15 research outputs found

    BICEP / Keck XVI: Characterizing Dust Polarization through Correlations with Neutral Hydrogen

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    We characterize Galactic dust filaments by correlating BICEP/Keck and Planck data with polarization templates based on neutral hydrogen (H I) observations. Dust polarization is important for both our understanding of astrophysical processes in the interstellar medium (ISM) and the search for primordial gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In the diffuse ISM, H I is strongly correlated with the dust and partly organized into filaments that are aligned with the local magnetic field. We analyze the deep BICEP/Keck data at 95, 150, and 220 GHz, over the low-column-density region of sky where BICEP/Keck has set the best limits on primordial gravitational waves. We separate the H I emission into distinct velocity components and detect dust polarization correlated with the local Galactic H I but not with the H I associated with Magellanic Stream I. We present a robust, multifrequency detection of polarized dust emission correlated with the filamentary H I morphology template down to 95 GHz. For assessing its utility for foreground cleaning, we report that the H I morphology template correlates in B modes at a \sim10-65%\% level over the multipole range 20<<20020 < \ell < 200 with the BICEP/Keck maps, which contain contributions from dust, CMB, and noise components. We measure the spectral index of the filamentary dust component spectral energy distribution to be β=1.54±0.13\beta = 1.54 \pm 0.13. We find no evidence for decorrelation in this region between the filaments and the rest of the dust field or from the inclusion of dust associated with the intermediate velocity H I. Finally, we explore the morphological parameter space in the H I-based filamentary model.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Optical characterization of the Keck Array and BICEP3 CMB Polarimeters from 2016 to 2019

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    The BICEP/Keck experiment (BK) is a series of small-aperture refracting telescopes observing degree-scale Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization from the South Pole in search of a primordial BB-mode signature. This BB-mode signal arises from primordial gravitational waves interacting with the CMB, and has amplitude parametrized by the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr. Since 2016, BICEP3 and the Keck Array have been observing with 4800 total antenna-coupled transition-edge sensor detectors, with frequency bands spanning 95, 150, 220, and 270 GHz. Here we present the optical performance of these receivers from 2016 to 2019, including far-field beams measured in situ with an improved chopped thermal source and instrument spectral response measured with a field-deployable Fourier Transform Spectrometer. As a pair differencing experiment, an important systematic that must be controlled is the differential beam response between the co-located, orthogonally polarized detectors. We generate per-detector far-field beam maps and the corresponding differential beam mismatch that is used to estimate the temperature-to-polarization leakage in our CMB maps and to give feedback on detector and optics fabrication. The differential beam parameters presented here were estimated using improved low-level beam map analysis techniques, including efficient removal of non-Gaussian noise as well as improved spatial masking. These techniques help minimize systematic uncertainty in the beam analysis, with the goal of constraining the bias on rr induced by temperature-to-polarization leakage to be subdominant to the statistical uncertainty. This is essential as we progress to higher detector counts in the next generation of CMB experiments

    BICEP/Keck XII: Constraints on axionlike polarization oscillations in the cosmic microwave background

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    International audienceWe present a search for axionlike polarization oscillations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with observations from the Keck Array. A local axion field induces an all-sky, temporally sinusoidal rotation of CMB polarization. A CMB polarimeter can thus function as a direct-detection experiment for axionlike dark matter. We develop techniques to extract an oscillation signal. Many elements of the method are generic to CMB polarimetry experiments and can be adapted for other datasets. As a first demonstration, we process data from the 2012 observing season to set upper limits on the axion-photon coupling constant in the mass range 10-21–10-18  eV, which corresponds to oscillation periods on the order of hours to months. We find no statistically significant deviations from the background model. For periods larger than 24 hr (mass m<4.8×10-20  eV), the median 95% confidence upper limit is equivalent to a rotation amplitude of 0.68°, which constrains the axion-photon coupling constant to gϕγ<(1.1×10-11  GeV-1)m/(10-21  eV), if axionlike particles constitute all of the dark matter. The constraints can be improved substantially with data already collected by the BICEP series of experiments. Current and future CMB polarimetry experiments are expected to achieve sufficient sensitivity to rule out unexplored regions of the axion parameter space

    BICEP / Keck XVI: Characterizing Dust Polarization Through Correlations with Neutral Hydrogen

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    International audienceWe characterize Galactic dust filaments by correlating BICEP/Keck and Planck data with polarization templates based on neutral hydrogen (HI) observations. Dust polarization is important for both our understanding of astrophysical processes in the interstellar medium (ISM) and the search for primordial gravitational waves in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In the diffuse ISM, HI is strongly correlated with the dust and partly organized into filaments that are aligned with the local magnetic field. We analyze the deep BICEP/Keck data at 95, 150, and 220 GHz, over the low-column-density region of sky where BICEP/Keck has set the best limits on inflationary theories. We separate the HI emission into distinct velocity components and demonstrate a detection of dust polarization correlated with the local Galactic HI but not with the HI associated with Magellanic Stream I. We present a robust, multi-frequency detection of polarized dust emission correlated with the filamentary HI morphology template down to 95 GHz. We find the correlation for frequencies between 95-353 GHz to be between ~10-50% over multipoles 20<<20020<\ell<200. We measure the spectral index of the filamentary dust component spectral energy distribution to be β=1.54±0.13\beta = 1.54 \pm 0.13. We find no evidence for decorrelation in this region between the filaments and the rest of the dust field or from the inclusion of dust associated with the intermediate velocity HI. Finally, we explore the morphological parameter space in the HI-based filamentary model

