468 research outputs found

    Disease burden and quality of life of in children with sickle cell disease in Italy: time to be considered a priority

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    The objective of the present article is to highlight the need for attention to Quality of Life of patients with Sickle Cell Disease living in Italy. The transformation of sickle cell disease from a severe life-threatening disease of childhood into a chronic, lifelong condition due to the significant improvements in care and treatment options, imposes increasing new challenges to health care providers and patients. Patients now face physical, psychosocial and emotional challenges throughout their lives. They generally have to receive chronic treatments and regular multidisciplinary monitoring which increase social and emotional burden rendering adherence to treatment sometimes complicated. A chronic disease impacts all aspects of patients’ lives, not only the physical one, but also the social and emotional aspects as well as the educational and working life. The entire “Quality of Life” is affected and recent evidence demonstrates the importance quality of life has for patients with chronic illness. The results of this review focus on emerging data regarding quality of life across the lifespan of patients with Sickle Cell Disease, and highlight the need for more action in this field in Italy, where recent immigration and improved care determine an increasing population of children with sickle cell disease being taken into long term care

    Short Term Advantages of a Public-Private Partnership for Tuberculosis in Guinea Bissau: Reduction of Mortality and increased Diagnostic Capacity

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is widespread in Africa, but weak health systems in developing countries, often display poor quality of care with delays in case identification, irrational therapy and drug shortage, clinical mismanagement, unnecessary expenditures for patients, reduced adherence and increased mortality. Public-private partnership has demonstrated to increase TB case detection, but less is known about its effects on quality of care, mortality and costs for hospitalized TB patients. Methods: Clinical outcomes and costs for TB patients at the TB National Reference Center of Bissau, in Guine Bissau, West Africa were determined during the first 5 months of the public-private management and compared to the ones of previous years when the hospitals was under  direct Government’s management. Results: 215 (2009) and 194 (2013) patients were admitted, respectively. Improvement (p<0.05) was observed in mortality reduction (21% vs 6%), analysis prescription and diagnosis (39% vs 100%), cause of death determination (50% vs 85%), treatment abandonment (15 vs 1). Direct costs for patients during TB diagnostic pathway and inpatient care were significantly reduced, 475 vs 0 USD. Conclusions: Public-private partnerships displays important short term benefits in National TB reference centers, even in post-conflict and low-resource countries. Further studies could aid in determining the overall long term benefits of  this type of cooperation and the specific characteristic of TB and concomitant hematologic and infectious diseases in TB admitted patients

    Physical Activity and Natural Anti-VIP Antibodies: Potential Role in Breast and Prostate Cancer Therapy

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    BACKGROUND: There is convincing evidence from numerous clinical and epidemiological studies that physical activity can reduce the risk for breast and prostate cancer. The biological mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain elusive. Herein we suggest a role for naturally produced antibodies reactive with the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the suppression of breast and prostate cancer, which we believe could offer a possible molecular mechanism underlying control of these cancers by physical exercise. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS: We found that sera from individuals having breast and prostate cancers have decreased titers of VIP natural antibodies as demonstrated by a lower reactivity against peptide NTM1, having similar informational and structural properties as VIP. In contrast, sera collected from elite athletes, exhibited titers of natural NTM1-reactive antibodies that are significantly increased, suggesting that physical activity boosts production of these antibodies. SIGNIFICANCE: Presented results suggest that physical exercise stimulates production of natural anti-VIP antibodies and likely results in suppression of VIP. This, in turn, may play a protective role against breast and prostate cancers. Physical exercise should be further investigated as a potential tool in the treatment of these diseases

    Environmental Factors in Northern Italy and Sickle Cell Disease Acute Complications: A Multicentric Study

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    Background: Environmental factors seem to influence clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease (SCD), but few studies have shown consistent findings. We conducted a retrospective multicentric observational study to investigate the influence of environmental parameters on hospitalization for vaso-occlusive crises (VOC) or acute chest syndrome (ACS) in children with SCD. Methods: Hospital admissions were correlated with daily meteorological and air-quality data obtained from Environmental Regional Agencies in the period 2011–2015. The effect of different parameters was assessed on the day preceding the crisis up to ten days before. Statistical analysis was performed using a quasi-likelihood Poisson regression in a generalized linear model. Results: The risk of hospitalization was increased for low maximum temperature, low minimum relative humidity, and low atmospheric pressure and weakly for mean wind speed. The diurnal temperature range and temperature difference between two consecutive days were determined to be important causes of hospitalization. For air quality parameters, we found a correlation only for high levels of ozone and for low values at the tail corresponding to the lowest concentration of this pollutant. Conclusions: Temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and ozone levels influence acute complications of SCD. Patients’ education and the knowledge of the modes of actions of these factors could reduce hospitalizations

    Dysmetabolic circulating tumor cells are prognostic in metastatic breast cancer

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) belong to a heterogeneous pool of rare cells, and a unequivocal phenotypic definition of CTC is lacking. Here, we present a definition of metabolically-altered CTC (MBA-CTCs) as CD45-negative cells with an increased extracellular acidification rate, detected with a single-cell droplet microfluidic technique. We tested the prognostic value of MBA-CTCs in 31 metastatic breast cancer patients before starting a new systemic therapy (T0) and 3\u20134 weeks after (T1), comparing results with a parallel FDA-approved CellSearch (CS) approach. An increased level of MBA-CTCs was associated with: I) a shorter median PFS pre-therapy (123 days vs. 306; p < 0.0001) and during therapy (139 vs. 266 days; p = 0.0009); ii) a worse OS pre-therapy (p = 0.0003, 82% survival vs. 20%) and during therapy (p = 0.0301, 67% survival vs. 38%); iii) good agreement with therapy response (kappa = 0.685). The trend of MBA-CTCs over time (combining data at T0 and T1) added information with respect to separate evaluation of T0 and T1. The combined results of the two assays (MBA and CS) increased stratification accuracy, while correlation between MBA and CS was not significant, suggesting that the two assays are detecting different CTC subsets. In conclusion, this study suggests that MBA allows detection of both EpCAM-negative and EpCAM-positive, viable and label-free CTCs, which provide clinical information apparently equivalent and complementary to CS. A further validation of proposed method and cut-offs is needed in a larger, separate study
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