4,959 research outputs found

    The identification of trends in outgassing technology

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    A large amount of chemical analysis data involving identification of outgassing products from spacecraft, experiment modules, and support equipment accumulated at the Goddard Space Flight Center over the past ten years were reduced to a computer compatible format and subjected to a variety of relevant program operations. From these data a list of the most troublesome outgassing species were compiled and several useful and interesting materials' correlations were developed. The frequency of occurrence totals show that in aerospace program, di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is the most often found individual species in outgassing samples and that esters are the leading generic class of compounds. The effectiveness of this data bank was demonstrated by the good correlations between materials and their outgassing products for solar panel bakeouts and cable bakeouts. However, trends in frequency of occurrence of many compounds were demonstrated where no correlation could be established. In the case of the class of compounds called aliphatic hydrocarbons, it is shown that the number of instances of significant outgassing due to these materials is increasing

    Mass spectrometry of aerospace materials

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    Mass spectrometry is used for chemical analysis of aerospace materials and contaminants. Years of analytical aerospace experience have resulted in the development of specialized techniques of sampling and analysis which are required in order to optimize results. This work has resulted in the evolution of a hybrid method of indexing mass spectra which include both the largest peaks and the structurally significant peaks in a concise format. With this system, a library of mass spectra of aerospace materials was assembled, including the materials responsible for 80 to 90 percent of the contamination problems at Goddard Space Flight Center during the past several years

    Analysis of Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) from Spacecraft Systems

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    Organic contamination on critical spacecraft surfaces can cause electronic problems, serious attenuation of various optical signals, thermal control changes, and adhesion problems. Such contaminants can be detected early by the controlled use of witness mirrors, witness plates, wipe sampling, or direct solvent extraction. Each method requires careful control of variables of technique and materials to attain the ultimate sensitivities inherent to that procedure. Subsequent chemical analysis of the contaminant sample by infrared and mass spectrometry identifies the components, gives semiquantitative estimates of contaminant thickness, indicates possible sources of the nonvolatile residue (NVR), and provides guidance for effective cleanup procedures

    Trends in Materials' Outgassing Technology

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    Test sample acquisition and chemical analysis techniques for outgassing products from spacecraft, experiment modules, and support equipment is described. The reduction of test data to a computer compatible format to implement materials selection policies is described. A list of the most troublesome outgassing species is given and several materials correlations are discussed. Outgassing from solar panels, thermal blankets, and wire insulation are examined individually

    Mechanisms of polymer degradation using an oxygen plasma generator

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    An RF oxygen plasma generator was used to produce polymer degradation which appears to be similar to that which has been observed in low Earth orbit. Mechanisms of this type of degradation were studied by collecting the reaction products in a cryogenic trap and identifying the molecular species using infrared, mass spectral, and X-ray diffraction techniques. No structurally dependent species were found from Kapton, Teflon, or Saran polymers. However, very reactive free radical entities are produced during the polymer degradation, as well as carbon dioxide and water. Reactions of the free radicals with the glass reaction vessel, with copper metal in the cold trap, and with a triphenyl phosphate scavenger in the cold trap, demonstrated the reactivity of the primary products

    From Time to Time: Auto-Affection in Derrida’s 1964-65 Heidegger Course

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    Derrida always stressed the importance of his engagement with Heidegger and often returned throughout his life to different aspects of Heidegger’s thought. With the recent publication of his 1964-65 course, Heidegger: The Question of Being and History greater insight is now possible into the exact terms of Derrida’s early engagement with Heidegger and the significance he would accord it in the major works of 1967 and beyond. With the reception of this text just beginning, many lines of interpretation are being unfolded. However, one aspect not yet addressed in this early reception which will be crucial for approaching and orienting this work is the theme of auto-affection. The concept of auto-affection is important for assessing Derrida’s Heidegger course for two reasons. Firstly, Derrida understands auto-affection to be Heidegger’s most radical figuration of temporality in the period of Being and Time. Secondly, tracing Derrida’s early focus on auto-affection in Heidegger can provide an important context for understanding the initial development of what would become a prominent theme in Derrida’s own work. My argument in this paper is structured in three sections. In the first, I give a brief introduction to Derrida’s course. I then present the theme of auto-affection in this course and demonstrate its central importance. In conclusion, I show how Derrida’s treatment of this theme in the context of his early Heidegger engagement can be seen to look forward to his employment of auto-affection in Speech and Phenomena.  

    Albemarle Clay

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    Charring ablation performance in turbulent flow. Volume 2 - Computer program

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    FORTRAN 4 program for predicting charring ablation performance of Apollo heat shield in turbulent flo
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