168 research outputs found

    First Survey on the presence of anisakid parasites in farmed European sea bass and gilthead sea bream produced and marketed in Sicily

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    The Scientific Opinion of EFSA (2010) outlines as the only fish free of health risks related to Anisakidae parasites the farmed salmon, if reared in floating cages or on-shore cages and fed by feed with no live parasites. Otherwise, the food operator shall verify, by means of procedures approved by the competent authority, that the fishery products do not represent a health risk regarding the presence of live parasites. This opinion was confirmed by several studies conducted on farmed salmon in Norway (Angot and Brasseur, 1993, Aquaculture, 118: 339-344; Lunestad, 2003, J Food Prot, 66:122-124). The absence of anisakid parasites in farmed fish has also been found for other marine fish species such as European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) (Penalver et al., 2010 J Food Prot, 73:1332-1334). Currently there are low evidences on the prevalence of anisakid infestation in aquaculture fish produced and marketed in Italy. In this work, a sampling plan was carried out aimed at collecting different fish samples marketed in Sicily, to verify the presence and prevalence of anisakid parasites infestation. A total of 143 samples of sea bass and 110 samples of sea bream from Sicilian and Greek farms were examined: all the samples were of commercial size (over 200 g). The specimens were taken and stored refrigerated then transferred to the C.Re.N.A laboratories, where visual inspection of viscera and muscle was carried out. The negative samples were subjected to chloro-peptic digestion. The larvae found were subjected to morphological identification, through optical microscopy and molecular analysis by PCRRFLP method. The survey revealed the presence of two parasites belonging to the Anisakidae family, found inside the coelomatic cavity, only in a single sample of European sea bass from a single farm located in Greece, revealing a prevalence of infestation of 1.7%. The larvae were morphologically identified as belonging to the morphotype I of the genus Anisakis. Molecular investigations confirmed the larvae as Anisakis pegreffii species. No larvae were found in the samples of gilthead sea bream examined. The present work represents the first report on the presence of anisakid parasites in European sea bass. Our findings in farmed fish can be traced back to the aquaculture policies; however the prevalence of infestation in these productive realities remains very low. Furthermore, the results of this study suggest further investigations in order to have a comprehensive risk picture


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    We examined 151 European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) samples from farms and fish markets of Sicily (Southern Italy) for Anisakidae larvae detection. All the samples were examined by visual inspection and modified chloro-peptic digestion. Two nematode larvae were found in the viscera of only one European sea bass sample from a farm located in Greece (FAO 37.3), giving a total prevalence of infestation of 0.7%. No other parasites were found after chloro-peptic digestion of the samples. The larvae were morphologically ascribed, at genus level, to morphotypes I and molecularly identified as Anisakis pegreffii. To the best if our knowledge, this is the first report on the presence of anisakid parasites in farmed European sea bass of Mediterranean Sea. Our findings suggest that the risk of exposure to Anisakidae nematodes in farmed European sea bass remains very low. However, further data on Mediterranean farms are needed to have a detailed risk analysis


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    Obiettivi La pandemia da SARS-CoV-2 ha severamente compromesso i programmi di assistenza sanitaria, specie in casi in cui l’accesso alle cure ha richiesto tempi brevi, non programmabili. Lo screening neonatale per l’ipotiroidismo congenito (IC) rientra fra queste necessità assistenziali, con cooperazione fra componenti di un team multi-specialistico. E’ indispensabile l’integrazione fra medici e infermieri professionali, con competenze ed esperienza in ambito neonatologico. Metodi Abbiamo valutato l’attività integrata diagnostico-terapeutica del nostro centro di Endocrinologia Pediatrica, nel periodo gennaio 2020–aprile 2021, corrispondente alla diffusione del SARS-CoV-2 in Italia. Risultati Su un totale di 21300 neonati sottoposti a screening neonatale, sono stati screenati 1122 neonati con un TSH > 6. Fra questi, 75 neonati (7%) avevano un incremento del TSH sul secondo spot e/o su siero (48 M, 27 F, età gestazionale: 38.3 ± 1.3 w; p.c. neonatale: 3154 ± 121 gr). Il TSH al primo screening era 12.5 ± 21; il TSH su siero all’accesso presso il nostro centro, prima di un eventuale terapia con L-tiroxina, era 37.1 ± 77.5. Fra questi, 25 (33%) hanno presentato la normalizzazione di TSH, fT3 e fT4, valutati su siero al momento della valutazione presso il nostro centro e, pertanto, non hanno iniziato la terapia con L-tiroxina. I neonati ai quali è stato confermato un livello di TSH, fT3, fT4 patologico, avevano un’età all’inizio della terapia sostitutiva con L-tiroxina di 17 ± 3 gg. Fra questi pazienti, 2 con agenesia tiroidea; 3 con ipoplasia tiroidea, 25 con tiroide in situ. 4 hanno iniziato terapia oltre 22 gg ma non in relazione al lockdown: 1 proveniva da altra provincia, tutti e 4, comunque, con TSH < 10 al primo screening, e solo successivamente hanno presentato livelli di TSH francamente patologici. Conclusioni Il follow-up terapeutico è stato realizzabile, nonostante le limitazioni numeriche relative agli accessi in ospedale, grazie ad un programma di telemedicina, coordinato con i pediatri di famiglia. La strategia del team multi-specialistico, costruito attorno alle esigenze del piccolo paziente sottoposto a screening neonatale, ha garantito tempistica, coordinazione dei ruoli e affidabilità di una presa in carico efficace ai fini terapeutici e del follow-up

