429 research outputs found

    Viewing a Graph in a Virtual Reality Display is Three Times as Good as a 2D Diagram

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    An experiment is reported which tests whether network information is more effectively displayed in a three dimensional space than in a two dimensional space. The experimental task is to trace a path in a network and the experiment is carried out in 2D, in a 3D stereo view, in a 2D view with head coupled perspective, and in a 3D stereo view with head coupled perspective; this last condition creates a localized virtual reality display. The results show that the motion parallax obtained from the head coupling of perspective is more important than stereopsis in revealing structural information. Overall the results show that three times as much information can be perceived in the head coupled stereo view as in the 2D view

    Haptic Gdraw: A fun and Easy to Use 3D Haptically Enhanced Sculpting Program

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    We have developed a simple haptically-enhanced 3D sculpting application which utilizes Hermite spline-based primitives as building blocks to construct more complex solid models. To accomplish this, we have constructed a VR work environment which is intuitive and whose control affordances are made clear through the use of graspable handles. Haptics is used to support handle selection and provide physical constraints on handle movements consistent with their visual affordances. Our goal is to demonstrate how relatively simple haptic force constraints can combine with a visually intuitive and compelling environment to enable a program that is fun and easy to use

    View Direction, Surface Orientation and Texture Orientation for Perception of Surface Shape

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    Textures are commonly used to enhance the representation of shape in non-photorealistic rendering applications such as medical drawings. Textures that have elongated linear elements appear to be superior to random textures in that they can, by the way they conform to the surface, reveal the surface shape. We observe that shape following hache marks commonly used in cartography and copper-plate illustration are locally similar to the effect of the lines that can be generated by the intersection of a set of parallel planes with a surface. We use this as a basis for investigating the relationships between view direction, texture orientation and surface orientation in affording surface shape perception. We report two experiments using parallel plane textures. The results show that textures constructed from planes more nearly orthogonal to the line of sight tend to be better at revealing surface shape. Also, viewing surfaces from an oblique view is much better for revealing surface shape than viewing them from directly above

    Representing Nodes and Arcs in 3D Networks

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    This paper introduces six graphical principles for 30 network displays. These are justified with examples from GraphVisualizer3D, a system developed by the authors to investigate the problems of 30 visualization of information networks. GraphVisualizer3D enables the exploration of sulface color, surface texture, object shape, arc shape and labeling conventions

    Diagrams Based on Structured Object Perception

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    Most diagrams, particularly those used in software engineering, are line drawings consisting of nodes drawn as rectangles or circles, and edges drawn as lines linking them. In the present paper we review some of the literature on human perception to develop guidelines for effective diagram drawing. Particular attention is paid to structural object recognition theory. According to this theory as objects are perceived they are decomposed into 3D set of primitives called geons, together with the skeleton structure connecting them. We present a set of guidelines for drawing variations on node-link diagrams using geon-like primitives, and provide some examples. Results from three experiments are reported that evaluate 3D geon diagrams in comparison with 2D UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. The first experiment measures the time and accuracy for a subject to recognize a sub-structure of a diagram represented either using geon primitives or UML primitives. The second and third experiments compare the accuracy of recalling geon vs. UML diagrams. The results of these experiments show that geon diagrams can be visually analyzed more rapidly, with fewer errors, and can be remembered better in comparison with equivalent UML diagrams

    Strokes for Representing Univariate Vector Field Maps

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    Particle systems make an excellent tool for creating tracks (which we call strokes) in vector fields. The question addressed in this paper is how such tracks should be made to vary in size and colour in order to reveal properties such as local direction and strength of the field. We find that for strokes that vary from large to small, direction is indicated by the large end. We also find that for strokes that vary in colour, the colour of the background is the most important determinant of perceived direction

    Haptic-GeoZui3D: Exploring the Use of Haptics in AUV Path Planning

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    We have developed a desktop virtual reality system that we call Haptic-GeoZui3D, which brings together 3D user interaction and visualization to provide a compelling environment for AUV path planning. A key component in our system is the PHANTOM haptic device (SensAble Technologies, Inc.), which affords a sense of touch and force feedback – haptics – to provide cues and constraints to guide the user’s interaction. This paper describes our system, and how we use haptics to significantly augment our ability to lay out a vehicle path. We show how our system works well for quickly defining simple waypoint-towaypoint (e.g. transit) path segments, and illustrate how it could be used in specifying more complex, highly segmented (e.g. lawnmower survey) paths

    Multi-touch 3D Exploratory Analysis of Ocean Flow Models

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    Modern ocean flow simulations are generating increasingly complex, multi-layer 3D ocean flow models. However, most researchers are still using traditional 2D visualizations to visualize these models one slice at a time. Properly designed 3D visualization tools can be highly effective for revealing the complex, dynamic flow patterns and structures present in these models. However, the transition from visualizing ocean flow patterns in 2D to 3D presents many challenges, including occlusion and depth ambiguity. Further complications arise from the interaction methods required to navigate, explore, and interact with these 3D datasets. We present a system that employs a combination of stereoscopic rendering, to best reveal and illustrate 3D structures and patterns, and multi-touch interaction, to allow for natural and efficient navigation and manipulation within the 3D environment. Exploratory visual analysis is facilitated through the use of a highly-interactive toolset which leverages a smart particle system. Multi-touch gestures allow users to quickly position dye emitting tools within the 3D model. Finally, we illustrate the potential applications of our system through examples of real world significance

    A Method for the Perceptual Optimization of Complex Visualizations

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    A common problem in visualization applications is the display of one surface overlying another. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to do this clearly and effectively. Stereoscopic viewing can help, but in order for us to be able to see both surfaces simultaneously, they must be textured, and the top surface must be made partially transparent. There is also abundant evidence that all textures are not equal in helping to reveal surface shape, but there are no general guidelines describing the best set of textures to be used in this way. What makes the problem difficult to perceptually optimize is that there are a great many variables involved. Both foreground and background textures must be specified in terms of their component colors, texture element shapes, distributions, and sizes. Also to be specified is the degree of transparency for the foreground texture components. Here we report on a novel approach to creating perceptually optimal solutions to complex visualization problems and we apply it to the overlapping surface problem as a test case. Our approach is a three-stage process. In the first stage we create a parameterized method for specifying a foreground and background pair of textures. In the second stage a genetic algorithm is applied to a population of texture pairs using subject judgments as a selection criterion. Over many trials effective texture pairs evolve. The third stage involves characterizing and generalizing the examples of effective textures. We detail this process and present some early results

    Integrating Multiple 3D Views through Frame-of-reference Interaction

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    Frame-of-reference interaction consists of a unified set of 3D interaction techniques for exploratory navigation of large virtual spaces in nonimmersive environments. It is based on a conceptual framework that considers navigation from a cognitive perspective, as a way of facilitating changes in user attention from one reference frame to another, rather than from the mechanical perspective of moving a camera between different points of interest. All of our techniques link multiple frames of reference in some meaningful way. Some techniques link multiple windows within a zooming environment while others allow seamless changes of user focus between static objects, moving objects, and groups of moving objects. We present our techniques as they are implemented in GeoZui3D, a geographic visualization system for ocean data
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