72 research outputs found

    Usporedba znanja, prehrambenog ponaŔanja i unosa mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda djece Ŕkolske dobi s obzirom na spol i dob

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    Besides traditional nutrients, milk and dairy products contain some health promoting components. The aim of this study was to detect the frequency and preferences among dairy products in school children according to age and gender. The subjects were 234 healthy children at age 10-11 years and 14-15 years from two primary schools in Zagreb. Number of participants was well balanced according to age and gender. Dietary data were collected using specially designed food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). By additional questionnaire some anthropometric parameters as well as food preferences, attitudes and nutrition knowledge on milk and dairy products were collected. According to the results the intake of milk is significantly different (p< 0.05) to gender but not to age. 91 % children consume milk, 2.3 cups/day in average. Soft drinks, fruit juices, beverages and similar drinks are consumed more often than milk. Pudding and ice cream had the highest frequency among dairy products consumed. Milk and dairy frequency intake according to age and gender are still not significantly different. Children mostly consume fresh milk (68.7%). Girls at age 14-15 years consume light milk ( ā‰¤1.6 % fat) more than younger children and boys at the same age. 86 % of children is well informed about nutritional facts linked to milk and dairy products and they are mostly educate by parents. Among anthropometric parameters a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in height with regard to gender, only among older children, and for both height and, weight and body mass indeks (BMI) with regard to age.Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi osim tradicionalnih hranjivih sastojaka sadrže i tvari koje povoljno utječu na zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi učestalost i vrste namirnica koje konzumiraju djeca, te način odabira navedenih proizvoda s obzirom na dob i spol. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 234 zdrave djece dobi 10-11 godina i 14-15 godina iz dvije osnovne Å”kole u Zagrebu. Unutar navedenog broja djece uravnotežen je bio broj s obzirom na dob i spol. Dijetetički podaci prikupljeni su pomoću posebno priređenih upitnika o učestalosti konzumiranja (FFQ) namirnica iz skupine mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi. Pomoću dodatnog upitnika prikupljeni su neki antropometrijski parametri (tjelesna masa i visina), te preferencije, prehrambeno ponaÅ”anje i stupanj prehrambene edukacije vezane uz mlijeko i mliječne proizvode. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na statistički značajnu razliku (p<0,05) u konzumiranju mlijeka među djecom s obzirom na spol, ali ne i dob. Od ukupnog broja djece 91 % konzumira mlijeko, prosječno 2,3 Å”alice na dan. Sokovi, gazirana pića i slični napici čeŔće se konzumiraju od mlijeka. Puding i sladoled imaju najveću frekvenciju konzumiranja od proizvoda iz skupine mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi. Ipak, učestalost konzumiranja namirnica iz ove skupine statistički se značajno ne razlikuje s obzirom na dob i spol. Djeca uglavnom konzumiraju svježe mlijeko (68,7%). Djevojčice dobi 14-15 godina konzumiraju light mlijeko ( ā‰¤1,6 % m.m.) viÅ”e od svojih vrÅ”njaka i mlađe djece. 86 % djece je dobro informirano o prehrambenim činjenicama vezanim za mlijeko i mliječne proizvode i uglavnom su educirani od strane roditelja. Od antropometrijskih parametara statistički značajna razlika (p<0,05) utvrđena je za visinu, s obzirom na spol samo među starijom djecom, te za visinu, tjelesnu masu i BMI s obzirom na dob

    Assessment of nutritional status of gastroenterology patients in Croatia [Procjena nutritivnog statusa gastroenteroloŔkih bolesnika u Republici Hrvatskoj]

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    Malnutrition is a common feature of gastroenterological diseases. In this study, nutritional status of the patients admitted to Department of Gastroenterology at University Hospital Center Zagreb was assessed. Anthropometric, dietetic, biochemical methods and method of Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) was used. The study group included 284 patients admitted to the Hospital. Malnutrition, as defined by SGA, was found in 61.1% of the patients, of whom 75% were moderately and 25% severely malnourished. Those patients classified as moderately and extremely malnourished by SGA were found to have statistically lower values of BMI, albumin, total proteins, calcium, iron, triglycerides, cholesterol, vitamin A and lymphocytes as compared to those who were adequately nourished. The prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients treated at the Department of Gastroenterology is high. The use of nutritional screening with multiple measures would be important in the early identification and treatment of these patients and would help decrease this high prevalence