    Mercury accumulation in Mediterranean Fish and Cephalopods Species of Sicilian coasts: correlation between pollution and the presence of Anisakis parasites

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    <p>The aim of this study was to investigate mercury accumulation in some species, caught in Mediterranean Sea, in the period between May and December 2015, and to compare it to the presence of Anisakis parasites. The samples were examined by direct mercury analyzer (DMA-80) for their Hg levels. The metal concentration was compared to the presence or the absence of Anisakis parasites. Significant differences in Hg concentration in analysed samples were observed. The low-infested fishes contained 1–6 larvae of parasites whereas the high-infested one had 7–83 larvae.</p

    Seasonal trend of Anisakidae infestation in South Mediterranean bluefish

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    A total of 1104 fish samples from markets of Sicily were analysed for the detection and species identification of Anisakidae nematodes. The preliminary analysis of the fish samples showed the presence of 2459 larvae. All the fish species revealed different prevalence of infestation, with a maximum of 100% for Lepidopus caudatus and a minimum of 4.5% in Sardina pilchardus. The 80% of the larvae examined by PCR-RFLP analysis belonged to Anisakis pegreffii species. The seasonal infestation trend of Anisakis was evaluated in all the fish sample examined. The results of the seasonal infestation trend showed a marked connection with the ecological aspects of the fish species examined. As far as we know, this work report for the first time important ecological aspects of Lepidopus caudatus specimens of South Mediterranean. This work could be useful to plan a seasonal fishing strategy aimed at reducing the health risks related to Anisakis

    Aflatoxin M1 in cow, sheep, and donkey milk produced in Sicily, Southern Italy

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    Samples (n = 485) of raw (n = 394) or heat-treated (n = 91) milk of three different species (cow, n = 170; sheep, n = 133; donkey, n = 84), collected 2013–2016 in Western Sicily (Southern Italy), were analyzed for aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Positive ELISA results were further analyzed by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Both methods had a detection limit for AFM1 in milk of 7 ng kg−1. ELISA yielded 12.9 and 5% positives in cows and sheep milk, respectively, all samples of donkey milk were negative. Levels of AFM1 were in most cases at 0.007–&lt; 0.05 μg kg−1, only two samples (sheep milk) slightly exceeded the European Union maximum level of 0.05 μg kg−1. Only 6% of the samples were positive for AFM1 in a concentration range of 0.008–0.15 μg kg−1. Only milk samples collected directly from farms were positive. Overall, the levels were much lower than previously reported for Southern Italy cow and sheep milk samples purchased in retail stores. The results of this work indicate a continuous improvement of the feeding techniques on dairy farms of Southern Italy, which is essential to ensure consumers’ protection

    Effects of contaminants detected in animal biological indicators of Sicily on the zebrafish's genome

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    The research aimed to obtain data on the presence of toxic substances in dairy surrounding the Sicilian risk areas and to analyse the in vivo effects of these toxic agents in embryos and larvae of zebrafish. We examined 368 milk samples from cattle and sheep farms (50 for dioxins and 318 for heavy metals detection, respectively). The analysis of heavy metals has provided the development of an ICP-MS method. The dioxins levels were assessed by a HRGC/HRMS method. The results on milk samples revealed a significantly greater presence of dioxins in sheep milk, with average values near the limit of the Reg. EC 1259/2011. Ten samples that came from farms close to Bellolampo dump have detected concentrations greater than EC Reg. 1259/2011 limits. Only six samples of sheep milk have detected Pb concentrations over the LOD but below the limits imposed by the EC Reg. 1881/2006. The highest concentrations of dioxin detected in milk samples studied lead to a decrease in the survival of the larvae and malformations of the skeletal and circulatory systems. Furthermore, an over-expression of genes involved in phenomena of environmental stress such as hsp70, gadd45b, ATF3 CYP1A was found. The data obtained in this study confirm the close relationship between environmental factors and health effects of the population
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