
Milk and dairy products in hotel daily menue


Cilj rada je utvrditi udio mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda kao značajnih izvora energije, makronutrijenata, vitamina i minerala u prosječnoj hotelskoj menu ponudi. U tu svrhu izvršena je nutritivna analiza 66 cjelodnevnih menu ponuda (doručak, ručak, večera). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni i uspoređeni sa preporukama, uz osvrt na potrebe gostiju srednje i starije životne dobi, oba spola. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da obroci nisu uravnoteženi, te da prevelik udio ukupne energijske vrijednosti potječe od masti (prosječno 47.95%) dok svega 37.57 % ukupne energije potječe iz ugljikohidratnih izvora. Ukupna energijska vrijednost obroka bila je viša od preporuka za sve analizirane skupine gostiju. Udio energijske vrijednosti porijeklom iz mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda je 11% što se može smatrati zadovoljavajućim. Najčešće ponuđena namirnica iz ove skupine bilo je mlijeko, dok je sladoled na drugom mjestu. Neophodno je povećati ponudu jogurta i ostalih mliječno fermentiranih proizvoda, posebice u ponudi za goste starije životne dobi. Unosom mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda muškarci i žene su zadovoljili 92% potreba za kalcijem obzirom na RDA preporuke, odnosno 61.80% potreba prema DRI preporukama za osobe starije životne dobi.The aim of this work was to determine the portion of milk and dairy products as a source of macronutrients, energy, vitamins and minerals in average hotel menus for some category of hotel guests. For this purpose the evaluation of 66 whole day meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) on daily menus was made. Meals were therefore mathematically and statistically analysed and compared with recommendations (RDA and DRI) for middle aged and elderly guests, both genders. The obtained results indicated that the meals should be balanced according to nutritional principles, because of too high energy share derived from fats (average 47.95%) while just about 37.57% of daily energy was from carbohydrates origin. The energy values were much higher than recommendations for both genders, respectively. The energy share from milk and dairy products origin was 11% of total energy what should be considered as a suitable. The most served dairy product was milk while the ice-cream took the second place. It is necessary to increase the yogurt and similar fermented products consumption, especially for the elderly guests. With milk and dairy products consumption males and females fulfill 92% RDA for calcium, and 61.80 % DRI for elderly, respectively

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