3 research outputs found

    El còmic i l'exili del 1939: des de la retirada fins a la diàspora i la resistència armada

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    En els còmics publicats a Espanya al llarg d'aquests darrers anys, es representa amb més freqüència la retirada de les tropes republicanes i de la població civil entre les acaballes del 1938 i els primers mesos del 1939. Títols com ara Los surcos del azar, Exilio, Las serpientes ciegas, El arte de volar, 'Winnipeg': el barco de Neruda, Un largo silencio i Deportado 4443 en són una bona mostra. El contingut temàtic dels volums que tractem ¿ més de trenta¿ abraça, a més de la retirada al segon exili, la resistència armada a la dictadura des de fora i dins del país i els camps de concentració francesos i els d'extermini nazis. Oferim una panoràmica descriptiva i temàtica del nostre corpus d'obres amb algunes anotacions sobre els seus trets generals i el llenguatge graficoliterari que utilitzen. The representation of La Retirada, the retreat of Republican troops and civilians between the end of 1938 and the first months of 1939, has increased over the past few years in comic-books published in Spain. Titles such as Los surcos del azar, Exilio, Las serpientes ciegas, El arte de volar, 'Winnipeg': el barco de Neruda, Un largo silencio and Deportado 4443 are good examples of that. The thematic content of the comic-books analyzed more than thirty ranges over La Retirada and the second exile, the armed resistance to the Fascist dictatorship from the exile or from within Spain and the French and Nazi concentration camps. We offer a descriptive and thematic account of our body of works with some notes on their general features and their use of visual and literary devices

    A Methodological Approach for Testing the Viability of Seeds Stored in Short-Term Seed Banks

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    [EN] Efficient management of `active¿ seed banks ¿ specifically aimed at the short-term storage at room temperature of seeds to be used locally in conservation/regeneration programmes of endemic or endangered plant species ¿ requires establishing the optimal storage time to maintain high seed viability, for each stored species. In this work, germination of seeds of the halophytes Thalictrum maritimum, Centaurea dracunculifolia and Linum maritimum has been investigated. The seeds had been stored for different periods of time in the seed bank of `La Albufera¿ Natural Park (Valencia, SE Spain) after collection in salt marshes of the Park, where small populations of the three species are present. Seeds of T. maritimum and C. dracunculifolia have a relatively short period of viability at room temperature, and should not be stored for more than three years. On the other hand, L. maritimum seeds maintain a high germination percentage and can be kept at room temperature for up to 10 years. T. maritimum seeds, in contrast to those of the other two species, did not germinate in in vitro tests nor when sown directly on a standard substrate, unless a pre-treatment of the seeds was applied, mechanical scarification being the most effective. These results will help to improve the management of the seed bank, to generate more efficiently new plants for reintroduction and reinforcement of populations of these species in their natural ecosystems within the Natural ParkForte Gil, J.; Yabor, L.; Bellido Nadal, A.; Collado Cerveró, F.; Ferrer-Gallego, P.; Vicente, O.; Boscaiu, M. (2017). A Methodological Approach for Testing the Viability of Seeds Stored in Short-Term Seed Banks. Notulae Scientia Biologicae. 9(4):563-570. doi:10.15835/nsb9410173S5635709

    Unificación de cuentas de redes sociales en la Biblioteca de la UPV

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    Vallés Navarro, R.; Collado Cerveró, F. (2013). Unificación de cuentas de redes sociales en la Biblioteca de la UPV. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/3341