12 research outputs found

    ADRICOSM pilot projekt: Sustav predviđanja u obalnim područjima i riječnim bazenima Jadranskog mora

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    The ADRICOSM project was launched in October 2001, and ended in March 2005, with the main objective of demonstrating the feasibility of a near real time operational marine monitoring and forecasting system at the shelf and coastal scales, with connections to river basin runoff and coastal town sewer systems. The basic system consisted of an efficient network for the collection of marine data such as in situ temperature and salinity profiles and satellite sea surface temperature, a regional (AREG) and shelf scale modeling system, a data assimilation system and finally a coastal scale modeling system. Every week AREG releases 7 day marine forecasts at 5 km horizontal scales, which are used to nest other hydrodynamic models toward the coastal scale. Two shelf models (ASHELF-1 and ASHELF-2) at a 1.5 km horizontal scale were nested in AREG in order to simulate (and in the future to forecast) shelf scale oceanographic features. Another important aspect of ADRICOSM was the integration of the Cetina river (Croatia) and urban sewage monitoring/ modeling (Split, Croatia) systems with the shelf marine model. This integrated model system was used to simulate the dispersion of sewer discharges from the urban area in the coastal waters for water management performance studies. ADRICOSM is one of the first integrated land and marine waters operational oceanographic systems able to meet the urgent needs for reliable integrated coastal forecasts for the effective management of marine areas.Projekt ADRICOSM započeo je u listopadu 2001. i završio u ožujku 2005. godine. Glavni je cilj projekta bio pokazati mogućnosti operacionalizacije monitoringa i prognoze u skoro realnom vremenu na šelfu te u obalnim područjima koja su povezana s riječnim bazenima i gradskim otpadnim vodama. Sustav je bio opremljen efikasnom mrežom sakupljanja podataka izmjerenih u moru kao što su profili temperature i saliniteta te satelitske površinske temperature mora, regionalnim jadranskim modelom (AREG) i modelom na skali šelfa, sustavom asimilacije podataka te konačno, obalnim modelom. Svaki tjedan AREG je izrađivao 7-dnevnu oceanografsku prognozu na horizontalnoj skali od 5 km koja je upotrebljavana za gniježđenje drugih hidrodinamičkih modela duž obale. Dva modela na šelfu (ASHELF-1 i ASHELF-2) horizontalne rezolucije od 1.5 km ugniježđeni su u jadranski AREG model s ciljem simuliranja (te u budućnosti i prognoziranja) oceanografskih osobina šelfa. Drugi važan aspekt ADRICOSM projekta bio je integracija monitoringa i modeliranja dotoka rijekom Cetinom i sustavom otpadnih voda s oceanografskim modelom šelfa. Ovaj je integracijski sustav upotrebljen za simuliranje disperzije urbanih otpadnih voda u obalnom području. Projekt ADRICOSM je jedan od prvih integracijskih sustava kojim se za potrebe operativne oceanografije i prognoze ujedinjuju obalne vode s dotocima s kopna s ciljem efikasnog upravljanja obalnim područjima

    S1 stanica, rijeka Po: rukovanje podacima i prikaz podataka

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    The technical setting of the mete-oceanographic buoy at site S1 south of the Po River delta is presented. The station was deployed by Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of CNR of Bologna, in cooperation with the local Regional Government and Environmental Agencies (ARPA) of E. Romagna, and ADRICOSM. The buoy mooring and data flow architecture is discussed, with some emphasis on the WWW data presentation. The possible integration with other remote stations, data and mete-oceanographic operational activities is also proposed.U radu je predstavljen tehnički postav meteorološko-oceanografske plutače na položaju S1 južno od delte rijeke Po. Stanicu su postavili ISMAR CNR iz Bolonje, u suradnji s lokalnom agencijom za zaštitu okoliša (ARPA) iz pokrajine Emilia-Romagna i ADRICOSM-om. Diskutirana su sama struktura plutače i arhitektura tijeka podataka s naglaskom na prikaz podataka na web-u. Predložena je, također, i moguća integracija s ostalim postajama, izvorima podataka i ostalim operativnim meteorološko-oceanografskim aktivnostima