    Frequency of dairy products in preschool centersā€™ meals with regard to seasons

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    Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi izvor su velikog broja esencijalnih nutrijenata za ljudski organizam, ali i komponente koje imaju pozitivni utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi prehrambenu vrijednost i učestalost mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u obrocima koji se nude u predÅ”kolskim ustanovama s obzirom na godiÅ”nje doba. Da bi se utvrdila energijska i nutritivna vrijednost, kao i učestalost određenih namirnica u obroku, koriÅ”teni su mjesečni jelovnici za četiri godiÅ”nja doba. Prema dobivenim rezultatima obroci energijski odgovaraju, dok proteina ima viÅ”e nego li se preporuča (154, 3 %). Energijski udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prosjeku iznosi 14,3 %, Å”to je s obzirom na potrebe djece u dobi 4-6 godina, manje od preporučenog. Ti proizvodi bili su u prosjeku 6,5 puta/5 dana, Å”to znači 1,6 servirnih jedinica po danu. Mlijeko je najzastupljenije u dnevnim jelovnicima, dok je jogurt zastupljen jednom do dva puta, a sir jednom na tjedan, a čak i rjeđe. Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi bili su izvor 362 mg (45,5 % DRI) kalcija, 272 mg (354,4 % DRI) fosfora, 36,3 mg (27,9 % DRI) magnezija i 0,5 mg (83,3 % DRI) vitamina B2. Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi u dnevnom jelovniku predÅ”kolskih ustanova trebali bi biti čeŔće zastupljeni. S obzirom na godiÅ”nje doba, statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je uglavnom između proljeća i ljeta, s obzirom na zastupljenost mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda, a s obzirom na energijsku i nutritivnu vrijednost uglavnom između ponuđenih obroka u proljeće i jesen.It is well known that dairy products contain a great number of essential nutrients having positive influence on human health. The aim of this study wasmto determine the nutritive value of meals and frequency of dairy products in preschool centersā€™ meals with regard to season. For assessment of energy and nutritive value as well ascertain food frequency in daily diet during four seasons the monthly reports menu were used. According to the results the energy gained by the meals was adequate. Proteins were present in high amount (154.3 % RDA). The energy fraction of dairy products in average was 14.3 % what is for children age 4-6 less than recommended. Those products were served in average 6.5 times/5 days what represented 1.6 serving units per day. Milk was present in daily meals on regular basis, yogurt was present twice and cheese ones a week or even less. Milk and dairy products ensured of 362 mg (45.5 % DRI) of calcium, 272 mg (354.4 % DRI) of phosphorus, 36.3 mg (27.9 % DRI) of magnesium and 0.5 mg (83.3 % DRI) of vitamin B2. Thus, dairy products should be included at least twice in daily preschool meals. According to season significant difference was detected, mostly between spring and summer, with regard to milk and dairy products. With regard to energy and nutritive value difference between spring and autumn have been established

    Milk and dairy products in hotel daily menue

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    Cilj rada je utvrditi udio mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda kao značajnih izvora energije, makronutrijenata, vitamina i minerala u prosječnoj hotelskoj menu ponudi. U tu svrhu izvrÅ”ena je nutritivna analiza 66 cjelodnevnih menu ponuda (doručak, ručak, večera). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni i uspoređeni sa preporukama, uz osvrt na potrebe gostiju srednje i starije životne dobi, oba spola. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da obroci nisu uravnoteženi, te da prevelik udio ukupne energijske vrijednosti potječe od masti (prosječno 47.95%) dok svega 37.57 % ukupne energije potječe iz ugljikohidratnih izvora. Ukupna energijska vrijednost obroka bila je viÅ”a od preporuka za sve analizirane skupine gostiju. Udio energijske vrijednosti porijeklom iz mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda je 11% Å”to se može smatrati zadovoljavajućim. NajčeŔće ponuđena namirnica iz ove skupine bilo je mlijeko, dok je sladoled na drugom mjestu. Neophodno je povećati ponudu jogurta i ostalih mliječno fermentiranih proizvoda, posebice u ponudi za goste starije životne dobi. Unosom mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda muÅ”karci i žene su zadovoljili 92% potreba za kalcijem obzirom na RDA preporuke, odnosno 61.80% potreba prema DRI preporukama za osobe starije životne dobi.The aim of this work was to determine the portion of milk and dairy products as a source of macronutrients, energy, vitamins and minerals in average hotel menus for some category of hotel guests. For this purpose the evaluation of 66 whole day meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) on daily menus was made. Meals were therefore mathematically and statistically analysed and compared with recommendations (RDA and DRI) for middle aged and elderly guests, both genders. The obtained results indicated that the meals should be balanced according to nutritional principles, because of too high energy share derived from fats (average 47.95%) while just about 37.57% of daily energy was from carbohydrates origin. The energy values were much higher than recommendations for both genders, respectively. The energy share from milk and dairy products origin was 11% of total energy what should be considered as a suitable. The most served dairy product was milk while the ice-cream took the second place. It is necessary to increase the yogurt and similar fermented products consumption, especially for the elderly guests. With milk and dairy products consumption males and females fulfill 92% RDA for calcium, and 61.80 % DRI for elderly, respectively

