361 research outputs found

    Can disability studies contribute to client-centred occupational therapy practice?

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    Occupational therapists frequently cite a ‘client-centred’ approach as a fundamental aspect of their practice. However, there are many examples in the narratives of disabled people that suggest that the health and social care services they experience do not quite meet this aspiration. The authors propose that an understanding of disability from disabled people’s perspectives is elemental to client-centred practice and that knowledge of the academic discipline of disability studies can contribute to authentic client-centred occupational therapy

    When Reading Instruction Begins and is Tested in 25 Countries that Use an Alphabetic Language System

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    The purpose of this article is to present results from one segment of an 18-month research project concerning beginning reading instruction. The project was designed to identify conditions under which initial reading activities were implemented in 25 countries that use an alphabetic language system: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Guatemala, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Newfoundland, Nicaragua, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United States of America, Virgin Islands, and West Germany

    State Trends in Premiums and Deductibles, 2003-2011: Eroding Protection and Rising Costs Underscore Need for Action

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    Rapidly rising health insurance premiums and higher cost-sharing continue to strain the budgets of U.S. working families and employers. Analysis of state trends in private employer-based health insurance from 2003 to 2011 reveals that premiums for family coverage increased 62 percent across states -- rising far faster than income for middle- and low-income families. At the same time, deductibles more than doubled in large and small firms. Workers are thus paying more but getting less-protective benefits. If trends continue at their historical rate, the average premium for family coverage will reach nearly 25,000by2020.TheAffordableCareAct′sreformsshouldbegintomoderatecostswhileimprovingcoverage.Butwithprivateinsurancecostsprojectedtoincreasefasterthanincomesoverthenextdecade,furthereffortsareneeded.Ifannualpremiumgrowthslowedbyonepercentagepoint,by2020employersandfamilieswouldsave25,000 by 2020. The Affordable Care Act's reforms should begin to moderate costs while improving coverage. But with private insurance costs projected to increase faster than incomes over the next decade, further efforts are needed. If annual premium growth slowed by one percentage point, by 2020 employers and families would save 2,029 annually for family coverage.View the related infographic

    Population and community responses to anthropogenic environmental changes

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    Humans are dramatically altering the planet. I use classic ecological theory, original conceptual models, and a novel analytical tool (Rank Occupancy-Abundance Profiles; ROAPs) to explore the effects anthropogenic changes have on plant communities and bird populations. Chapter one investigates the influence of nutrient deposition on native prairie grass communities. I show that soil phosphorus levels alter plant diversity by changing the degree to which mycorrhizae benefit plant species. Chapter two investigates plant extinctions in a fragmented landscape. Extinction rates of early-successional plant species on large versus small habitat patches vary according to species' life history traits. In Chapter three I quantify declines in North American bird species over the past 30 years. Nearly 20% of the 209 birds sampled are declining significantly; local densities tend to decline prior to occupancy. Results from this dissertation confirm that humans are dramatically altering the relative abundance of species--at local, landscape, and continental scales

    Progressive or Regressive? A Second Look at the Tax Exemption for Employer Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums

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    Examines the argument for capping the exemption of health insurance benefits from income tax and its potential effects on those already at risk of losing their coverage. Estimates the regressive impact by firm size, location, risk group, and income level

    Health Care Opinion Leaders' Views on Health Reform

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    Presents results of a survey of healthcare experts on insurance, payment, and delivery system reforms, including a national insurance exchange with broad authority, a public plan option with a bundled payment system, and a standard benefits package

    State Trends in Premiums and Deductibles, 2003-2009: How Building on the Affordable Care Act Will Help Stem the Tide of Rising Costs and Eroding Benefits

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    Examines 2003-09 state trends in family coverage premiums and deductibles for private employers. Looks at projected savings on premiums if the 2010 healthcare reform succeeds in slowing growth by 1 percentage point annually and weighs policy implications

    State Trends in Premiums and Deductibles, 2003-2010: The Need for Action to Address Rising Costs

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    Examines the rise in employer-based insurance premiums and deductibles and as a percentage of median household income. Projects average family coverage premiums in 2020 if federal health reform is not implemented and historical rates of increase continue

    Maintaining Health Insurance During a Recession: Likely COBRA Eligibility

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    Assesses laid-off workers' eligibility and financial ability to extend employer-sponsored insurance through COBRA. Recommends extending COBRA and providing premium assistance, as well as expanding Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs

    Rite of Passage? Why Young Adults Become Uninsured and How New Policies Can Help, 2008 Update

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    Assesses the increase in young adults without health insurance -- their demographics and income levels, causes and implications, and federal and state actions taken -- and suggests targeted policy options to cover students and recent graduates
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