of chloride that can affect the DOC oxidation efficiency. We validated the DOC analysis using a combined persulfate and ultraviolet oxidation method in various prepared samples (humic and fulvic acids and selected organic acids) with different background concentrations of chloride. The results show that chloride is an effective radical scavenger (at concentrations of >355 mg of Cl–/L) that reduces the oxidation efficiency of DOC analyses based on WCO. The oxidation efficiency correlates well with the proton dissociation constant of the selected organic acids. Our findings imply that the DOC analyses by WCO methods should include an assessment of the chloride concentrations in the samples to check for potential interference. The results are relevant for DOC analysis in samples containing high background levels of chloride (e.g., brackish water) and for samples from DOC fractionation methods to quantify humic substances

    Technical and environmental performance of lower carbon footprint cement mortars containing biomass fly ash as a secondary cementitious material

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    This study evaluated the mechanical and environmental properties of cement mortars containing fly ash from biomass combustion as a secondary cementitious material. Cement mortars with 20 and 40% wt. replacement of Portland cement with fly ash from two types of installations were tested for their compressive strength and leaching behaviour. Substitution of 20% Portland cement with wood fly ash complied with the reference standard for compressive strength of 42.5öMPa at 28ödays. Replacement rates of 40% developed a lower strength (30 and 33.5öMPa), but were still suitable for applications. The pulverized fuel ash perform substantially worse. We conclude that the biomass fly ash from fluidized bed combustion performs as a functional secondary cementitious material in cement, whereas the functionality of pulverized fuel fly ash is insufficient. The release of environmentally relevant elements from all the tested specimens fulfilled the Dutch leaching criteria for reuse. During second life as a granular construction material the release of Ba, Cr, Mo and V increased to a level of concern. However, this release was found to be similar to that of existing blended cements and was controlled by cement chemistry. The technical performance of cement mortars was influenced by the type and ratio of fly ash mixed with cement. However, the environmental performance was driven by the cement matrix that controlled the release of contaminants. Using biomass fly ash as a secondary cementitious material can reduce the carbon footprint of concrete by 40% while maintaining good technical and environmental performance

    Evaluating Biomass Ash Properties as Influenced by Feedstock and Thermal Conversion Technology towards Cement Clinker Production with a Lower Carbon Footprint

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    Purpose: This study evaluates the potential of biomass ash as raw clinker material and the influence of biomass feedstock and thermal conversion technology on biomass ash properties. Methods: A set of criteria for biomass feedstock and ash properties (i.e. CaO/SiO2 ratio and burnability) are established. A large dataset was collected and the best combination of biomass feedstock and conversion technology regarding the desired ash quality was identified. Results: Wood biomass has the highest potential to provide the right CaO/SiO2 ratio which is needed to form clinker minerals. Bark content and exogenous Si inclusion in wood biomass have a large influence on the CaO/SiO2 ratio. Paper sludge is composed of Ca, Si and Al and can potentially serve as a source of cement elements. Wood fly ash from pulverized fuel combustion can substitute a considerable amount of raw clinker materials due to its similar burnability. The replacement ratio is determined by the content of adverse elements in the ash (i.e. MgO2 and P2O5). Conclusion: Using biomass ash to lower the CO2 emission from clinker production depends on the joint effort of bioenergy producers, by providing higher quality biomass ash, and cement makers, by adapting the kiln operation to enable a high level of raw material replacement by biomass ash.The presented evaluation of the ash production chain, from biomass selection through combustion technology and ash management, provides new insights and recommendations for both stakeholders to facilitate this sustainable development. Graphic Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].</p