    Bezglutenski proizvodi namijenjeni osobama s celijakijom nisu dobar izvor folata i vitamina B12

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    The gluten-free diet, the only treatment in coeliac disease, can be nutritionally unbalanced and deficient in several nutrients. Gluten-free products contain much lower levels of B vitamins, especially lower folate concentrations than their gluten-containing counterparts. Folate intake is considered as a major dietary determinant of plasma homocysteine concentration in healthy population. Elevated homocysteine is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and has been associated with osteoporotic fractures, which are an increased risk factor in coeliac disease. The aim of this study is to determine dietary folate intake and plasma homocysteine concentration as metabolic markers of suboptimal intake of folate and B12 in Croatian coeliac patients living on a gluten-free diet. Subjects were 52 coeliac patients (83 % female, age 35Ā±13) adhering to a gluten-free diet. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma homocysteine, serum and red blood cell folate and serum B12. Quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to measure dietary folate intake. Mean dietary folate intake was 206 mg of dietary folate equivalents (DFE), which was far below the national recommendation of 400 Āµg of DFE (or 200 Ī¼g of folic acid). Mean homocysteine was (9Ā±2) Ī¼mol/L (range from 5.42 to 13.90 Ī¼mol/L), while elevated homocysteine concentrations (>10 Ī¼mol/L) were found in 34 % of subjects. In conclusion, coeliac patients adhering to gluten-free diet included in this study showed low folate intake and suboptimal folate and vitamin B12 status, possibly due to low folate content in gluten-free products. Therefore, folate fortification or enrichment of gluten-free products could be beneficial for coeliac patients and it would be of great interest for the food industry.Bezglutenska prehrana, jedini lijek za oboljele od celijakije, može biti neuravnotežena zbog nedostataka nekih hranjivih tvari. Bezglutenski proizvodi sadrže manju količinu vitamina B, osobito folata, nego slični proizvodi koji sadrže gluten. U zdravih osoba koncentracija homocisteina u plazmi uglavnom ovisi o prehrambenom unosu folata. Povećana vrijednost homocisteina u posljednje se vrijeme povezuje s osteoporozom koja je učestala u osoba s celijakijom. Svrha je ovoga rada utvrditi unos folata i status homocisteina kao metaboličkoga biljega suboptimalnog unosa folata i vitamina B12 u osoba s celijakijom na području Republike Hrvatske. U istraživanju su sudjelovale 52 osobe s celijakijom koje su na bezglutenskoj prehrani (83 % žena, dobi 35Ā±13 godina). Analizom krvi utvrđena je koncentracija homocisteina, folata u serumu i eritrocitima te vitamina B12 u serumu. Kvantitativni je upitnik za procjenu unosa hrane i pića upotrijebljen radi utvrđivanja prehrambenog unosa folata. Prosječni je unos folata bio 206 Āµg ekvivalenata folata (eng. dietary folate equivalents-DFE), Å”to je kudikamo manje od nacionalne preporuke koja navodi 400 Āµg DFE odnosno 200 Āµg folne kiseline. Prosječna vrijednost homocisteina iznosila je 9Ā±2 Āµmol/L (raspon 5,42-13,90 Āµmol/L). Povećana vrijednost homocisteina (>10 Āµmol/L) utvrđena je u 34 % ispitanika. Može se zaključiti da osobe s celijakijom koje se pridržavaju bezglutenske prehrane, a sudjelovale su u ovom istraživanju, imaju mali unos folata i suboptimalan status folata i vitamina B12, vjerojatno zbog unosa folatom siromaÅ”nih bezglutenskih proizvoda. Stoga bi obogaćivanje ili dodatak folata u bezglutenske proizvode mogao povoljno utjecati na osobe s celijakijom, te predstavljati izazov prehrambenoj industriji

