14 research outputs found

    L’abandon scolaire au secondaire : prévention et interventions

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    Le phénomène de l’abandon scolaire en Amérique du Nord, et notamment au Québec, est devenu une préoccupation importante pour le milieu de l’éducation comme pour les dirigeants et les parents. Plusieurs études ont été réalisées en vue d’en comprendre les causes et de trouver des moyens pouvant le réduire. Cet article a été préparé dans le cadre d’un projet d’accompagnement de directions d’écoles secondaires dont un des volets consistait à répertorier des moyens susceptibles de réduire le décrochage. L’article suggère des outils et des pistes d’intervention pour l’école, mais attire également l’attention sur l’importance d’une organisation et d’un fonctionnement scolaires conçus pour limiter l’apparition des facteurs de risque.In North America, and specifically in Québec, the phenomenon of school dropout has become an important concern for the educational milieu, especially for school directors and for parents. Several studies have been conducted to better understand the causes and to find ways to reduce this situation. This article was developed within a project whose aim was to partner with secondary school directors, specifically one aspect being to develop an inventory of ways to reduce school dropout. This article suggests various means and approaches for intervention in school, but also places importance on school organization and management that is developed to reduce risk factors.El fenómeno del abandono escolar en Norteamérica, en particular en Quebec, se ha vuelto una preocupación importante en el entorno de la educación así como para los directivos y los padres de familia. Varios estudios fueron realizados con la finalidad de entender las causas y de encontrar algunos medios para reducirlo. Este artículo fue elaborado en el marco de un proyecto de acompañamiento de direcciones de escuelas secundarias en el cual uno de los aspectos consistía en establecer un repertorio de medios susceptibles de reducir el abandono escolar. El artículo propone unas herramientas y algunas pistas de intervención para la escuela, pero también destaca la importancia de una organización y de un funcionamiento escolares concebidos para limitar la aparición de los factores de riesgo

    Entretien avec Pierre Collerette

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    Pierre Collerette est professeur en gestion à l’Université du Québec en Outaouais et consultant pour de nombreux projets de changement et de réorganisation au Canada et à l’étranger. Sa double formation en psychologie des relations humaines et en sciences de l’information et de la communication donne matière à une lecture interdisciplinaire de la problématique du numéro 33 de la revue Communication & Organisation. Entre 2001 et 2007, il consacre sept articles au changement organisationnel ini..

    Towards A Typology Of Parental Behaviors, Attitudes, And Beliefs About School

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    The social and academic experiences of children and adolescents in school are a major concern for parents and their characteristics as protection or risk factors for their children’s adaptation has been extensively studied. However, few studies have dealt with the behaviors, attitudes and beliefs of parents about the schools their children are enrolled in. The aim of this study was to address that issue. A random sample of 1297 parents drawn from 8 large Canadian school boards took part in standardized individual interviews which yielded both quantitative and qualitative information on demographics, family structure, time management, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs about school, along with data on their children’s school achievement and overall adaptation. A dynamic grouping analysis was applied to salient variables which generated a four group typology of parents: collaborators, critics, overwhelmed, and ill-equipped. Results further indicated that only a very small number of participants did not value education, as opposed to earlier findings where they represented a significant proportion of parents. Practical implications of these results for school administrators, parents and educators will be discussed

    Les pratiques de gestion des directions d’école secondaire sont-elles liées à la réussite des élèves?

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    Cet article examine les liens entre les pratiques de gestion des membres de la direction dans six écoles secondaires et la réussite des élèves. Les perceptions des directions (N = 17), du personnel professionnel (N = 20) et des élèves (N = 1 560) à cet égard ont été mises en relation avec la réussite des élèves, mesurée à l’aide des résultats obtenus en français et en mathématiques. L’étude révèle que 35 pratiques de gestion et caractéristiques d’école sont associées à une meilleure réussite des élèves. D’une part, les pratiques axées sur la pédagogie et le suivi des résultats sont liées à une réduction des taux d’échec, tandis que les pratiques axées sur l’instauration d’un climat harmonieux et respectueux pour les élèves sont pour leur part liées à une augmentation des taux de réussite. Les pratiques de gestion pourraient jouer un rôle médiateur entre l’expérience vécue en classe et la réussite des élèves

    Le pilotage du changement: une approche stratégique et pratique

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    Le changement organisationnel: théorie et pratique

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    Perceptions of the Performance, Goals and Characteristics of Hospital Alliances: A Multi-national Study

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    Abstract A mixed methodology study of inter-hospital alliances in Germany, Canada and Switzerland was conducted to describe the goals and performance of inter-hospital alliances and to identify which alliance features best predict performance. Alliance features and performance were studied through a series of 59 interviews conducted within 12 hospitals involved in such partnerships. Respondents included administrative, medical and nursing staff. A standardized interview schedule was used to document the perceived as well as factual attributes and performance of the inter-hospital alliances they were included in. Results indicated that financial goals were not rated as being as important as improvements regarding service access and quality. A path analysis generated a seven component model of features linked to the perceived success of alliances: environmental, human and structural components of the alliances had an indirect relationship with overall success which was mediated through adaptability. Inter-hospital alliances have similar goals with regards to service quality and access, .notwithstanding the country, the type of health care system and the respondents

    Modeling the communication-satisfaction relationship in hospital patients

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    Objectives: Although it has long been known that communication with medical professionals presents a strong relationship with patient satisfaction, research on this topic has been hindered by conceptual and methodological issues (e.g. single-item measures, inclusion of idiosyncratic patient characteristics, etc.). Using a more comprehensive and integrated approach, this study had two objectives: to document the multidimensional structure of the Picker Patient Experience–15, and to test a patient communication/satisfaction model that organizes its dimensions in a conceptually logical array of relationships. First, the factorial structure of the Picker Patient Experience–15 was hypothesized to comprise five dimensions: communication with patient, with family, addressing fears/concerns, preparation for discharge, and patient satisfaction. Second, the hypothesized model included positive relationships between all four communications dimensions, on the one hand, and patient satisfaction, on the other. Within communication dimensions, communication with patient was hypothesized to be the incipient factor for other dimensions, and thus to be positively associated with the other three forms of communication. Methods: This research is based on a single time point design, which relied on administrative and questionnaire data. The study was conducted at a large University Hospital in Switzerland. The sample included 54,686 patients who received inpatient treatment, excluding those who were cared for in the intensive and intermediate care units. Patients filled out, over a 5-year period, the Picker Patient Experience questionnaire (PPE-15) after discharge (overall response rate of 41%). Results: The proposed five-factor structure of the Picker Patient Experience–15 was successfully supported by the results of a confirmatory factor analysis. Moreover, the hypothesized network of associations between communication and satisfaction latent constructs was substantiated using structural equation modeling. With the exception of the association between preparation for discharge and patient satisfaction, the hypothesized model was fully corroborated. Conclusion: A more in-depth understanding of patient satisfaction can be achieved when it is studied as a multifaceted phenomenon