1,975 research outputs found

    The Expression and Roles of Nde1 and Ndel1 in the Adult Mammalian Central Nervous System

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust Under a Creative Commons license Acknowledgments We thank Prof Angelo Sementilli, Department of Pathology, Universidade Metropolitana de Santos, SP, Brazil, for the human sample collection. This study is funded by Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (HR07019 to S. Shen and C.D. McCaig), Medical Research Scotland (384 FRG to B. Lang, United Kingdom), Tenovus Scotland (G12/25 to B. Lang), Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies (C.D. McCaig and Y.Q. Ding) and Wellcome Trust (WT081633MA-NCE to P.J.A. McCaffery, United Kingdom).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Active current sheets and hot flow anomalies in Mercury's bow shock

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    Hot flow anomalies (HFAs) represent a subset of solar wind discontinuities interacting with collisionless bow shocks. They are typically formed when the normal component of motional (convective) electric field points toward the embedded current sheet on at least one of its sides. The core region of an HFA contains hot and highly deflected ion flows and rather low and turbulent magnetic field. In this paper, we report first observations of HFA-like events at Mercury identified over a course of two planetary years. Using data from the orbital phase of the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission, we identify a representative ensemble of active current sheets magnetically connected to Mercury's bow shock. We show that some of these events exhibit unambiguous magnetic and particle signatures of HFAs similar to those observed earlier at other planets, and present their key physical characteristics. Our analysis suggests that Mercury's bow shock does not only mediate the flow of supersonic solar wind plasma but also provides conditions for local particle acceleration and heating as predicted by previous numerical simulations. Together with earlier observations of HFA activity at Earth, Venus and Saturn, our results confirm that hot flow anomalies are a common property of planetary bow shocks, and show that the characteristic size of these events is of the order of one planetary radius.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Twisting type-N vacuum fields with a group H2H_2

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    We derive the equations corresponding to twisting type-N vacuum gravitational fields with one Killing vector and one homothetic Killing vector by using the same approach as that developed by one of us in order to treat the case with two non-commuting Killing vectors. We study the case when the homothetic parameter ϕ\phi takes the value -1, which is shown to admit a reduction to a third-order real ordinary differential equation for this problem, similar to that previously obtained by one of us when two Killing vectors are present.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    New first integral for twisting type-N vacuum gravitational fields with two non-commuting Killing vectors

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    A new first integral for the equations corresponding to twisting type-N vacuum gravitational fields with two non-commuting Killing vectors is introduced. A new reduction of the problem to a complex second-order ordinary differential equation is given. Alternatively, the mentioned first integral can be used in order to provide a first integral of the second-order complex equation introduced in a previous treatment of the problem.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, uses ioplppt.sty and iopl12.sty; to be published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Particle dynamics of a cartoon dune

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    The spatio-temporal evolution of a downsized model for a desert dune is observed experimentally in a narrow water flow channel. A particle tracking method reveals that the migration speed of the model dune is one order of magnitude smaller than that of individual grains. In particular, the erosion rate consists of comparable contributions from creeping (low energy) and saltating (high energy) particles. The saltation flow rate is slightly larger, whereas the number of saltating particles is one order of magnitude lower than that of the creeping ones. The velocity field of the saltating particles is comparable to the velocity field of the driving fluid. It can be observed that the spatial profile of the shear stress reaches its maximum value upstream of the crest, while its minimum lies at the downstream foot of the dune. The particle tracking method reveals that the deposition of entrained particles occurs primarily in the region between these two extrema of the shear stress. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the initial triangular heap evolves to a steady state with constant mass, shape, velocity, and packing fraction after one turnover time has elapsed. Within that time the mean distance between particles initially in contact reaches a value of approximately one quarter of the dune basis length

    Computer simulation of neutral drift among limbal epithelial stem cells of mosaic mice

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    Acknowledgements We thank Graham West for writing the software that made this study possible and Ronnie Grant for help with some of the figures. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest The authors indicate no potential conflicts of interest. Funding information This work was supported by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grants BB/J015172/1 and BB/J015237/1).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Petrov types of slowly rotating fluid balls

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    Circularly rotating axisymmetric perfect fluid space-times are investigated to second order in the small angular velocity. The conditions of various special Petrov types are solved in a comoving tetrad formalism. A number of theorems are stated on the possible Petrov types of various fluid models. It is shown that Petrov type II solutions must reduce to the de Sitter spacetime in the static limit. Two space-times with a physically satisfactory energy-momentum tensor are investigated in detail. For the rotating incompressible fluid, it is proven that the Petrov type cannot be D. The equation of the rotation function ω\omega can be solved for the Tolman type IV fluid in terms of quadratures. It is also shown that the rotating version of the Tolman IV space-time cannot be Petrov type D.Comment: 14 pages, version to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Sharing a different voice: Attending to stories in collaborative writing

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    Through three stories, we hope to reveal how sometimes contradictory or unrecognizable aspects of our lives, selves, and stories can create tensions in the collaborative writing endeavor. We begin with a story that illuminates some of the narrative tensions that surface during a decade of writing collaboratively. In an effort to navigate these tensions, we explore two further stories in dialogue as a way to reveal how dominant narratives shape our lives and the stories we might tell. One aim of sharing these stories is to reveal how problematic ways of being are often inseparable from one’s cultural legacy. Making previously obscured narratives visible paves the way for imaginary leaps that are necessary for change. We hope these insights are useful for other writers and collaborators and those who seek caring, responsive, and nurturing writing relationships yet realize this journey can be problematic

    Feminist phenomenology and the woman in the running body

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    Modern phenomenology, with its roots in Husserlian philosophy, has been taken up and utilised in a myriad of ways within different disciplines, but until recently has remained relatively under-used within sports studies. A corpus of sociological-phenomenological work is now beginning to develop in this domain, alongside a longer standing literature in feminist phenomenology. These specific social-phenomenological forms explore the situatedness of lived-body experience within a particular social structure. After providing a brief overview of key strands of phenomenology, this article considers some of the ways in which sociological, and particularly feminist phenomenology, might be used to analyse female sporting embodiment. For illustrative purposes, data from an autophenomenographic project on female distance running are also included, in order briefly to demonstrate the application of phenomenology within sociology, as both theoretical framework and methodological approach

    A level playing ‘field’? A Bourdieusian analysis of the career aspirations of further education students on sports courses

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    There is currently a distinct dearth of research into how sports students’ career aspirations are formed during their post-compulsory education. This article, based on an ethnographic study of sport students in tertiary education, draws on data collected from two first-year cohorts (n = 34) on two different courses at a further education college in England. The study draws on ethnographic observations, and semi-structured group interviews, to examine in-depth the contrasting occupational perspectives emergent within these two groups of mainly working-class students, and how specific cultural practices affect students’ career aspirations. Utilising a Bourdieusian framework, the paper analyses the internalised, often latent cultural practices that impact upon these students’ diverse career aspirations. The hitherto under-researched dimension of inter-habitus interaction and also the application of doxa are outlined. The article reveals how the two student cohorts are situated within a complex field of relations, where struggles for legitimisation, academic accomplishment and numerous forms of lucrative capital become habituated. The study offers salient Bourdieusian-inspired insights into the career aspirations of these predominantly working-class students and the ways in which certain educational practices contribute to the production and reproduction of class inequalities