    Assessment of Nutritional Status of Gastroenterology Patients in Croatia

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    Malnutrition is a common feature of gastroenterological diseases. In this study, nutritional status of the patients admitted to Department of Gastroenterology at University Hospital Center Zagreb was assessed. Anthropometric, dietetic, biochemical methods and method of Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) was used. The study group included 284 patients admitted to the Hospital. Malnutrition, as defined by SGA, was found in 61.1% of the patients, of whom 75% were moderately and 25% severely malnourished. Those patients classified as moderately and extremely malnourished by SGA were found to have statistically lower values of BMI, albumin, total proteins, calcium, iron, triglycerides, cholesterol, vitamin A and lymphocytes as compared to those who were adequately nourished. The prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized patients treated at the Department of Gastroenterology is high. The use of nutritional screening with multiple measures would be important in the early identification and treatment of these patients and would help decrease this high prevalence

    Zastupljenost mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prehrani adolescenata s obzirom na spol i sredinu u kojoj žive

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    The aim of this study was to determine the portion of the milk and dairy products as source of energy, macronutrients and calcium in average daily diet of adolescents according to sex and living area. A group of four hundred and forty one adolescents (46 % from rural, and 54 % from urban area in Croatia), both sexes, between 15 to 18 years of age, who attended high school represented the study subject. Weight and height were determined using standard techniques and following the norms of the WHO. Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for mass and frequency as well as energy and nutritional components of dairy products intake were used. The results indicated that adolescents in urban area consumed statistically significant (p<0.05) higher amount of milk and dairy products. Higher intake of energy, protein and calcium from milk and dairy products among adolescents in urban area was also observed. Average intake of calcium according to recommendation (RDA) is adequate for sex and age among subjects in urban are. Lower calcium intake was observed among the girls. In terms of food types, higher fat content dairy products were consumed among adolescents in both living areas, while according to sex, girls mostly consumed less fat milk and dairy products. According to body mass index (BMI) adolescents in both living areas were nourished well.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda, kao izvor energije, makronutrijenta i kalcija u prehrani adolescenata s obzirom na spol i sredinu u kojoj žive. Ispitanike je činila skupina od 441 srednjoÅ”kolskog učenika (46 % iz ruralne i 54 % iz urbane sredine u Hrvatskoj), oba spola, dobi 15-18 godina. Tjelesna masa i visina ispitanika utvrđena je standardnom tehnikom utvrđenom od WHO. Upitnik o učestalosti i vrsti konzumiranja (FFQ) namirnica iz skupine mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda, koriÅ”ten je i za utvrđivanje mase konzumiranih namirnica. Na osnovi dobivenih podataka utvrđena je zastupljenost, te energetska i prehrambena vrijednost namirnica iz navedene skupine, u strukturi cjelodnevnih obroka. Rezultati ukazuju na statistički značajniji (p<0,05) udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u prehrani adolescenata iz urbane sredine. Stoga je utvrđen i značajniji unos energije, proteina i kacija iz navedene skupine namirica u istoj populacijskoj skupini. Prosječni unos kalcija, s obzirom na preporučeni dnevni unos (RDA) adekvatan je u adolescenata iz urbane sredine s obizom na dob i spol. Ipak, niži unos kalcija utvrđen je među ispitanicima ženskog spola. Rezultati ukazuju na značajniju zastupljenost namirnica s većim udjelom masti u prehrani svih ispitanika. Utvrđena je međutim razlika u odabiru namirnica s obzirom na spol, pa djevojke konzumiraju proizvode s manje masti. Prema indeksu mase tijela (BMI) svi ispitanici su adekvatno uhranjeni

    Esencijalni minerali mlijeka i njihov dnevni unos konzumiranjem mlijeka

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    Minerals occur in all foodstuffs as well as in milk and dairy products. The mineral content in milk is influenced by many factors ranging from environmental conditions during pasture, feeding, breeding, stage of lactation and climate to post-milking handling, transportation and processing. The aim of the study was to assess whether the intakes comply with Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), Adequate Intakes (AIs) or Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for essential elements. Milk samples from different producers and with different fat content were purchased from Zagrebā€™s market four times in year 2007 and analysed. Concentrations of ten minerals (Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, K and Na) were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Mean values of mineral contents were in range with the literature data. The daily intakes of these minerals by school children selected in age-gender groups (school children 8-9 years old and adolescents 15-18 years old) through milk consumption were also estimated. The average daily intake of essential minerals ranged from a minimum of 1.36 % of manganese up to 35.27 for phosphorus, irrespective of age and gender of children.Minerali se nalaze u svim namirnicama pa tako i u mlijeku i mliječnim proizvodima. Na udjel minerala u mlijeku utječu mnogi faktori, od uvjeta zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a za vrijeme ispaÅ”e, hranjenja, uzgoja, stadija laktacije i klime do postupaka nakon mužnje, transporta i obrade. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti je li unos esencijalnih minerala u skladu s vrijednostima za Preporučene dnevne unose (RDA), Adekvatne unose (AIs) ili Maksimalno dozvoljene dnevne unose (Uls) za esencijalne elemente. Analizirani su uzorci mlijeka različitih proizvođača, s različitim udjelom masti, a nabavljeni su na zagrebačkom tržiÅ”tu četiri puta tijekom 2007. godine. Udjeli deset minerala (Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, K and Na) određeni su pomoću atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije. Srednje vrijednosti udjela minerala bile su u skladu s literaturnim podacima. Također je procijenjen dnevni unos navedenih minerala putem mlijeka, kod djece Å”kolskog uzrasta (Å”kolska djeca u dobi 8-9 godina i adolescenti u dobi 15-18 godina) podijeljene u grupe obzirom na godine i spol. Prosječni dnevni unosi esencijalnih minerala kretali su se od minimalno 1,36 % za mangan do maksimalno 35,27 % za fosfor, bez obzira na dob i spol djece