    The Latest Constraints on Inflationary B-modes from the BICEP/Keck Telescopes

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    International audienceFor the past decade, the BICEP/Keck collaboration has been operating a series of telescopes at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station measuring degree-scale BB-mode polarization imprinted in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by primordial gravitational waves (PGWs). These telescopes are compact refracting polarimeters mapping about 2% of the sky, observing at a broad range of frequencies to account for the polarized foreground from Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emission. Our latest publication "BK18" utilizes the data collected up to the 2018 observing season, in conjunction with the publicly available WMAP and Planck data, to constrain the tensor-to-scalar ratio rr. It particularly includes (1) the 3-year BICEP3 data which is the current deepest CMB polarization map at the foreground-minimum 95 GHz; and (2) the Keck 220 GHz map with a higher signal-to-noise ratio on the dust foreground than the Planck 353 GHz map. We fit the auto- and cross-spectra of these maps to a multicomponent likelihood model (Λ\LambdaCDM+dust+synchrotron+noise+rr) and find it to be an adequate description of the data at the current noise level. The likelihood analysis yields σ(r)=0.009\sigma(r)=0.009. The inference of rr from our baseline model is tightened to r0.05=0.0140.011+0.010r_{0.05}=0.014^{+0.010}_{-0.011} and r0.05<0.036r_{0.05}<0.036 at 95% confidence, meaning that the BICEP/Keck BB-mode data is the most powerful existing dataset for the constraint of PGWs. The up-coming BICEP Array telescope is projected to reach σ(r)0.003\sigma(r) \lesssim 0.003 using data up to 2027

    BICEP/Keck. XVII. Line-of-sight Distortion Analysis: Estimates of Gravitational Lensing, Anisotropic Cosmic Birefringence, Patchy Reionization, and Systematic Errors

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    We present estimates of line-of-sight distortion fields derived from the 95 and 150 GHz data taken by BICEP2, BICEP3, and the Keck Array up to the 2018 observing season, leading to cosmological constraints and a study of instrumental and astrophysical systematics. Cosmological constraints are derived from three of the distortion fields concerning gravitational lensing from large-scale structure, polarization rotation from magnetic fields or an axion-like field, and the screening effect of patchy reionization. We measure an amplitude of the lensing power spectrum ALϕϕ=0.95±0.20{A}_{L}^{\phi \phi }=0.95\pm 0.20 . We constrain polarization rotation, expressed as the coupling constant of a Chern–Simons electromagnetic term g _a _γ ≤ 2.6 × 10 ^−2 / H _I , where H _I is the inflationary Hubble parameter, and an amplitude of primordial magnetic fields smoothed over 1 Mpc B _1Mpc ≤ 6.6 nG at 95 GHz. We constrain the rms of optical depth fluctuations in a simple “crinkly surface” model of patchy reionization, finding A ^τ < 0.19 (2 σ ) for the coherence scale of L _c = 100. We show that all of the distortion fields of the 95 and 150 GHz polarization maps are consistent with simulations including lensed ΛCDM, dust, and noise, with no evidence for instrumental systematics. In some cases, the EB and TB quadratic estimators presented here are more sensitive than our previous map-based null tests at identifying and rejecting spurious B -modes that might arise from instrumental effects. Finally, we verify that the standard deprojection filtering in the BICEP/Keck data processing is effective at removing temperature to polarization leakage

    BICEP/Keck XIV: Improved constraints on axionlike polarization oscillations in the cosmic microwave background

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    International audienceWe present an improved search for axionlike polarization oscillations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with observations from the Keck Array. An all-sky, temporally sinusoidal rotation of CMB polarization, equivalent to a time-variable cosmic birefringence, is an observable manifestation of a local axion field and potentially allows a CMB polarimeter to detect axionlike dark matter directly. We describe improvements to the method presented in previous work, and we demonstrate the updated method with an expanded dataset consisting of the 2012–2015 observing seasons. We set limits on the axion-photon coupling constant for mass m in the range 10-23–10-18  eV, which corresponds to oscillation periods on the order of hours to years. Our results are consistent with the background model. For periods between 1 and 30 d (1.6×10-21≤m≤4.8×10-20  eV), the 95%-confidence upper limits on rotation amplitude are approximately constant with a median of 0.27°, which constrains the axion-photon coupling constant to gϕγ&lt;(4.5×10-12  GeV-1)m/(10-21  eV), if axionlike particles constitute all of the dark matter. More than half of the collected BICEP dataset has yet to be analyzed, and several current and future CMB polarimetry experiments can apply the methods presented here to achieve comparable or superior constraints. In the coming years, oscillation measurements can achieve the sensitivity to rule out unexplored regions of the axion parameter space