    Jadranski prognostički sustav

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    A regional ocean forecasting system has been implemented in the framework of the ADRIatic sea integrated COastal areaS and river basin Management system Pilot Project (ADRICOSM). The system is composed of a 5 km horizontal resolution model and an observing system collecting coastal and open ocean hydrological data. The numerical model is based on the Princeton Ocean Model using a SMOLARKIEWICZ iterative advection scheme, interactive air-sea flux computation, Po and other Adriatic rivers flow rates and is one-way nested to a general circulation model of the Mediterranean Sea. In this study the data from the observing system are used only for model validation. The results of the first operational year are shown and the model performance has been assessed based on root mean square (RMS) criteria.U okviru projekta “Integralno upravljanje obalnom zonom Jadranskog mora (ADRICOSM)” uspostavljen je regionalni oceanografski prognostički sustav. Sustav se sastoji od oceanografskog modela horizontalne rezolucije 5 km i sustava prikupljanja hidrografskih podataka u priobalnom području i na otvorenom moru. Numerički model je temeljen na Princetonskom Oceanskom Modelu (POM) uz korištenje iterativne SMO-LARKIEWICZ-eve advekcijske sheme, interaktivnog računanja protoka na granici mora i atmosfere, protoka rijeke Po, kao i drugih jadranskih rijeka, te gniježđenja s mediteranskim modelom. U ovom radu podaci iz sustava mjerenja korišteni su samo za ocjenu rezultata modela. Prikazani su rezultati dobiveni tijekom prve godine operativnog sustava, a procjena ponašanja modela i njegovih rezultata dobivena je na temelju RMS (root mean square) pogreške

    An analysis of clinical, surgical, pathological and molecular characteristics of endometrial cancer according to mismatch repair status. A multidisciplinary approach

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    Since 2016, our hospital has applied tumor testing with immunohistochemistry (IHC) in endometrial cancer in order to detect mutations of mismatch repair genes (MMR). All cases with MMR deficiency proteins expression are sent for genetic testing, except those with MLH1 protein deficiency, in which case genetic testing is performed if negative for promoter hypermethylation. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the ability of our algorithm to identify Lynch syndrome (LS). The Secondary aims were to investigate the relationship between MMR status and clinicopathological features and prognosis of primary endometrial cancer (EC). From January 2016 to December 2018, 239 patients with EC were retrospectively analyzed and subdivided according to MMR status. Patients were divided in three groups: MMR proficient, LS and Lynch-like cancer (LLC). LS was characterized by a lower age and BMI, more use of contraceptive and less use of hormonal replacement therapy, nulliparity and a trend versus a better prognosis. LLC appeared more related to MMR proficient than LS and exhibited a more aggressive behavior. Our multidisciplinary approach permitted a correct diagnosis of germline mutation in patients with newly diagnosis EC and it confirmed clinicopathologic and prognostic characteristics of LS

    Coupling an oceanographic model to a Fishery Observing System through mixed models: The importance of fronts for anchovy in the Adriatic Sea

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    Anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, forms the basis of Italian small pelagic fisheries in the Adriatic Sea. The strong dependence of this stock on environmental factors and the consequent high variability makes the dynamics of this species particularly complicated to model. Weekly geo-referenced catch data of anchovy obtained by means of a Fishery Observing System (FOS) from 2005 to 2011 were referred to a 0.2 × 0.2 degree grid (about 20 km2) and associated with the environmental parameters calculated by a Regional Ocean Modelling System, AdriaROMS. Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMM) with and without random effects were used to identify a relationship between abundance in the catch and oceanographic conditions. The outcomes of models with no random effects, with random vessel effects and with the random vessel and random week-of-the-year effects were examined. The GAMM incorporating a random vessel and week-of-the-year effect were selected as the best model on the basis of the Akaike information criteria (AIC). This model indicated that catches (abundance) of anchovy in the Adriatic Sea correlate well with low temperatures, salinity fronts and sea surface height, and allowed the identification of areas where high concentrations of this species are most likely to occur. The results of this study demonstrate that GAMM are a useful tool to combine geo-referenced catch data with oceanographic variables and that the use of a mixed-model approach with spatial and temporal random effects is an effective way to depict the dynamics of marine species

    Omics approaches for conservation biology research on the bivalve Chamelea gallina