    Milk and dairy products in socially imperiled seniors\u27 all day meals

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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u strukturi cjelodnevnog obroka socijalno ugroženih starijih osoba, kojima se dostavlja jedan topli obrok (ručak) na dan. Dijetetičkim istraživanjem bili su obuhvaćeni Å”tićenici jednog većeg zagrebačkog naselja te analizirani obroci koji se dostavljaju. Prema dobivenim rezultatima prosječna energetska vrijednost obroka koji se dostavljaju iznosi 2848 kJ, Å”to je 29-35 % od preporuka za dnevni unos (RDA) energije u starijih osoba. Udjel proteina u tim obrocima bio je 30-55 g ili 20-42% od RDA za proteine. Udjel minerala i vitamina bio je promjenjiv. Od minerala najloÅ”ije je zastupljen kalcij (19.3 % RDA), a vitamin B2 (45.7 % RDA for men and 53.3 % RDA for women) od vitamina. Prosječni dnevni udjel mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda u dostavljanim obrocima bio je vrlo nizak. U njima, je mlijeko jedini zastupljeni proizvod i to manje od 1 dL na tjedan. Cjelodnevnim obrokom 90 % ispitanika konzumira 1.5 dL do 2.0 dL mlijeka na dan. Osim mlijeka, svega 5 % ispitanika konzumira jogurt i polutvrdi sir jedan do dva puta na tjedan. Prema utvrđenim podacima u obroke koji se dostavljaju trebalo bi uvrstiti mlijeko i mliječne proizvode (osobito nemasni jogurt i svježi kravlji sir). Time bi se povećao udjel kalcija ali i poboljÅ”ala prehrambena vrijednost obroka.The aim of this study was to determine share of milk and dairy products in all-day meals socially imperiled independent-living elders who had organized one meal (lunch) on wheels daily. Dietetic monitoring was made in one subarea of Zagreb and meals on wheels were analized. According to results average energetic value of meals on the wheels was 2848 kJ, what was 29-35 % of recommended daily intake (RDA). Protein content in those meals was 30-55 g or 20-42 % of RDA for proteins. Content of minerals and vitamins was very fluctuating. Of minerals the lowest content was for calcium (19.3 % RDA) as well as for vitamin B2 (45.7 % RDA for men and 53.3 % RDA for women) of vitamins. Average daily share of milk and dairy products in meals on wheels was very low. Milk was the only present product in those meals and frequency was once per week in quantity less than 1 dL. By all-day meals 90 % examinees consumed 1.5 dL to 2.0 dL milk per day. Except the milk, only 5 % examinees consumed yogurt or semihard cheese once or twice per week. According to results some dairy products (as non-fat yogurt and fresh soft cheese) should be include in the meals on wheels. That would increase the share of calcium as well as nutritive value of the meals on wheels

    Are New Generations of Female College-Student Populations Meeting Calcium Requirements: Comparison of American and Croatian Female Students

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    We compared calcium (Ca) sources and intake, as well as multivitamin/mineral supplement use between female students with nutrition/health background and those from general-student-populations. 314 participants 18ā€“37 y, including 57 African-Americans and 54 Caucasian-Americans recruited from Nutrition and/or other Health Sciences departments (NHS), and 100 African-American and 103 Croatian women representing general-student-population (GSP), completed food frequency questionnaire assessing their usual Ca intake and supplement use. NHS populations met recommendations and consumed significantly more Ca, particularly from dairy sources, and were more likely to take supplements than GSP groups, suggesting that health education may influence Ca intake
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