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    The striped venus (Chamelea gallina) is an important economic resource in the Mediterranean Basin; this species has exhibited a strong quantitative decline in the Adriatic Sea. The aim of this work was to provide a comprehensive view of the biological status of C. gallina to elucidate the bioecological characteristics and genetic diversity of wild populations. To the best of our knowledge, this investigation is the first to perform a multidisciplinary study on C. gallina based on two omics approaches integrated with histological, ecotoxicological, and chemical analyses and with the assessment of environmental parameters. The results obtained through RNA sequencing indicated that the striped venus has a notable ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. Moreover, the stock reduction exhibited by this species in the last 2 decades seems not to have negatively affected its genetic diversity. Indeed, the high level of genetic diversity that emerged from our ddRAD dataset analyses is ascribable to the high larval dispersal rate, which might have played a “compensatory role” on local fluctuations, conferring to this species a good adaptive potential to face the environmental perturbations. These findings may facilitate the efforts of conservation biologists to adopt ad hoc management plans for this fishery resource

    Characterization of a Novel Yb:YLF Laser for Optical Frequency Metrology

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    none8A. Pesatori; M. Norgia; C. Svelto; N. Coluccelli; G. Galzerano; A. Di Lieto; M. Tonelli; P. LaportaPesatori, Alessandro; Norgia, Michele; Svelto, Cesare; Coluccelli, Nicola; Galzerano, Gianluca; A., Di Lieto; M., Tonelli; Laporta, Paol

    Phytoplankton communities in the northwestern Adriatic Sea: Interdecadal variability over a 30-years period (1988–2016) and relationships with meteoclimatic drivers

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    In this study the interannual variability of phytoplankton over a ~30-years period in the coastal site of LTER-Senigallia transect (N Adriatic Sea) was investigated to document patterns potentially related to environmental/climatic drivers. Comparing physical and chemical data of the periods 1988–2002 and 2007–2016 periods, we showed that phytoplankton abundance and biomass and inorganic nutrient concentrations increased in the last decade, indicating that the tendency to oligotrophication due to the drop of the Po River outflow in the years 2002–2007 was reversed in the period 2007–2016. The typical P-limited conditions of the N Adriatic Sea seem to have been attenuated in the study area. P levels were not explained by the P concentrations in the Po River waters, suggesting the possible influence of other local P sources that could be related to the anomalous meteorological events (intense rainfalls) that took place in the 2007–2016 period. In the last decade, the community structure and seasonality of phytoplankton markedly changed, as highlighted by the different indicator species for each season: the blooms of Skeletonema marinoi shifted from winter to spring. A significant decrease of coccolithophores was observed particularly in winter months in the 2007–2016 period: some indicator species among the most relevant in the 1988–2002 period (such as Emiliania huxleyi in winter, and Syracosphaera pulchra in spring) have lost this role in 2007–2016. Dinoflagellate abundances decreased, except in spring when the occasional proliferation of large sized species caused biomass peaks. The phytoplankton annual cycle became irregular with sudden diatom blooms, reflecting the variability of meteorological events in recent years. It is noteworthy that in the last decade, an allochthonous species, i.e. the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, became a regular inhabitant of the autumn phytoplankton communities of the NW Adriatic Sea

    Operational observing and forecasting system for dissolved oxygen and environmental parameters in the Northern Adriatic Sea

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    The northern Adriatic Sea (NA) is affected by strong anthropogenic pressure, superimposed to a large river runoff. The consequent pressure exerted on the NA ecosystem either triggers or worsens negative phenomena like anoxic/hypoxic events. During the summer-autumn period, the NA is often exposed to these events, which can be categorised as either coastal (relatively frequent south of the Po River delta during the summer) and offshore (rare, affecting wider areas). An operational system for monitoring and forecasting anoxic/hypoxic events has been set up in the framework of the EU LIFE “EMMA” project. The system is composed of a meteo-oceanographic buoy; a numerical prediction system based on the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), including a Fashamtype module for biogeochemical fluxes; and oceanographic surveys. Every day since June 2007, the system provides 3-hourly forecasts of marine currents, thermohaline and biogeochemical fields for the incoming three days. The system demonstrated its ability to produce accurate temperature forecasts and relatively good salinity and dissolved oxygen forecasts. The Root Mean Square Error of the dissolved oxygen forecast was largely due to the mean bias. The system is currently being improved to include a better representation of benthic layer biogeochemical processes and several adjustments of the model. While developing model improvements, dissolved oxygen forecasts were improved with the removal of the 10-day mean bias